This course is a lead–in to deep learning and neural networks – it covers a popular and fundamental technique used in machine learning, data science and statistics: logistic regression. We cover the theory from the ground up: derivation of the solution, and applications to real–world problems. We show you how one might code their own logistic regression module in Python.
This course does not require any external materials. Everything needed (Python, and some Python libraries) can be obtained for free.
This course provides you with many practical examples so that you can really see how deep learning can be used on anything. Throughout the course, we’ll do a course project, which will show you how to predict user actions on a website given user data like whether or not that user is on a mobile device, the number of products they viewed, how long they stayed on your site, whether or not they are a returning visitor, and what time of day they visited.
Another project at the end of the course shows you how you can use deep learning for facial expression recognition. Imagine being able to predict someone’s emotions just based on a picture!
If you are a programmer and you want to enhance your coding abilities by learning about data science, then this course is for you. If you have a technical or mathematical background, and you want use your skills to make data–driven decisions and optimize your business using scientific principles, then this course is for you.
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Courses : 22
Specification: Deep Learning Prerequisites: Logistic Regression in Python
8 reviews for Deep Learning Prerequisites: Logistic Regression in Python
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William Richter –
Want to understand some of the underlying theory behind deep learning. Course needs updated, all examples are in Python 2, which has an end of life on 1/1/2020. I can easily convert to Python 3 but those with limited experience may not be able to convert.
MAK Khan –
After following a few lectures that this is quite
Michael Trimmel –
H tte mir ein anderes Beispiel gew nscht E Commerce ist nicht mein Gebiet
Rahul Dalal –
I thought I knew Logistic Regression completely, but this course shed light on many important basics I had glossed over. Love the course.
Aman Singh –
a course with lots of mathematics to explain machine learning
M Manish –
Couldn’t expect anything more… The instructor here knows how to help us learn and he structured the course accordingly. I appreciate it a lot. Actually I needed a little more help in understanding Baye’s rule and MLE in general, in depth. I would take help of other sources for this. But, Great Job!!! and Great respect to the instructor. Thank you.
Nathan Lou –
David Gonz lez San Mart n –
sometimes the teacher speaks very fast