Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow
If you are a software developer who wants to build scalable AI–powered algorithms, you need to understand how to use the tools to build them. This Specialization will teach you best practices for using TensorFlow, a popular open–source framework for machine learning. In Course 3 of the deeplearning.ai TensorFlow Specialization, you will build natural language processing systems using TensorFlow. You will learn to process text, including tokenizing and representing sentences as vectors, so that they can be input to a neural network. You’ll also learn to apply RNNs, GRUs, and LSTMs in TensorFlow. Finally, you’ll get to train an LSTM on existing text to create original poetry! The Machine Learning course and Deep Learning Specialization from Andrew Ng teach the most important and foundational principles of Machine Learning and Deep Learning. This new deeplearning.ai TensorFlow Specialization teaches you how to use TensorFlow to implement those principles so that you can start building and applying scalable models to real–world problems. To develop a deeper understanding of how neural networks work, we recommend that you take the Deep Learning Specialization. deeplearning.ai is Andrew Ng’s new venture which amongst others, strives for providing comprehensive AI education beyond borders.
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52 reviews for Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow
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Efstathios C –
Thank you!
Hieu Q N –
Great implementation of Tensorflow on RNN model.
Rommy S –
Thank you to the team for putting this together!
Luigi s –
Nice and clear
Nitin K M –
They are course is well oriented for beginners. But no so much explanation provided for models
Ahmet K –
Very good learning with real data, thank you!
This is good course for those who are want to practice in natural language processing in Tensor Flow and also learned sentiment analysis it is having wonderful stuff for beginners
Shuhei O –
very useful and fun
It will certainly initiate you in a smooth way into NLP with TensorFlow.
Abhishek S –
Cemented my understanding of RNN Models.
Gabor H –
Very thanks the instructions I completed my first NLP network. Thanks!
Cihan S –
Graded assignments would be nice
Nitin –
Course teaches us how to implement NLP using tensorflow.
Vin B –
Amazing course!
Max W –
moved very quickly…needed a bit more theory and slower code walk throughs
June L –
Great learning experience
Matteo A –
Some database and some exercise were not thoroughly checked but the information is still optimal
Lydia N –
All I always wanted to learn about how to solve NLP problems with Tensorflow (Kears). Presented in an easy to follow and engaging way.
Bhabani D –
Great introductory course to learn the application of TensorFlow with Keras in the area of NLP.
Sai K K K –
Fundamentals well covered in areas of NLP and related Tensorflow/Keras stuff. Would definitely recommend for Beginners/Intermediate NLP professionals. My understanding and experience has been enhanced really as this course has picked up right Industry level datasets.
Jui W –
I’ve learnt a lot of interesting things during this course. I subtracted 1 star due to the missing links and notebooks. Please find some time to fix them.
Gamage O I –
Need more programming assignments and quizzes
Rishie N B –
This is a great course to strengthen the understanding of NLP and is targeted at getting hands on practical learning experience through many coding lectures and exercises. This went a long way in helping me with my projects and research work on NLP and this is a much recommended course to everyone !
Sachin R V –
This is good learning path and we need more practical so again this will more much understand
Andrew T –
I wish there are more hands–on practice projects and more explanations of the NLP concepts.
Prosenjit D –
This course is a far cry from Andrew Ng’s deep learning specialization and refers to Sequence Models from that specialization at the drop of a hat. In short, no use doing this one, unless you have done sequence models (course 5) of deep learning specialization.
afshin m –
week 2 and week3 are disorganized – the examples don’t run without making modifications based on information in the forums. However the overall course is worth it. I hope they pay more attention to making the examples accessible and making them work.
Venkatesh S –
The code should be explained a bit better on the advanced RNN, LSTM examples.
Meraj Z –
Detailed Description is still missing, makes you sometime to google and find the exact understanding.
Amar P P –
excellent course for beginners in NLP
Saunak S –
very helpful in understanding the basics
Mohammad Z –
Extremely useful
Hyungjune L –
Otavio D Z B –
Missed graded assigments
Remi G –
Very nice course. However there were issues with the notebooks from week 3. Some of the code didn’t work, and also some of the notebooks titles seem to have been swapped up.
HA J –
It would be better to have some assignments so as to test myself!
Eugene L –
I was a bit disappointed that the graded portion, week 4 quiz was largely recycled from earlier weeks. Other than that, it was a solid course.
David P –
Going to be very useful
Jonathan P –
A very nice introduction!
Philippe B –
Je n’avais aucune connaissance sur le sujet. Apres ce cours, ayant acquis toutes les bases indispensable je n’ai qu’une envie c’est de continuer a approfondir concretement le sujet.
Vera P –
It’s ok and certainly takes less time than expected, but it’s a shame that there are not coding graded exercises.
Jiang Z –
very good
Victor C –
Ashutosh S –
The course was really great. it gave complete knowledge about data preparation, model creation and prediction. This course was really helpful to me in understanding NLP and TensorFlow in a better manner.
clement l r –
This course is a great introduction to NLP processing with Tensorflow. It emphasize that more effort is required in terms of data pre–processing as well as the different variations to implement RNN (LSTM,GRU,Conv1D). The last part with text generation is very interesting as well to understand how to extrapolate text generation from an initial classification problem.
Excellent course Gave me a brief idea with practical experience about how to process strings for machine learning.
Laurentiu G –
Very good course for beginners including good exercises.
Rohit k –
Great Start to the NLP understanding
Siddharth C –
The concept even being too difficult were taught in such a way that one can understand easily.
Excellent Explanation by Laurence for beginners ; easy understanding of concepts
Ambesh S –
Explaination bu Laurence Moorney was not enough, needed some extra stuff but still good.
Chirag S –
Amazing course!