Econometrics: Methods and Applications
Welcome! Do you wish to know how to analyze and solve business and economic questions with data analysis tools? Then Econometrics by Erasmus University Rotterdam is the right course for you, as you learn how to translate data into models to make forecasts and to support decision making. * What do I learn? When you know econometrics, you are able to translate data into models to make forecasts and to support decision making in a wide variety of fields, ranging from macroeconomics to finance and marketing. Our course starts with introductory lectures on simple and multiple regression, followed by topics of special interest to deal with model specification, endogenous variables, binary choice data, and time series data. You learn these key topics in econometrics by watching the videos with in–video quizzes and by making post–video training exercises. * Do I need prior knowledge? The course is suitable for (advanced undergraduate) students in economics, finance, business, engineering, and data analysis, as well as for those who work in these fields. The course requires some basics of matrices, probability, and statistics, which are reviewed in the Building Blocks module. If you are searching for a MOOC on econometrics of a more introductory nature that …
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Courses : 2
Specification: Econometrics: Methods and Applications
45 reviews for Econometrics: Methods and Applications
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Price | Free |
Provider | |
Duration | 30 hours |
Year | 2015 |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

Thongchart B –
explain clearly
Maithili M –
Very informative and technically coherent. My only suggestion would be to provide software codes with solution.
Gustavo R e O –
I totally recomend this course for those who are seeking to learn this challenging subject. The material presented in the course provides a great stimulous to stay on track and follow the course until the end.
Fernando F d F M –
Very nice MOOC. Found it a little too theorical, but it was very usefull to put in practice my econometrics skills.
Paolo M –
The members of faculty participating in this MOOC seem to be knowledgeable of the material, but the presentation lack content. The whole course seems as an outline , rather than a actual course by itself. Needs more core material, not suitable for someone looking to complement or starting fresh in the topic.
Joost d G –
Very practical info, well tought
Andrey P –
I’d be happy to have more practical excersises during the course instead/together with formula transformation tasks.
Nikolaos T –
Besides the videos there was low supporting content. I needed to search a lot online to find information that were needed. Waste of money.
Alberto E d T –
I think that I understand Econometrics now. Fantastic course.
David O –
Good course but too challenging unless you have a background in maths. Should go slower with clearer examples.
trilok k y –
Nice, clear and crisp instructions. Assignments are also well made and really helpful.
Sumit K –
Great course to learn and to apply analytics in any field of management
Yiming C –
Good course, I would recommend people who have basic knowledge about statistics and linear algebra take this course if the topic of econometrics interest you.
Dimitrios B –
Thank you.
dejan g –
Useful to have a global view of econometric methods.
Thomas B –
Good content and quality. Coming from machine learning this gave me a new perspectives, e.g. a topic like endogeneity or the different kind of statistical tests. I did the course using R, RStudio and R Markdown for the course assignments and that worked great. However, the course is taught without any reference to specific software packages and I think that’s a big plus. Some of the assignments were too academic for my taste (proving statements). I would have rather liked more examples showing different aspects and situations of the taught topics.
Bruno A C A –
Amazing for a person who would like to start with Econometric models at the most fundamental level. You will get a load of knowledge after you complete even if you know about econometrics. If you have difficulty in algebra and statistics, do start with the last week’s lectures. They are the most difficult, but follow them until the end and do all the exercises. Also, the support of the teaching staff is outstanding when you have questions. Cannot recommend it more.
DU T T –
Helpful for me. Thanks a lot!
Dayane G –
I think it is good have a link and support for download statical softwares and guidance for use are.
Graham T –
Rigorous condensed econometrics course with clear instruction. Great for my review of the subject, and most likely for anyone new to it who has the prerequisite skills.
Axel Cleris G –
I love this course. I’m a student in Economics and I took this course to have a complementary view to other econometric courses I have in my program; your explanations are good and intuitive. Thanks
Alesia N –
it’s a very deep course
Christian K –
Depending on what you are looking for, this course might be too theoretic or mot theoretic enough:) IMHO it strikes the balamce quite nicely, although the forced theoretical parts in the tests kept me from buying the certificate. I simply want to be able to perform the analysis.
quangngu –
There was a drastic increase in difficulty in week 6 and 7 from the rest of the course.
Alain P –
Very insightful about how to perform multilinear regressions, independly check relevance of each regressor, and simplify your models by eleminating unecessary regressors. Really useful hardskills, well explained by the teaching team, I recommend it. The class could however benefit from less theory and more pragmatic advices when it comes to check relevance of regression. For instance, it should always favor sample testing over other tests, as even with 95% certainty or so, there is still 5% that your regression is not meaningful.
Nishikant C –
Very Good Course. However, The exercises were a bit challenging . Walk through of related examples would have helped a lot for the exercises. Does require some mathematical background in Statistics. Intermediate to advanced course considering the complexity
Adrien –
Very good insights and step by step methods. It is more theoretical (manual calculations of different methods) than applied and should be completed by another course for this matter.
Alfonso B M –
Great. Applied knowledge focus.
Bjorn S –
Great course!
LE T T T –
This course really laid a foundation on my research orientation. Sincerely thanks!
Subin P –
if this is the first time taking econometrics, do not take this course. you will have a hard time. by no means is this for first timers.
Yuye D –
informative and inspiring
Madayan A –
Excellent courses, very good for practical application.
sohaib –
Very Well Explain That man i am learning it in Pakistan
gauri a –
As challenging as it can get! Definitely recommend for a rigorous training and understanding of econometrics
Somanshu M –
One of the best courses…..
David E R A –
Realmente se necesita la traduccion de los cursos
Vianney B B E M –
concise effort has been deployed during the course to make econometrics accessecible, comprehensible by the simplicity of the lecture presentation, by the exercices training very closed to lectures. It’was so confortable to participate to this course.
Aymen A –
Swapan K P –
The course is well designed with daily exercises for practice, and weekly tests (7) incl. Case Study in the last week. The course indeed helped me a lot to refresh theoretical knowledge that I learned nearly 2.5 decades ago during graduation/ master degree in Statistics. It’s worth trying if you are interested and comfortable with statistical software (Stata, SAS, R) or Excel with add ins (eg RealStats). Although I use Stata on a daily basis, I solved all problems in Excel Data Analysis and RealStats add in in order to understand each steps clearly.
Prakarsh D –
Solid course. Don’t expect an easy ride but one will certainly learn a lot through this one. Thanks to all the Teachers and Mentors!
Tommy L –
The proofs aren’t as clear as I wish they were. Lacks a lot of explanation and a lot of practice questions in between are from those proofs which gets hard
Adam M –
Grading of assignments takes WAY too long.
Arcangel M –
The course is very dense in content and sometimes with many concepts that do not go deeper and are then required in the tests. In my opinion, the course should be divided into two courses, especially extending the part of Time Series and with a much more practical approach with real cases and with prediction models. So I encourage the people of this university to do a second part more focused on applying the concepts in real cases explaining everything in more detail. For the rest, the course has a high level and it is necessary to have previous statistical and mathematical knowledge.
StarryLv –
good learning experience and meaningful homework!!