![Computer Vision Basics](https://courses.javacodegeeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Course-1-v2-logo-600x600.jpg)
By the end of this course, learners will understand what computer vision is, as well as its mission of making computers see and interpret the world as humans do, by learning core concepts of the field and receiving an introduction to human vision capabilities. They are equipped to identify some key application areas of computer vision and understand the digital imaging process. The course covers crucial elements that enable computer vision: digital signal processing, neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Topics include color, light and image formation; early, mid– and high–level vision; and mathematics essential for computer vision. Learners will be able to apply mathematical techniques to complete computer vision tasks. This course is ideal for anyone curious about or interested in exploring the concepts of computer vision. It is also useful for those who desire a refresher course in mathematical concepts of computer vision. Learners should have basic programming skills and experience (understanding of for loops, if/else statements), specifically in MATLAB (Mathworks provides the basics here: https://www.mathworks.com/learn/tutorials/matlab–onramp.html). Learners should also be familiar with the following: basic linear algebra (matrix vector operations and notation), 3D co–ordinate systems and transformations, basic calculus (derivatives and integration) and basic probability (random variables). Material includes online lectures, videos, …
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Courses : 1
Specification: Computer Vision Basics
57 reviews for Computer Vision Basics
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Price | Free |
Provider | |
Duration | 11 hours |
Year | 2019 |
Level | Intermediate |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | Yes |
![Computer Vision Basics](https://courses.javacodegeeks.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbs_dir/Course-1-v2-logo-oqy5ipxlqmaiaw56f4jrnfpbotcwsyznsks0wbddv8.jpg)
Harsahib S –
I personally do not feel the course is up to the mark.
Arjun S –
G r e a t c o u r s e
Pranay M –
Videos are not complete,lack examples and proper explanation.
Ashish k –
The course was full of theoretical concepts. No practical concepts were taught by the instructors. If they didn’t taught any practical concepts then why they are asking in assignments. They didn’t even tell ABCD about Matlab and aspect us to solve assignments in Matlab. This is ridiculous. They should have given at least some examples to solve the assignments. I am highly disappointed with the assignment part. Rest theoretical part was good and to the point but could be more detailed.
Sunny Y –
Theoretical concepts were good but lacking practical concepts. Also ,they should have told the basic of matlab used in assignments. There were only theoretical videos and not a single video on how to write program in matlab. Actually they did’t even mention matlab. Only time I found matlab is involved in course when I opened the assignment. Luckily I knew some basic matlab but couldn’t be able to understand image processing in matlab much. I had to figure out all by my self using online article.
nefelibata –
shubham m v –
Course was very well designed, it is the best course for beginners.
Fahim A –
organised lectures.
Dmitry F –
One of the worst courses on Coursera. Very superficial. What is the point of this? For example you mentioned Least Squares. In a 1 minute video. Great, what is it? How do I apply it? Nothing, instead in the optional material you send me to a pdf from a University of Puget Sound (what?!) that mentions I was supposed to learn in the class. Huh? And this happens with every concept, some names and terms are being thrown, even the quizes that are being asked right after don’t always correlate with it, and in most cases you have to use your intuition, as what is being asked was not explained. The whole course can be finished in 2 evenings (which I did) and I learned absolutely nothing except very basic usage of Matlab.
Ziyad M A –
The material is really poor for the assignments. Not enough guidance is provided that I ended up trying randomly to solve some of the problems.
aryan –
Overall great, howeve the last assignment needed more help/background from the instructors than provided. I pass 96% of the class but still was not able to get the certificate.
Brice L –
A good theoratical introduction to the subject. I am looking now for something more practical.
Lida M –
It is a good introduction course but I think some more demo coding for matlab in the first assignments will be a good thing so we don’t have to spend a lot of time on google and on trial and error.
David –
Very basic concepts and weak introdution into the field of CV
Oleksandr N –
The theory is fine. But I was not able to pass 2nd week MATLAB online validation for 10 days and no mentor support for this time. The other trainees were not helpfull for these 10 day until 1 guy finally showed me where my mistake was.
Zhang D –
The course doesn’t really cover contents. It’s just a introductory course to tell you what computer vision deal with. Not recommended if you need to know the theory and modelling.
Jurgen R –
Nice course. Some parts are choppy and explanations are not always very in detail. Exercises need improvements!
Syed S W –
Not good enough, atleast for me. The assignments were totally, totally different from the stuff taught there. Plus everything taught here was a vague theory which was not even remotely related to the assignments. Expecting better quality in the next courses.
Chi K T –
The algorithm that checks the answers to assignments could be improved. Especially for Task 4.
Mikael B –
Plain awful
Muhammad S –
Very Basics
Khaleel A –
Maybe a crash course in MATLAB fundamentals as an addition would be lovely.
