Go is an open source programming language created by Google. As one of the fastest growing languages in terms of popularity, its a great time to pick up the basics of Go!
This course is designed to get you up and running as fast as possible with Go. We’ll quickly cover the basics, then dive into some of the more advanced features of the language. Don’t be tricked by other courses that only teach you for–loops and if–statements! This is the only course on Udemy that will teach you how to use the full power of Go’s concurrency model and interface type systems.
Go is designed to be easy to pick up, but tough to master. Through multiple projects, quizzes, and assignments, you’ll quickly start to master the language’s quirks and oddities. Go is like any other language – you have to write code to learn it! This course will give you ample opportunities to strike out on your own and start working on your own programs.
In this course you will:
Go is one of the fastest–growing programming languages released in the last ten years. Get job–ready with Go today by enrolling now!
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Courses : 24
Specification: Go: The Complete Developer’s Guide (Golang)
46 reviews for Go: The Complete Developer’s Guide (Golang)
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$84.99 $12.99
Jason Pepas –
The pace is extremely slow. This is aimed folks with almost zero programming experience.
Kirill Samsonov –
To much words at the start describing the last section, it takes too much time
Eric St–Onge –
Too slow, too many repetition of explaination. Get to the point faster!
Eric St Onge –
Too slow, too many repetition of explaination. Get to the point faster!
Carrie Scott –
So far so good. I’ll update my review later.
Mitch Torrens –
This is not a course for experienced programmers (even those with 0 experience with golang). Instruction is slow and tedious. There’s lots of hand holding and useless filler language for example, the first 10% and last 10% of each 5 minute lesson tends to have no content. The instructor teases out concepts, foreshadowing solutions for multiple minutes before answering them, leading me to impatiently google solutions to the problems he presents minutes before he finally answers them, and then fast forward through the explanation. His breadth first approach to covering content is also frustrating he’ll introduce a topic, show a straightforward use case, and then move on to the next section, only to revisit the previous topic later on with more detail. I wouldn’t be as harsh with the review if the course didn’t advertise Mastering advanced features of the Go Programming Language.
John Fotos –
Very nice way of explaining all of the concepts. The last 2 chapters which had difficult concepts and for me very specific to the Go language should have had more examples as to how someone could use these concepts and why. Not a lot of questions are answered. I have seen unanswered questions that go back some time (+1yr).
Akira Hiiro –
Good examples and detailed explanation. Accent is very clean, so it’s easy to understand for non native english speakers too.
Joseph Youngquist –
I would love to offer a better review however the end of the course there is a palpable feeling of punt. This is my second course taking on the subject matter (Go) and will say that the presentation of complex concepts are communicated extremely well.
Ste Murray –
Really good intro to Go. I will need to revisit Interfaces and Go Routines a few times to get them to stick.
Carlos Eduardo Medeiros Junior –
Great course, but i would’ve liked to see a little more about pointers and interfaces.
Chi Koon Kwok –
you make things very clear
David Skursha –
This course has been very informative so far. My only request is It would be great if there was some way to make quizzes available offline!
Tijmen Jakobsen –
Very clear and in good order!
Anjana Shankar –
The instructor is good. Explains concepts well. Would have been a 5 star if concepts like panic could also be covered.
Johan –
Good course. I do not regret buying it, and as far as I can tell, this course is as good or better than any other Golang course out there. Every topic that is covered is covered well, but the course is short. The course would really benefit from at least one larger project, explaining how go modules work, how to bring in external libraries, making and publishing your own library, or just generally doing something that feels useful. This might only be two or three extra hours of video, with minimal direction for the listeners, but it would have been greatly appreciated.
Amir Arreaza –
I think maybe more complex projects covering the topics would have been better, still is an GO excellent course
Jeff Lane –
Stephen delivered again! His approach to teaching, for me, works really well. As a Sr. Software Engineer, this course helped me come up to speed quickly on Go. The only critique I would make is with the title. I think I’d call it something more like The Developer’s Guide to Get Going With Go. That being said, I’m feeling more prepared for doing a deeper dive.
