By nature, cyber conflicts are an international issue that span across nation–state borders. By the end of the course, you will be able to apply the knowledge gained for analysis and management of international cyber incidents and conflicts including for activities such as development of policy related to cybercrime and cyberwarfare. Management of cyber incidents and conflicts requires an interdisciplinary perspective including an understanding of: 1) characteristics of the cyber threats and conflicts themselves, 2) international efforts to reduce and improve cyber security, and 3) psychological and sociopolitical factors. The course is designed to reach an international audience and will encourage discussion on relevant current events among participants to enrich the experience with various personal and cultural perspectives on cutting–edge issues. In addition, assignments and other assessments will supplement video lectures and selected readings to ensure application of the material. After taking this course you will be able to: – Identify different types of actors involved in cyber threats (individuals, organizations & nation–states) – Distinguish between different types of threats and issues in cyber security including, data theft, political espionage, critical infrastructure protection, and propaganda – Detail the basic characteristics of the Internet infrastructure and international efforts to address Internet governance – …
Instructor Details

Courses : 1
Specification: International Cyber Conflicts
51 reviews for International Cyber Conflicts
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Price | Free |
Provider | |
Duration | 8 hours |
Year | 2016 |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | Yes |

Xavier E –
Good Theories.
Kyaw Z T –
Love this course.Got a lot of knowledge.Thank a lot to the professor.
Paul A –
Could make use of more real world examples. Hacktivism and individual actors receive more attention than they deserve given their extremely limited capabilities. Over all a good class though.
Phumlani M –
Great course. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you.
Hussein A –
it is great introduction cyber course. I hope you provide corporate cyber breaches soon. I will be able to help.
Mark C –
Some of the later lectures, especially the one’s on trust seemed to be thrown together and the instructors weren’t as well versed or confident.
Athena A –
Was ok, got a little boring after week 2
Shaunak G –
The course is really good and you do not need any prior background. Just the will to learn is sufficient. The only thing is that some of the sessions both the tutors are not confidant in what they want to express. But apart from that the course is really good.
Udo H –
This course explains the underlying basics (facts, issues, developments) of international cyber conflicts. Worth attending.
Richard F R –
Cyber topic speaker needs more speaking practice: too wooden, h. Need to include downloadable files of lecture slides.
Jeffrey B –
Too much emphasis on the psychology of conflict. The last lecture references future lectures, but none exist. Doesn’t seem to be well–organized.
Celeste H –
While informative and interesting, I believe the course hadn’t been updated in a few years and some of the links to further readings didn’t work. I really enjoyed what I studied.
Berenice F N –
It is complete and very interesting The additional readings are helpful
Nigel S M –
this was a great course that opened my eyes
Great course.
Jorge S –
Excelente curso con una vision amplia a nivel global.
Ivan G V –
Ha sido un curso excelente y agradezco a los academicos de la SUNY por este espectacular trabajo. Ojala en el futuro hagan un programa mas extensivo y profundo sobre la cyberpolitca. Mis Felicitaciones.
T T –
Very basic, some of the points made are based too much in theory and don’t relate to the reality of the cyber environment.
GU Z Q –
I have attained quite sophisticated knowledge of cybercrime in a such extend.
Ricardo D C S –
Sinceramente pensaba que los cursos de Coursera no un soporte y estructura profesional, con esto no quiero decir que fuesen de mala calidad o algo por el estilo, sin embargo, es todo lo contrario, me sorprendio mucho la estructura, los materiales de estudio (son un poco viejitos, pero al dia de hoy del momento de la escritura de este comentario), asi como los videos de apoyo. Gracias Coursera por el apoyo!
Lydianne –
Not very in depth.
Joshua E M G –
A good introduction for Cyber Conflicts, such as the motivations and key aspect of such conflicts.
Alexandro G C –
Excelente Course !
Yaki M –
I think the course was OK, though not much more than that. I was rather disappointed from the way professor Sanjay Goel carried his part: It was very dry. Not interesting. It was clear that he was reading from his papers rather then telling/ sharing something with us. It’s almost better to just read the text– only that then one misses the pop–up questions. Professor Williams lectures were much better to my opinion. He is far more engaged. I found his part more interesting and easier to follow. Having said that, I’d like to thank them both for creating this course and putting an effort.
Geno K –
it was quite informative and intersting 🙂
its perfect and got insights about the concept of cyber conflict.
Oh P F –
Excellent overview of existing state of play. Also very interesting coverage of psychology underpinning cyber behaviours. Thank you for this enlightening course!
Ionut M C –
Not very challenging.
Ly M –
Its very important and to much informational, recommended!
Anand K s –
I really enjoy a lot form this course. Thanks to Coursera once again for making me knowledgeable in this field.
Matias P –
So good!
Ivan G –
Informative, however Indian dude’s pronunciation is awful, luckily they have subtitles.
Margarito Z –
Agustin C L –
Impecable. Me brindo conocimientos muy utiles para el futuro del derecho entorno a los conflictos internacionales que han ocurrido y hoy en dia ocurren cada vez mas.
David G –
The content of this course was helpful. I learned some important concepts regarding conventional warfare, and motivations and difficulties with cyber conflicts. However the production of the course was terrible. The sounds quality was bad and distracting, and the presenters were obviously very uncomfortable speaking to camera. This aspect distracted from the effectiveness of the teaching.
Aneesha s g –
Very imformative
Joaquin –
Good bibliography and explanations.
wenragdama n –
Course was well presented
Boris R –
Very interesting course, but the exams might be a bit more difficult. I would have appreciate to have to dig more on the subject by homeworks as text writing. But it is a great introduction on International Cyber Conflicts
Jorge G M –
Good explanation and good references. Congratulations!
David I –
Muhammad i R –
A prestigious learning opportunity!
Rebecca L –
This is a super interesting course, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in tech and its impact on foreign policy.
perez r –
cette formation m’a permis de comprendre qui sont les differents acteurs en matiere de cyber guerre, les difficultes juridiques existantes pour punir les coupables, la difficulte a prouver l’origine d’une attaque, et les voies d’accord ou de traites a etablir en s’inspirant de l’histoire des guerres passees pour tenter de trouver des accords permettant un consensus universel.
Alvin B –
I love it. My job allows me to take any class online because for 12 hours a day six days a week I can just take classes. Because I’m getting my degree in intelligence studies this course was a great start to get my certificates in cybersecurity.
Zee –
obvious contents
Yusuf A –
aditi s –
really helpful course
Jack S –
David A H –
Very well presented and relevant.