Nhon Q –
Pretty good introductory class. Got your feet wet on Matlab (a good review for me anyway).
girish s b –
Need more videos on hands on tutorial and videos on computer vision techniques such as denoiseing,debluring need to be provided
Peter R –
Probably the 2nd worst Coursera/edX class I have ever taken (part 2 of this specialization is even worse!). Why do I say that? Well a typical week consists of watching a few videos where the Indian bloke waves his right hand around in a very annoying/distracting manner, followed by some multiple choice quizzes that have little to do with the video you just watched, and that the videos do not necessarily prepare you to answer. Then they want you to read some Wikipedia pages, and finally there’s a problem that has to be solved with MATLAB. Again, there is little to nothing in the material presented in the lectures to help you solve the graded problems. At best, this course reminded me of stuff I mostly already knew, and enabled me to brush up on my rusty MATLAB programming skills. This is an interesting topic, and the course could have been so much better. Definitely not good value for the money. On the plus side, it only takes a few hours a week for 4 weeks to complete the whole thing, and they don’t make you grade your fellow students’ homework the grading is automated. Which was nice.
Juan l –
Incomplete content
Rahul K –
Additional resources and guidance required for Matlab assignments.
Sumair S K –
That was more of Image processing which i have already studied. I was actually expecting some more like augmented reality or something like that. Anyways this course still gave me tough time which is good.
Krithick N S –
Found the level of the course to be very low and the quality too is insanely not worth it. I would have given a zero if possible.
Mohammed N –
The content of the course helped me get the basics of computer vision. I am looking forward to learning more. the most interesting part were solving the Matlab assignments
Pralabh S –
Course was great ! And explained well but Matlab was not explained well. It’s hard to complete week 4 assignment if you are not good at Matlab. Please provide python language for solving problems.
It was nice to start with the first course in Coursera. Hope courses will more conceptual rather than based on hit and trial.
Jose M G L –
Good high level overview of CV basics. Very poor support (none) from teachers. Videos lacking the examples they refer to!
thomas p –
This course is of a very basic level.
Xiaoyuan C –
Good material for a beginner to computer vision.
Alan T –
Good information but a bit elementary.
Boris G –
This course is so basic, it should be rather called “Basic Image Processing in Matlab for dummies”. The lecturer gives whole bunch of names of complex algorithms without giving even tiny details. The entire course can be finished in one day. The matlab assignments are of poor quality and without any indications or advices on how to proceed them better.
Alaa M H –
The content is not sufficient to understand and the explanation is very bad.
hariprasath –
A very basic course.
Parikshit P –
This is a very basic overview to computer vision. It teaches how to use MATLAB very well. Assignments were challenging enough. Course content were not in depth.
Andres F B –
Course was OK for a glance on Computes Vision Basics. Quizzes were not as clear as they should have been.
Julio C d C M –
Excellent course.
Praveen k G –
Kindly do justice for the amount paid in enrolling for the course. Subjects are taught in fast track without proper illustrations. Students had to rely on external sources to complete the assignments. I don’t know for what purpose quizzes have been set.
Indrajit S G –
Very poor quality course.
Shrijeet J –
More descriptive course can be preferred
rishab k –
The course definitely doesn’t carry significant content and what after it. after basics there should be some more courses for advance training. The programming assignment were more than irrelevant. sorry for the bad feedback. but teaching was good
Tom M –
Instructions on Project could be improved
Stefano F –
Excercises seems to be a Matlab course, not computer vision
Lalitha S O –
I really understood the basics of computer vision
Carl W –
The lectures were very interesting and helpful. however, they were not synchronized with the examinations. I felt like the quizzes and math lab oriented programming were separated courses.
This is a good course!
Zhaoran L –
lecture videos are made with good quality, but need more link between the lecture and the programming tasks
Sandesh B –
Literally the basics of Computer Vision. Not explained in too much detail for that matter.
Fahad H –
Good one…
Rakshith N V –
The course covers the fundamentals of Computer vision topics and explanation is very good.
Amal J –
This is a very badly structured course. The lectures only give us the topic heading, no explanations or practical is given. The programming assignment is a nightmare. Instead of MatLab, they could have used python/OpenCV. Also, there is no helps for the Matlab assignments, you are on your own. I don’t recommend anyone this course. What you could learn from this course could be learned in 30 minutes reading randing blogs. Save yourselves some time.
Anshuman A –
Almost no help in the discussion forums. We are supposed to learn matlab on our own without any assistance(even in the discussion forums) from the instructors and no intimation of the fact is given anywhere. A matlab based assignment is provided without any prompt or any introduction to matlab except for a video just telling us to read the documentation in the event of an error.