Jeremy Kierstead –
I thought this course was a good overview of Go seemed to cover the basics at least. Good mix of lectures, hands on training and quizzes. I thought the section on Interfaces was about 30 minutes too long though coming from other languages, I didn’t think the concept was all that difficult. That said, overall, I feel like I have a suitable foundation to start work on projects using Go which was my goal with this course. Good stuff!
Carlos Fuentes –
Si, ya me hab an recomendado otros cursos con ste profesor y es excelente
Charl Matthee –
this was great for me to catch up on Go. I work at a company using go but I haven’t used it before, so it was awesome for me to pick up the language and get going
Jamil A –
Stephen is a brilliant presenter. He speaks very clearly and explains concepts well. He definitely gets into your mind as a novice Golang programmer and answers all the questions you might have while writing the program. The course is a great topical introduction to Golang and it’s syntax and features. My only gripe is that it was a little shorter than expected. I might look for an additional course to build up my proficiency in Golang, but this was probably the best course to start with.
Andre Holston –
I always love Stephen Grider’s courses. He explains thing in a very understandable way. I used his courses when I was first learning how to code and still use them today around 3 years later.
Rohit Patil –
Good course for beginner to start learning golang.
Lauren Dermer –
Up until the halfway it’s a very simple course and is done well. I like the fact that it’s assumed that the student is already familiar with programming and the basic concepts aren’t repeated. In many cases some analogies are only made for JS/Python/Ruby, whereas a C analogy would be more fitting. But that’s a minor issue.
Emirhan Kaplan –
It really depth in detail, so that’s great for beginners!
Denis Karimov –
Very good course, very good teacher. But, this course is not quite complete. Missing information about, packages architecture, private/public methods & variables, init() functions, defer syntax.
Thanakorn –
Good course that can explain me with deeply understand how it work not only how to use it.
Drew –
Love this. The fact that you can translate OOP land into Go terms is really helping me understand the language.
Octavio Ernesto Cisneros Rojas –
El curso tiene muchos aspectos positivos: diagramas, preguntas, ejemplos, un instructor preparado, etc. Sin embargo, dista mucho de ser realmente completo. Falt explorar ejemplos m s complejos que involucraran la creaci n de librer as reutilizables, descargar librer as de terceros, aprender conceptos avanzados (mutex, HOF, etc.) y un proyecto final que utilizara todo lo aprendido. El curso termina de forma muy abrupta por lo que espero que el instructor lo actualice para incluir los temas faltantes.
Jeffin Tj –
Swetha Ammaladinna –
Yes. Very good way of teaching with enough examples and assignments.
Zina Ramirez –
A good introduction, but a bit slow in many sections for more advanced programmers from other languages.
Tom Pegler –
A really good and surprisingly thorough introduction to Go. I only wanted a sort of taster of the language and I left with a much better understanding than I anticipated.
Tarun kumar V –
Explanation of basic concepts was very clear and easy to understand. Recommend this course for every Go beginners
Kumar Tadepalli –
Good for entry level knowledge. I’m expecting more examples on http, error/exception handling, concurrent and parallel topics. It would be even great if we had taken a practical project and build phase by phase.
Serdar Kalayc –
Especially on the harder subjects like interfaces and concurrency, the course gives good examples to make the student get a good grip on the subject.
Sandal –
Go routines and channels are not taught properly, I feel like cheated :/
John Lee –
So far so good.
Kaveen Balaji Jagadeesan –
It is really a very good course to learn go. The instructor explains the basics and fundamentals very well.
Gonzalo Arzeno –
Por ahora si, muy claro todo
Vivek Nayyar –
The way Stephen explains all the concepts is perfect. I liked the flow of the course and since I am starting with Go, this has been a perfect course for me. It’s definitely not an advanced course for it’s the best if you are starting with Go.
Karthika Mohan –
Its well presented and paced just right for a beginner.
Shadmehr Vadoodi –
I moved from .net programming to Go programming and I had to learn the new language in a best possible way. I saw this course have a lot of high ranks so I selected it. So far everything is very clear and gives me what I need. : )
Prakash –
Too many small segments for 5 minute segment, 30 seconds are gone in re cap and 20 seconds are gone to explain what’s coming next and taking a break. Forcing to context switch across very closely related segment creates brain fatigue.
Henrico Lazuroz –
It’s a good course, but sometimes the instructor made it tiring, complicating simple things.