[READ THIS] Update May 2021 – This course will no longer be actively supported.
Hello reader,
When I first made this course in the fall of 2018, I had no idea that it would garner such attention and success. Over the period of 2019, this course ended up enrolling 500+ students and earned the distinction of Udemy’s highest rated course in Android Development for several months. Personally, I had the wonderful privilege to answer hundreds of questions while helping everyone get one step closer to whatever their software development goals.
Eventually, as with all things in this industry, the software continues to evolve. Over time, it became hard to continually update this course with content and fixes which adapt to the changing Kotlin and Android standards. This became especially apparent in early 2020 upon the start of COVID–19 when my course had a resurgence in sign ups, putting pressure on me to respond to new questions and make amendments with all that has changed in Android development over the past 2 years.
With all these things in mind, I have decided to publicly announce through this description, that I will no longer be actively maintaining this course. What does this mean?
Instructor Details

Courses : 1
Specification: Intermediate Android Development and Kotlin
19 reviews for Intermediate Android Development and Kotlin
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Price | $14.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 10 hours |
Year | 2021 |
Level | Intermediate |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$19.99 $14.99
Husni Kamal –
I think the sound or the trainer voice isn’t clear. Sometimes I can’t hear what he talking about
Piotr Dawidziuk –
The course seems to be very intresting and informatvie and I really need to learn some Kotlin 🙂
Victor Lang –
The display is not sharp even with a maximum setting of 720p. The audio is not clear even with volume set at maximum and there is an echo in the background. The instructor should speak closer to the microphone (to eliminate / minimise the echo effect) and speal slower in order to understand the contents better.
Debashis Nandy –
This is a really awesome course that I have ever seen in udemy. Here the instructor covers lots of topics. And if u want to write really optimized code then this is the right place. So don’t think too much and take this course.
Pro Learning –
one of the best course so far. I learn new technique that I never though. good job, but the video quality is a not so good, if the font is bigger will be easy to watch. thank you
Spyros Siopis –
The video quality is not enough. This is not 720p ! sorry! Many mistakes! Difficult level
Alp Atamanalp –
Low resolution, mediocre video editing & explanation
Daniel de Vito Silveira –
The course is great, congrats!!! The only thing you need to fix asap is the quality of the videos.
Kiro Ishak –
i already knew some staff which have been at this course before the course but the course haven’t just helped me learn new staff like coroutines but also it helped to start to think on more organized way and one of the things i liked also is that at the last video the instructor told us wait to learn next so i will no have to go randomly to the next course i know what i am going to study thanks alot for the course
James Herrero –
Really enjoying it so far, Quick and Clear
James Herrero –
Really enjoying it so far, Quick and Clear
First Name Last Name –
Great course !
First Name Last Name –
Great course !
Harshitha Keshavaraju Vijayalakshmi –
Best course to start off in Kotlin. Very smooth and well structured course!
Mike Seibel –
Good: I like how you methodically refactor and reduce code. Other instructors seem to relish repeating the same lines of code in multiple places, and it always makes me cringe. Your use of abstract base classes and functions resonated with me. I like that you used packages to organize better. I like the breadth of different advanced features you used (Coroutines, Toothpick, Room, DiffUtil [even if it didn’t work], MVVM) and how you started simple and tried to gradually add these. Great enthusiasm Improve: Slow down you talk a bit fast and often speed through menus/selections requiring rewinding and frantic pausing. The videos are not current with the latest release of Android Studio. I learned a lot by figuring out why the course program doesn’t exactly work, but that should not be the intent and will certainly lose those with less experience. Use light theme Andoid Studio or else a bigger font/setup too hard to read even on a big monitor at 720p Hard to actually do challenges when the overall goal is unclear (such as when adding the NoteView it is unclear if you intend to need a layout/view note or not you did, but not yet). Even the app itself was not demonstrated well enough at the beginning, which would have helped get the overall context. Too many correctionswere made to the type along and the corrections are not communicated or synced well with the course. Perfect example is the DiffUtil section in Lecture 25. That actually didn’t work, and as far as I can tell, it wasn’t noted all the way up until a Q&A question in Lecture 52. Time spent debugging that is frustrating. It is a challenge to figure out what is supposed to be in the code and what is not which distracts from learning the material. Volume is extremely low on Section 11; Advanced Dependency Injection. Irritating but lucky it was a short section
Sapto Mudito –
good enough. but now we are using 3.5.2 version.
Deveshnee Pillay –
Videos are simple and very easy to follow I’ve been learning so much of Kotlin principles that I’ve been applying in my every day work!
Fahmi Sulaiman Baswedan –
I have a good feeling about this course, hopefully it will be great!
Elisa Simone –
As I’m relatively new to programming I did find it quite challenging. Mickey clearly knows his stuff!