Fitting Statistical Models to Data with Python
In this course, we will expand our exploration of statistical inference techniques by focusing on the science and art of fitting statistical models to data. We will build on the concepts presented in the Statistical Inference course (Course 2) to emphasize the importance of connecting research questions to our data analysis methods. We will also focus on various modeling objectives, including making inference about relationships between variables and generating predictions for future observations. This course will introduce and explore various statistical modeling techniques, including linear regression, logistic regression, generalized linear models, hierarchical and mixed effects (or multilevel) models, and Bayesian inference techniques. All techniques will be illustrated using a variety of real data sets, and the course will emphasize different modeling approaches for different types of data sets, depending on the study design underlying the data (referring back to Course 1, Understanding and Visualizing Data with Python). During these lab–based sessions, learners will work through tutorials focusing on specific case studies to help solidify the week’s statistical concepts, which will include further deep dives into Python libraries including Statsmodels, Pandas, and Seaborn. This course utilizes the Jupyter Notebook environment within Coursera. The mission of the University of Michigan is to serve the …
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Courses : 3
Specification: Fitting Statistical Models to Data with Python
28 reviews for Fitting Statistical Models to Data with Python
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Kristoffer H –
If you don’t already understand the topic don’t bother with this course, the lectures are 95% hand waving and showing formulas they don’t explain how to make sense of and then the quizzes are answering questions on what they didn’t bother to explain.
Yaron K –
I had never given much thought to multilevel models and their implications (for example how clustering or the interviewer effected the results). So the course was definitely interesting. However the Python notebooks that are part of the course don’t give enough detail to be able to apply the theoretic material to other models.
Harish S –
Content of course was good. Some issue with quiz.
David Z –
Great lecture content, poor quiz design. Hard to apply any of the concepts that you learn.
Tobias R –
The content itself is great but some notebooks were a bit unready. Otherwise great course!
Alvaro F –
The course is actually pretty good, however the mix between basic subjects (like univariate linear regression) and relatively advanced topics (marginal models) may discourage some students.
Varga I K –
Great review of machine learning used in statistics finished up with some overview on bayesian math. Enjoyed very much and learnt even more.
nipunjeet s g –
Very informative and the example applications are extremely detailed
Aayush G –
I must say that this is a must take course for ones who are aspiring a career in Data Science. All the concepts were laid out so beautifully and it was explained very clearly with visualisations of each real–life–examples. I enrolled in this specialisation before starting my Machine Learning so that I have all the necessary fundamentals of Statistics. Brady Sir & Brendra Ma’am are simply phenomenal, the way they explain the concepts are incredible. The concepts gets etched in one’s memory.
Spectacular Course!
Really thorough and in–depth material about statistical models with python.
Jafed E –
I enjoy the lectures. The professor has a good speaking and teaching style which keeps me interested. Lots of concrete math examples which make it easier to understand. Very good slides which are well formulated and easy to understand
Thank you for creating this course. I have learned basic knowledge to succeed my incoming business education. I have a bachelor degree of laws and am transferring to a master of management. I used this course to learn the prior knowledge that I need about statistics. I finished this specialization and feel more confident about the numerical analysis. Thank you again Michigan Online for your great courses!
Joffre L V –
Very good course, I like many practices and evaluations focused on database of real cases, perhaps it would be advisable to reproduce results from the same sources ….. JL
Jose H C –
It was good – Thanks.!
Vinicius G d O –
Good course, but the last of three was the most difficult one. I hope that it were a good introduction to the fascinating world of statistics and data science
Ersyida K –
please better explanation of python videos
Appi –
Very good instructors and very good workload!
The course is alright. They give a high–level overview of linear and logistic regression, and dip a little into Bayesian statistics. Note that they use the StatsModel package in their practice assignments. So I was a bit disappointed I didn’t get to practice sklearn, which is about x10 as popular in the field.
Nadine A –
Challenging but excellent course, especially how content was organized and examples used to explain concepts
Mike W –
There is some good lecture content, but the assessments don’t really give you a chance to “do stats” and demonstrate mastery of the material. E.g., the week 3 Python assessment consists of just running Python code––you don’t actually write any code––and answering the questions is as easy as, e.g., picking the parameter with the largest number.
Kevin K –
Good Intro course
Bharti S –
I am very thankful to you sir.. i have learned so much great things through this course. this course is very helpful for my career. i would like to learn more courses from you. thank you so much.
Michael L –
I was looking for an application course that would help with using Python with real world data. This was a theory course that added a small poorly explained notebook and a very brief lecture which didn’t explain the code very well. If you’re looking for a statistics theory course this might be fore you. If you’re looking for how to use Python in the real world, I might look at other courses first.
Nicholas D –
Excellent course, really enjoyed the section on Bayesian statistics.
Flo –
The most impressive part is Week 2 Linear and Logistic Regression model fitting, Professor Brenda is Brilliant! She has the magic to explain complicated and abstract concept into a very easily understandable ones. Thanks her a lot! Also I was impressive on Week 4 Bayesian approaches courses. Thanks Mark Kurzeja. I think He is a very qualified teacher and prepare for this course content very careful and take it seriously. He also gives a very clear mind to understand those abstract statistic concept! Overall, the series of Statistic with Python are impressive! You can really learn something useful and the course design is scientific. All teachers in all courses are very good!
Gopichand M –
Sumit M –
Very Very Good For learning Statistics