Computers are everywhere, they aren’t just the desktops and laptops we use for work but the phones in our pockets and even the watches on our wrists are also computers. You probably use a computer every day and in fact you are reading this on a computer! Just because we use computers all the time, doesn’t mean that we understand them, or find them easy to use. Computer Science is the science of computers, it is the field of knowledge that experts use to understand computer systems. Knowing a little computer science will help you understand the computers all around you. This isn’t a how–to course for a particular piece of software, instead you will learn some fundamental concepts that you can apply to any software or computer system. You’ll apply these concepts to the kind of computer systems we use every day, including word processing applications, e–commerce, the internet and web sites. You will learn how to apply computer science concepts to solve problems in daily computer use and generally be a better computer user. Taking this course could be the start of your career in computer science, and the course is an introduction to the Bachelors in Computer Science from …
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Courses : 3
Specification: How Computers Work
37 reviews for How Computers Work
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Price | Free |
Provider | |
Duration | 13 hours |
Year | 2018 |
Level | Beginner |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | Yes |

Exciting lecture
Deleted A –
Nice taster for the degree – can’t wait to get started with the full BSc hopefully in April !
Preda –
Excellent course. I felt that I learnt a lot of computer science concepts that were new to me but helped me to appreciate how computers work. Dr Marco Gillies was an excellent lecturer. You could tell that a lot of careful planning went into structuring the course. Because the course was so well designed, I do not have recommendations for improvements.
Elsa P –
Well explained course.
Nadine G –
Excellent professor!
I enjoy the MOOC and would introduce it to my friends. I think the course has revolutionize my previous understanding of Computer and Internet. Thumb Up!
Basil S –
mostly useless, but free
Keith C –
Excellent overview, with lots of quizzes and assignments designed to help evolve learning into understanding.
yousuf k –
The course is very informative and helped to build notional machine and abstraction concepts.
Hrushikesh T –
Best Computer science course for beginner.
Sebastijan P –
Terrible video content. Changing background all the time and distracting the viewer, a person mostly saying “what all we have learned” in every video instead of talking about the subject. No diagrams, no flows of data shown etc., just a person speaking and bragging; slides are very purely and unprofessionally prepared. The level of prepared content is for primary school and not for UNI. I could write about it for hours so I will stop. I just hope and believe this is just a sample and not a real content in a real study for which we will be paying 600 pounds. If you compare the content to for example 30 pounds Machine learning from Stanford University, where you get pdfs of slides, complete written notes, detailed prepared pdf with a very rich content for assignments and where professor actually talks about the content, it all becomes a bit strange.
Jose U d S J –
Very Nice, I really enjoyed and learned a lot!
Eden P –
Good introduction
More visual examples would have helped more (at least for me).
Kapa A K –
excellent,but late grades
Jonathan M –
Great introduction to thinking about systems in terms of notional machines
Once you complete this course, you can understand how you use computers as a IT person, even though your first major was not close to IT fields accurately. And if you are office worker and want to learn about IT, this course would be great for you to study basic knowledge.
Luca G –
Very interesting course, is an overview complete and well structured. I would suggest this course as first start to understand the logic used in appications and how computer works for give us the services.
Josephine K –
Very informative and fun course to take! However there is too much dependence on peer–submission. It shouldn’t be in other peoples’ hands if you can complete an assignment or not. I had to wait a long time and beg for reviews in the discussion area, even though I submitted the assignment on time. I think that is frankly unfair, especially if you pay to access course content.
Mahmoud H E Y –
A very concise explanation of how a computer works
Hamza M –
Very well thought out and structured lecture, even though I work in IT, I learnt a few new concepts which will be helpful in day to day work.
Clyde M –
An excellent and accessible course for the layperson that encourages broad understanding of the concepts behind rather complicated aspects of the modern use of computers, as well as the computer itself. A good footing for further investigations into the mechanics and theory of computing.
Iva M –
It is informative and very well explained.
Ryan M W –
Great course!!
Banke O –
I loved the way the instructor explained it. Straight to the point and easy to understand.
Dustin R –
Very good course as an introduction to computing. Could stand to be more challenging, but the material is certainly easy enough for a true beginner.
Lucio S G –
This is a very fun way to learn at basic concepts for Computer Science which we can apply in our daily life. Although this is an introductory course, it gives a glimpse of more complex and interesting topics which are key to computers and the way we interact with them.
Damon M –
A great course. Although I have come from a background in website development, I still picked up many useful tips and information about the fundamentals of computers and how they work.
Rufino G P –
It was great
Ramil A J –
Dr Marco is an enthusiastic, animated, and fun instructor. The course is laid out well and pace is nice. Highly recommended course for everyone who wants to learn more about abstract concepts about computer science.
Jose A R H –
Interesting overview of how computers work
Izhar U H –
One of the great course(s) learning about computer. It is like Welcome to the digital world.
Iuliia B –
This course helped me a lot to understand the basics of how computers work. I was very interested in this topic and I am happy the course matched my expectations.
Carl F –
Very basic but very helpful. The course is like a gemstone in computer science. You can knowledge of computer science (which is a gold, silver or other precious metals) but you will certainly be able to have the most meaning of the jewelry if you have the gems (how computers work course) added to it.
Surajit B –
Kevin G S –
Clear and concise introduction about how computers work. I really liked the focus on abstraction and security.
Durga S –
I really enjoyed taking this course online because the videos given comes with a transcript, the professor explaining the concept explains it very clearly (they do not assume that you know what they are talking about), and most of all I really enjoyed how interactive the course was. There were discussion questions we may or may not participate in and when we submit the assignments our peers get the opportunity to review our work using the rubric given to us.