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The course covers the basics of Junit 5, advanced usage, and integration with other testing great tools in detail.
1. JUnit 5 Jupiter Introduction
1.1 Quality Engineering Process
1.1.1 Quality Planning
1.1.2 Quality Assurance
1.1.3 Post–Quality Assurance
1.2 Why Unit Testing?
1.3 JUnit Framework Retrospect
1.3.1 JUnit 3 Standard Test Case & Lifecycle TestSuite
1.3.2 JUnit 4 Standard Test Case & Lifecycle @RunWith & Runner
MockitoJUnitRunner @Rule
1.3.3 JUnit 5 Jupiter JUnit 3&4 defect JUnit 5 inception JUnit 5 architecture
1.2.4 JUnit 5 Jupiter Quick Start
Junit 5 Jupiter
Junit 5 TestEngine
Junit 5 Platform Luancher
2. JUnit 5 Juipter Basic
2.1 Jupiter Assertion Statement
2.2 Exception Assertion
2.3 Batch all Assertion
2.4 DisplayName
2.5 Disabled
2.6 Timeout Assertion
2.7 RepeatTest
2.8 Order
2.9 Tagging & Filtering
2.10 Nested Test Classes
2.11 Test Instance Lifecycle
2.12 Jupiter Extensions
2.12.1 TestInstancePostProcessor
2.12.2 BeforeAllCallback
2.12.3 BeforeEachCallback
2.12.4 BeforeTestExecutionCallback
2.12.5 TestExecutionExceptionHandler
2.12.6 AfterTestExecutionCallback
2.12.7 AfterEachCallback
2.12.8 AfterAllCallback
2.13 Assumptions
2.14 Integration Other Assertion framework
2.14.1 Hamcrest
2.14.2 AssertJ
2.15 Condition Execution
2.15.1 DisabledCondition
2.15.2 DisabledOnJreCondition
2.15.3 EnabledOnJreCondition
2.15.4 EnabledOnOsCondition
2.15.5 EnabledForJreRangeCondition
2.15.6 DisabledForJreRangeCondition
2.15.7 DisabledOnOsCondition
2.15.8 DisabledIfEnvironmentVariableCondition
Specification: Junit 5 Jupiter Under JDK 16 In Details Step by Step
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Price | $12.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 8.5 hours |
Year | 2021 |
Level | Intermediate |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$19.99 $12.99
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