An in depth practical course on OOP using C++. We learn the very basics of OOP like Classes and Objects up to more advanced topics like move semantics and lambda expressions. We then take those topics and apply them through a complex application that will contain 4 different arcade games: Tetris, Break–out!, Asteroids and Pacman. We will code 2 of those games together using the techniques we learned in the previous sections. The other 2 games will be projects for students.
We’ll be making this arcade app from SCRATCH (mostly), using SDL for window management, input and colour but that’s it! Everything else will be hand coded by us so we can get a good understanding of what’s happening underneath the hood in game engines.
What we make from scratch:
Drawing lines and shapes
Polygon fill algorithm
2D texturing
2D sprite animations
2D rotations
Loading bitmap files
Sprite sheets
So much more!
This is an exciting course for students to take their skills to the next level through challenging problems and games. This is a HARD course, but if you stick with it (and finish all the exercises and projects), you’ll not only be a better programmer than most of your peers, you’ll be one step closer to getting that industry job you’ve been dreaming about.
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Courses : 2
Specification: Learn C++ Programming By Making Games Volume 2
17 reviews for Learn C++ Programming By Making Games Volume 2
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Price | $19.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 28.5 hours |
Year | 2022 |
Level | Intermediate |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$119.99 $19.99
Johnny Lopez –
So far so good, very clear explanations from a very knowledgeable teacher.
Shawn Shipton –
As a seasoned self taught programmer in C++ and others, I primarily bought this course for the SDL2 portion, which has definitely helped, but going though the content I have learned some new or even better ways of doing things. This course will definitely give you a solid foundation to start developing in C++, not just for games, even if you have experience in programming.
Axel Daguerre –
Has people said indeed in this course you have to wait a little bit before starting making a game. It just show you that it is a high quality course, i am still in the mathematical courses, i had to watch what is a vector, even if it is explain here, i gave up on math early on in school i have to say. Of course you need to understand it before writing efficient games later so i had to see courses, i even watched MIT courses materials they have online, it is gold ! So even if i am just at the beginning, i can say that this course is really good, it was a little bit hard i have to say, harder than it used to be (i love it) and for now it gave me good new tricks in C++ (like operators overloading), i have to say when i started i was confuse, so i leave the course and read C++ Primer 5th edition, to see all the features that C++ can give (a tons) and now i came back and rewatched all the math materials, and even if it is not crystal clear yet, it is a must have knowledge to start making games, i will understand it better later i am sure. I have only one critic about this course, i have an advice for the author, i think it is hard of course but if you can try to use your voice with more dynamism (pardon my english, english is not my nativ language), it will just add even more quality to your teaching already really good, and maybe try an other draw editor, or maybe draw thinner lines i think. By the way i really thank you for this course as i would learn SDL and mathematics in Game Programming ! Cheers Axel
Kenneth Appleman –
Over all, great course. I love that you included SDL2
Samuel Pedro –
I was hoping to start making the game right away, and slowly get some explanation of the why the to do so. But so far it’s just c ++ explanations.
Aldwyn Barry –
You are the best instructor so far. Im a current game programming student and had an instructor try to teach me this course. It was awful. He couldn’t teach. You truly understand the students frustration.
Peter J. Bj rgmose –
There is a very good mix of theory and coding exercises. In the start I did’nt code along, but now I do, and it is important to get the code in your hands and brain. One thing that is a bit of a shame is, like almost all Udemy courses, this course is for people with a Mac, on Windows Mingw and eclipse is suggested. I had some trouble using SDL in Visual Studio, at first, I found that if you use vcpkg to install SDL it works fine. If anyone needs some help, I will be glad to. This course is great fun. The first time you see something move on the screen you are so proud. But of course it’s Serge, that is a good teacher, to get you there. I strongly recommend this course !!!
Chris Thor –
I am really enjoying this course and feel comfortable giving a rating halfway(ish) through. Serge is a great teacher, giving clear and crisp explanations in a digestible tempo. More over, I enjoy the small challenges presented after each section. There’s no other way to get better than to practise and having an outline like Make this Class and make it behave in this manner by implementing the concepts, you just learned. is awesome. It also makes sure, that you’ve understood what you need to in any given section, before moving on to the next one. Great job Serge!
Luke Chambers –
I don’t agree with some of the choices he makes as a coder in this course, but it’s still a phenomenal jog through C++ at an appropriately challenging rate. The practices in this course seem easier than his last one, although that’s not unwelcome in the least! I appreciate the time and thought that went into creating this course, and it’s got a lot of well made, applicable content for budding C++ developers. Great course!
Thomas Wagner –
Pretty good insights so far! I (re)learned the basics and the pace is not too slow which is great. However having a forum to chat about the exercises would have been useful to solidify the acquired knowledge.
ellie T –
The instructor really takes the time to explain each topic in detail, each topic being divided into different sections. Each section ends with a set of practices so that the students can apply what they have learned so far. There are also sections that are completely project based for more application. I wish that the practices at the end of sections had answers as well. Over all this would be a fantastic course for anyone who wants to OOP or for more intermidate students who want to apply their learnings from before.
Arvand Kaveh –
My biggest issue with this course is the lack of sufficient explanations.
Gerard Paul –
Great explanations.
Paul Kedef –
Very good!
Bashar Alkhalili –
I’ve only had a cursory look at the videos and the course outline so far. I have a background in C++ programming and OOP and wanted to learn SDL and make retro Arcade games, even though I’m not interested in becoming a professional game developer at the moment. I loved the games developed here. I purchased the course specifically to program Pac Man. However, what I’m disappointed with is the amount of unnecessary overhead I need to go through first before I could get to programming the game mechanics itself. The overhead I’m referring to is the development of Arcade cabinet features of multi game selection menus, game title and game over screens and all the required object oriented structures. I think those could have been discussed after the games have been developed. They’re pretty neat to add and they’re necessary professional touches, but they would only delay the fun parts and risk losing the attention of the learner. Also, a second suggestion would be to provide an outline for the lesson dependencies. If there are lessons I could skip to get to a certain one, it’s difficult for me to know that on my own. I’ll try to update this review when I make more progress through the course. Thanks to the instructor for providing this material.
Joshua Waheed –
Great course. Thanks. I was wondering if you could create a course on collision detection, from basic to advanced or something. I’ve learned a lot from this course, and I look forward to your future ones.
Quincy Sy –
So, far everything is being explained well and I can hear everything properly. So far, very good course.