This course will comprehensively cover the GitHub hosting service as a companion to the Git source control tool, which means no prior knowledge or experience is required. Students will emerge at the end with a very solid understanding and hands–on experience with Git and GitHub.
Course Organization
The course is divided into four major components:
Introduction and Setup
Learning Git Source Control
All About GitHub
Each one of the above components spans multiple sections in this course.
New! Video explaining how to resolve Git breaking when upgrading macOS each year
The Introduction provides a welcome to the course including some useful tips for getting the most out of taking the course and how the course is designed. That is followed by the Core Concepts which go over some critical theory before diving straight into Git.
After the introduction and core concepts, the first thing we do is a Quick Installation for both Windows and Mac. The Bonus section has a more comprehensive, step–by–step process for those that prefer it.
Learning Git Source Control
In The Basics, we walk through all the foundational commands needed to start a new project managed by Git (or enable Git for an existing project) all the way through making commits, including common file operations like moving and deleting files. We also cover how to exclude the wrong files from accidentally being committed and how to review your repository’s history.
Instructor Details

Courses : 10
Specification: GitHub Ultimate: Master Git and GitHub – Beginner to Expert
29 reviews for GitHub Ultimate: Master Git and GitHub – Beginner to Expert
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Michael –
Getting the foundation and features is helpful for when we get to the hands on parts to help understand the basis for tasks.
Randy Yu –
Great lecture
Raymond Peterson –
Jason does a fantastic job. He has good pacing and does a very nice job of explaining and demonstrating the functionality of Git. I’m very happy with this course.
Peri Uday Bhaskar –
simple and easy to understand.
Sriram Kumar Kancharla –
good one, very useful for beginners
Felicity Janet Meadows –
I am a programmer. So using git and github is a good fit for me. This is a great course and goes into updating Git and Github repositories in some detail.
Milos Subasic –
This is Git and GitHub for beginners, for people who have no prior experience with these topics. Videos are short and easy to understand
Alex Dragan –
I really loved this course: focus on hands on, real world example understand virtually everything you need to to effectively use Git for your daily work fast paced Suggestion for improvement: reduce the insanely fast typing speed, as it is very strange.
Faisal Moin –
Manuel Hubertus Fay –
Very good course for beginners! Easy to understand and very enough to work with it on jobs. Thank you 🙂
Jayesh Patel –
This section of the course explains the basics very well.
Kalpana Mukilan –
Excellent description so far!
Ragip Gashi –
He explains so fast and so short. This course meant to be for beginners too, and I think there is to hard to follow all the commands and this fast way of explaining the things. Please do something and make it more easy to understand.
Michael Sanders –
Could go a bit slower on the exercises so I can keep up with the typing
Martins Abiodun –
This course is excellent… This is the first time i would be dropping a rating on any course on udemy… But mehn… This course just cemented my knowledge on git and github…..
Anil Suryaprakash –
Crisp, sharp and to the point explanations. Really good course.
Claudiu Campeanu –
This course covers most of the topics from the beginner to the intermediate/advanced level. Some expected expert topics as the course title mentions were missing, such general best practices or organization of large projects. The content is partly outdated, as it was recorded in 2015. Since then, for instance, GitHub has unlimited private repositories.
Abdul Rafay Khan –
Yeah… but uptill now i think it wasn’t explained properly…it could have been explained more properly through diagrams
Rahul Sahu –
keep improving
Diana Marisol Hernandez Rodriguez –
Boring presentation with lack of representative images of what the instructor is saying.
Snj Nath –
At times, Jason goes a little too fast. He can slow down a little to be more effective
Winstongabriel –
It is nicely paced and I can keep up with easy to take down and understand notes
Fabian Delgado –
Until now, yes.
Andres Casas –
Excellent instructor, a complete course from scratch.
Oscar Jesus Valerio Gomez –
So far is good but in some examples I feel is too fast to follow the pace, you need to pause the video and try to understand what is he doing
Andrea Oquendo –
Nakul Gunjal –
Debajyoti Dandapath –
good course
Amolkumar Patil –
The explanation is very less. Like I would have loved to understand difference between github and gitlab etc…