Android App Components – Intents, Activities, and Broadcast Receivers
This 4 week MOOC builds upon the overview of Java and Android covered in Course 1 by delving deeper into core Android app components, such as intents, activities, and broadcast receivers. You will learn by example how to program these core Android components together with Android concurrency frameworks and basic Java file I/O classes (such as File and InputStream) and Android storage mechanisms (such as Shared Preferences). You’ll also learn how to use the Git source code management system. Throughout this MOOC you’ll work incrementally on a project involving downloading, storing, and display images from remote websites. Each week you will add additional capabilities to the project, based on material covered in the lecture videos. You’ll spend roughly 4 hours per week watching video lectures, taking quizzes, and programming assignments with Java and Android.
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Courses : 4
Specification: Android App Components – Intents, Activities, and Broadcast Receivers
47 reviews for Android App Components – Intents, Activities, and Broadcast Receivers
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Price | Free |
Provider | |
Duration | 13 hours |
Year | 2016 |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | Yes |

Hassan R –
great course very helpful
Ryan C –
I missed having the required programming assignments from the Java for Android course. I feel like I learned more (even though I did the optional assignments). Also feel like the videos barely teach some critical basics that come up in the programming assigment
Kevin K –
good content
Suhaib O –
Poorly designed, poorly organized, with very few example snippets here and there, don’t waste your time.
Harold L M M –
Cool set of knowledge on broadcast receivers. Thank you!
Siddharth M –
This course wasn’t as interactive as the last one. I feel like making us make a small app from scratch and using that to explain each component would’ve made it easier to understand.
Andreas G –
This course might better be called “Android system programming” and is not even particularly bad at that. Being a beginner at mobile App development, I would have expected some hints on designing a good and userfriendly UI, preparing the basic control flow in an App and yes using Intents to tie them together. As the course is designed, the UI is not even mentioned once, let alone designed by the learner it’s just given pre defined as a “black box” in the fully optional “fill in the blanks”, non graded programming exercises If you are interested in a theoretical overview of the technicalities of Intents and Broadcasts, this course will give you plenty to chew on. If you are looking for some more hands on practical experience, it would be my advice to look somewhere else.
Tolibov N –
The course covers very necessary themes. I passed the course with pleasure. Thank you.
Abdullah M A –
more academic and i think it’s not for the beginners, it will be good if there is more interactive projects.
David H C –
very well explained and organized
Josh L –
I’m disappointed with this MOOC because it’s very confusing. The teacher talk so fast and explain things in the way that students all know about Android. Hope that they can improve the quality of this MOOC!
Gabriel P d C –
The content seem rushed sometimes, but if you take time to work on the optional programming assignment you will understand completely the concepts presented in every week.
Armin T –
Very good examples, I recomend taking the optional homework if you can. I couldn’t take every but you can learn a lot from this course.
Ben M –
This course does very little to provide resources for different styles of learners. The information is only presented in video format. There are no pdfs to accompany the videos. There are links to to additional resources in the videos, but there isn’t a link page to make visiting these sites easier. The worst part is there is no programming required for this course. Each week is just a string of videos followed by a quiz, and then an optional project. I don’t see the value in paying for this course over following a youtube channel, so I won’t be continuing with this specialization.
Usama e –
Great course
Ekansh G –
great course
Victor T –
Module 2 (Git) was bad.
Eric V D D –
It is a good course to understand how Android’s internals work, but wich could be complemented with the google’s android developer course
Rajatendu D –
Understanding this course was really difficult.Should have used easier techniques to teach students.
Mohamed H M –
More amazing and useful course and really i learn more of new things about android from this course
gurpreet –
very good content 🙂
Jade F –
Here in the 2nd course in the Android App Development specialization, you can expect a shift in teaching style that will take more initiative and independent reasoning than before to follow what’s being taught and complete the (optional) assignments. Skipping all the assignments probably isn’t a good idea if you really want to learn this stuff. Doug Schmidt is very very good the lecture/slide style videos are from college courses and it’s covering essential content if you came to learn Android development, you’ve found the right course! The assignments are also very good targeted programming tasks to add the missing component to get the app to demonstrate the topic of each unit. Students need to understand that the material gets more difficult here and that you will need to study the content of the videos and get into the flow of figuring out the assignments without much guidance. That being said, the course will deliver content that is critical for becoming a competent Android developer.
Akhila M –
Good explanation and assignments in order to recall the vedios
Sawan K S –
This is not as much as good that i was expected before taking this course. In this course they only teach you the theoritical topics related to Intents, Activities and Broadcast Receivers and concepts which is good but not how to write code for these concepts. So, for me this is an OK course…
Ekta A –
Mallikarjun H –
Good one
Aman D –
very good and provides very useful knowledge .
Georgios K –
A lot of theory, no practice
victor t y –
awesome course
Noorelddin E –
It is a very good course and it is explained in a good way but the course concentrates on the theoretical part more than the practical part but overall it is a very good course.
Vasu D S –
Please try to include more code
LE V T –
This course is very good
Fragment portion should be included in lessons
Ben v d B –
The lessons themselves were excellent. Unfortunately there is a rather large disconnect between the optional programming exercises and the lessons. Unless you have a background in computer programming and/or don’t mind Googling for answers quite a bit you will struggle understanding what’s going on in these exercises. You can generally complete the exercises and get a running program, but actually knowing what’s going on is something else. It would have been better had they used a smaller/simpler project, that didn’t offer so much as an app, but at least would have given students a better insight in how their code and the learned material work. This is in stark contrast to the previous MOOC in this same series. It’s clear why these exercises are optional and I assume the majority op people don’t actually do them. The majority of comments in the forums are related to not understanding what’s going on in these exercises and it’s not uncommon to see the last instructor comment being over a year old and usually not very helpful. You are on your own in this one!
Isabelle D –
What happened to the basics of Android development, like how to create a UI and interact with it? Receiving input and so on? I am glad I had those basics down beforehand, but someone new to android would have trouble following along
mohamad n h –
Very good and helpful course
Joseph S –
Ayush M –
good but if it’s practical oriented it will be exellent
The course is very interesting but there should be more practice.
Mahmoud M F M –
Concepts explained in an easy way. and a lot of case study apps to demonstrate these concepts.
Nice course for android basic concept understanding.
Harindu A S –
Best Course for Understand Intents, Activities and other Android Components.
Hadi F –
You should have background in programming. Overall the course content is very good.
Nice course
Anil k –
Srivardhan R M –
Helpful Videos
Preeti B –
Was really helpful !!!