In this course, we will learn how to write reactive microservices, backends and REST APIs using the powerful Akka HTTP. You’ll write 2000+ lines of Akka code yourself, with guidance, and you will become a rockstar.
This course is for Scala/Akka programmers who need to design large–scale reactive HTTP backends and microservices.
You probably know Akka already:
it speeds up the development of concurrent applications by as much as 10x
its demand has exploded
it’s a highly marketable skill
it’s incredibly fun – power in your hands!
I like to get to the point and get things done. This course
deconstructs all concepts into the critical pieces you need
selects the most important ideas and separates them into what’s simple but critical and what’s powerful
sequences ideas in a way that clicks and makes sense throughout the process of learning
applies everything in live code
The end benefits are still much greater:
a completely new mental model around stream–based microservices
a more marketable resume
more enjoyable work – Akka is fun!
This course is for established programmers with experience with Scala and Akka (including Akka Streams) at the level of the Rock the JVM courses. I already assume a solid understanding of general programming fundamentals.
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Courses : 8
Specification: Akka HTTP with Scala | Rock the JVM
8 reviews for Akka HTTP with Scala | Rock the JVM
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Price | $16.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 10 hours |
Year | 2022 |
Level | Expert |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$39.99 $16.99
Rohit Kumar –
This course is a great start for learning akka http. It needs the knowledge of akka streams and scala implicits/implicitly. Daniel has done a great job in explaining how the http request entities are marshalled as object with the help of implicits. This will get you going and you can discover more about implicit conversions on your own later. One of the most interesting courses on akka http. Thanks Daniel!
Armstrong Nigere –
awesome course
V Anand Sai –
Yeah, the course was exactly what I wanted. What I liked about is the examples that the coach used to explain
Tudor Alexandru –
Very well explained, excellent sound, clear and clean
Kyriakos Tsaliagkos –
It is incredible how fast you can write microservices with Akka HTTP! I particularly enjoyed the examples and exercises, especially using JSON payloads, since they give a taste of the real world problems one would have to face. By the way, thank you Scala, Akka and Spray JSON for making JSON integration work automagically and thank God got the high level API too, you can only appreciate it after you get a little dirty with the low level one. Last but not least, thank you Daniel for being such an awesome teacher!! From the exercises and from occasionally pausing the lectures, trying to work stuff before you do and later checking myself, I noticed that my coding style is starting to improve and resemble yours, which to me is amazing. Can’t wait to see where this journey will take me with with Akka Remoting and Clustering!! Until then!!
showrypremsagarreddy Y –
nicely structured
Shashank Singh –
I am loving this course. I just started working with Akka Http and this course is helping me to put all the pieces together. Thank you #rockTheJVM
Lloyd Edano –
great stuff