Ultimate Master Class for Git, GitHub, GitLab, and SVN
(The Course Has been Optimized and now includes also Git and GitHub Premium Lectures)
– Introduction –
So you want to learn Version Control Systems.
Maybe that’s Git, GitHub (or maybe both Git GitHub), GitLab, or even Bit Buckets. Doesn’t really matter.
Let me teach you all the FUNDAMENTALS you need to get yourself STARTED as FAST as possible.
I know that your time is precious and maybe you’re about to start a NEW JOB at your dream company or maybe you need to start working on your projects right away – so LET’S NOT WASTE TIME!
Studying our Git and GitHub Masterclass course will save you PLENTY of time googling and trying to connect the dots.
So WELCOME to my Ultra Practical & Summarized Git and GitHub Course to get yourself started! Let’s Git It, shall we??
– Who is it for? –
Whether you want to improve your development skills, become a better programmer, or even increase your chances of getting your dream job.
You’ve come to the right place.
My name is Vlad and I’m talking about none other than my Version Control Systems (Git & GitHub) Ultimate Course where you’re going to learn the basics of Git, its workflow, what is GitHub, and how Git and GitHub are connected.
Specification: Git & GitHub For Beginners – Master Git and GitHub (2021)
10 reviews for Git & GitHub For Beginners – Master Git and GitHub (2021)
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Price | $9.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 9.5 hours |
Year | 2022 |
Level | Beginner |
Language | English ... |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$84.99 $9.99
Morris Boamah Patterson –
I Think He is serious in his Job
Jason Brennan –
Well, I’m just getting started and so far you’re hitting the points I need.
Shivanshu Tayal –
Its a good course you can consider it if u want to learn github
William Hunt –
I’ve been watching youtube videos trying to learn git to no avail. This is explained really well.
Christos Kostoulas –
Pretty simplified intro to gitHub
Kate Spitzer –
I can’t deal with the presentation. I feel like a 5 year old.
Rainer Nagel –
Bisher ist nichts neues f r mich gekommen. An manchen Stellen redet der Lehrer eher drauflos und m andert rum.
Rainer Nagel –
Gen H lfte wird der Inhalt f r mich interessant, da kann der Dozent nichts f r : ) An manchen Stellen redet der Dozent eher drauflos und m andert rum. Es wirkt so, als w rde er pro Video genau einen Take aufnehmen und den nicht schneiden.Ich bin von semiprofessionellen Youtubern gew hnt, da sie mehrere Takes aufnehmen und dann zusammenschneiden.
Prachi Khatsuriya –
I am glad I choose this course. pretty informative and clear cut explanation. Thank you vlad for simplified the branching and merge concepts and make easier to understand.
Rakuram E –
Good introduction course on Git. Thanks, Vlad.