If you’re looking to get started building full–stack applications with Vue 3 (or Vue 2) and Firebase, then look no further. In this course I’ll take you from novice to ninja in Vue JS 3, starting out with the very basics and then moving on towards creating fully–fledged Vue applications.
We’ll spend a whole chapter learning about the Vue Router – and how to create SPA’s (single page applications) using it – as well as exploring how to use the Vue CLI to get up and running quickly when creating slightly larger Vue applications.
We’ll also dive deep into the newest features Vue 3 has to offer, including a lot about the Composition API & Composable Functions.
I’ll also teach you how to use Firebase – an online & free service provided by Google which will act as a feature–rich back–end to our Vue applications. We’ll learn how to use Firebase to store and retrieve real–time data to and from a NoSQL database called Firestore, as well as authenticate our app’s users with the Firebase Auth service, We’ll also take a peak at Firebase Storage (which will enable us to allow users to upload images on our Vue sites), as well as deploying all of our applications to Firebase hosting.
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Courses : 3
Specification: Build Web Apps with Vue JS 3 & Firebase
40 reviews for Build Web Apps with Vue JS 3 & Firebase
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Omar Al–Qasmi –
Worth the time and money, Thank you!^^
Edwin Gamit –
It is easy to follow and easy to understand! It’s exciting course too. 🙂
Omar Al Qasmi –
Worth the time and money, Thank you!^^
Sven Schelde –
Good explaining
silvia Najah –
excellent explanation easy to listen to. great content. loved you on Youtube and I’m glad you have these courses here. well worth it. I recommend this course highly.
Alex Theobold –
I had seen some of Shaun’s content on Youtube and was wanting to grok the basics of Firebase quickly. I can honestly say he is a fantastic teacher and this course ran at almost perfect pacing. It was a struggle to keep up with coding along a couple of times but simply pausing the video to catch up sorted this. I’ll definitely be grabbing the D3 course to supplement.
Petre Bogdan –
it was good, but let’s see more. 😀
Chansothea Keo –
Excellent explain and easy to understand in fast short of time. Amazing instructor. Just one course is enough for me to catchup with Vue.js
Rishav Kumar –
Yes till now i have very good experience with this course.
Ashish Gupta –
I am getting Vue, Shaun has a great way to explain things, it is very good to keep each section small and easy to complete. A big book always discourages newbie reader like me to read.
Anjan Choudhury –
It is for absolute beginners. When I took the course I had no knowledge about VueJS. But later I know that there are many more which were not included in this course. so I deduct one star. Overall the instructor is good and you can consider this course as ABCD of vue.
Michael Hart –
Ninja explains all the details clearly without repetition, progress is quick.
Dok Doslov –
Pretty simple and relatively quick course, serves ok as a starting point. Maybe little outdated, but good enough for practice.
Carlos Vidal –
Direct to the point with clarity
Danica Stitz –
Great! I just bought every course he has available. Very clear, easy to follow.
John Bajen –
Pretty good so far. Clear and concise explanation
Daria Kriukova –
storytelling skills of author
Lubomir Goban –
Great.. easy to understand.
Zhansaya Anuarbek –
Yep, so far all is clear and makes sense to me
Gerti Kohlruss –
I love this course! The author explained the concepts very well, have a lot of repetition so this is good for my retention rate. Up to now I have learned the basics and follow the first project, which is very interesting and I have got a lot of ideas to bring these shown features to other contexts. The speed of the author is very pleasant for me, neither too fast nor too slow.
Mary B –
Good class. It is a bit out of date, so some adjustments have to be made when setting things up and also when using firebase. But that’s a good challenge that is the reality of how tech changes over time. There’s a quick overview of Vue 3 at the end, but no real projects associated with it.
Brian Kim –
Dino Pephanis –
Well explained and at a good pace
Aaron Wong –
AS a programmer of 4 years learning Swift and Kotlin with Firebase and Firestore, this course to learn web based apps was brilliant, the tutor is very knowledgable and has a voice that does not grate on you. His explanations of things are well detailed so you don’t get lost, also I like how in parts he adds new content to explain updates in 3rd party plugins and their changes forcing code changes. Highly recommended for anyone wanting to learn web app development. Also other any other course he does just for the fact that he is a great tutor and his delivery is excellent, sometimes the tutor is just as important as the content.
Juan Manuel Garc a Ruiz –
Muy bien explicado y excelente contenido, 100% recomendable
Teerapong Intoom –
I have enrolled in many Vuejs courses. It’s all good, but this is the best. Thanks to you for your dedication to creating a wonderful course. Please keep going.
Ktmsulaim –
Now feeling proud to be able to create vue projects and develop advanced web applications. Thank you
Ben Clist –
The course content is a pretty good introduction to Vue. The lack of Vuex is a pretty huge hole though, as well as no mention of animations. My main criticism is that some of the practices are poor. The choice of function names for example, using handleClick all the time, which gives no insight into what the function does. Also seems to be completely against using a linter, despite constantly making minor errors that a linter would pick up.
Jim Lynn –
Shaun Pelling does an excellent job of explaining the subject.
Ramon Carrillo –
Lots of good information in this course. It was super easy to follow along to. He explained topics very well and the projects really helped to solidified the information being taught. I hope in the future he puts together more Vue courses or maybe Nuxt courses.
Derreck Slone –
Feels like a college course. Like the challenges in between the lectures.
Jo o Miguel Nunes Bernardo –
Used to see the net ninja’s youtube videos and decided to get the course to complete my Front end skills
Josh DeWinter –
Instructor has good tips already, and seems easy to understand.
Rocky Castaneda –
Very detailed. Easy to follow and easy to retain in my memory.
Bennett Dahl –
Best coding instructor out there. Bucky is really good too, but Shaun is more concise, faster overall, and clearly extremely good at what he does.
Damaso Benicio Rodriguez –
Excelent proffesor
Ricardo Giron Salas –
El curso es magn fico, los ejemplos presentados son muy did cticos y el profesor explica muy bien el curso. Recomiendo Udemy especialmente al instructor Shaum Pelling!!!
Richard Michaud –
The instructor explains the content clearly and succinctly.
Ante Kvesi –
Thank you Shaun!
Ab Sy –
Probably best vue and firebase course out there to get you started. Completed this 7 months ago and now I feel very comfortable making vue app. Only downside is there’s no content on vuex, but it’s not really hard to pick up.