In this course we are going to talk about the basics of professional software engineering such as how to seperate the code into multiple modules or how to use a build framework to build the final application for us.
Before developing the final application from scratch – that wire all the included technologies together – we will consider these technologies on a one by one basis.
In the first section we are going to consider Maven, one of the most popular build frameworks out there. The second chapter is about Java Persistence API and database related problems. The third chapter will cover Spring as far as the XML based configuration is concerned, then we will talk about the new way: the so–called Spring Boot. Finally, we are going to implement an application in which we are going to use all the technologies we have discussed.
Hope you will like it!
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Courses : 24
Specification: Java EE with Vaadin, Spring Boot and Maven
5 reviews for Java EE with Vaadin, Spring Boot and Maven
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Jonathan Hector –
I expect that when you do a course, especially for professionals, there should be tutorials or links on how to set it up in Linux or Mac and not just for Windows. I am very disappointed.
Luis Cristos –
Kurs eignet sich gut f r Anf nger mit etwas Erfahrung. Es wird ausf hrlich an einem Beispiel Erkl rt. Einzig der Untertitel passt sehr oft nicht zum Gesprochenen.
Gustavo Del Angel Lara –
Muy buen curso
Lukas K. –
Wirklich ein sehr ausf hrlicher Kurs der an den richtigen Stellen in die Tiefe geht.
Shafeeq Mohammed –
Hands on were missing at many places. Repository section could have been much better