In this course we will go step by step to build a complete custom MVC (Model View Controller) framework Called TraversyMVC using object oriented PHP. We will build something similar to Codeigniter but much much lighter. This framework is completely open source and you are free to change the name, add stuff, etc and use it as your own. This framework will include…
Not only will we create the framework but we will build an application on top of it called SharePosts which will be somewhat of a social network to share posts. This application will include..
We will also be deploying the application to the Internet
This is not a beginner PHP course. To learn the basics, please check out the PHP Front To Back series on YouTube by Traversy Media
Instructor Details

Courses : 12
Specification: Object Oriented PHP & MVC
35 reviews for Object Oriented PHP & MVC
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Huss Z –
Awesome course! Content is well structured and everything is clearly explained. I learned a lot, keep up the good work!
Silvio –
Brad is the best mentor and teacher for coding lessons.
Ognjen Gavri –
For studying
Scott Plude –
I really enjoy everything that Brad produces.
Zvi Eshel –
Excellent for anyone who wants to understand PHP OOP and the foundation of a MVC. I will most likely need to review everything I have learned here (quite intensive) but this is the real thing if you are serious about php web dev.
Artjoms U akovs –
Pretty explanatory for now. Great course all in all. Thank you I refreshed my OOP knowledge, as well as learned a lot of new information.
Francisco Ortiz –
I like the course, it was really good Very thorough and well organised and explained.
Marko Buskupi –
Its what i expected from U :)) u are a great develop[er and great person overall.. thank u for sharing your knowlidge..
Niels Engelen –
Very clear and clean explanation. I always was wondering how they setup asp.net core mvc. But with this course, I understand a lot more. Very nice
Fabio Di Crescenzo –
A very helpful course to understand the foundamentals of OOP with PHP. As always Brad Traversy is a top teacher and succeeds to explain hard concepts in a really understandable way! I reccomend this course to everyone!
Jorge Paul –
Brad is amazing at explaining things and guiding you throughout the workflow and all related concepts.
Edward Link III –
It was exactly what I needed to get back into PHP after not touching it for almost seven years.
Torleif Villmones M hre –
Brad is very structured and thorough, I like the way he plans out his content in a proper way. Very valuable for me!
Eko Cahyo Nugroho –
Clear explanation
Matej Mulej –
By the time I started this course PHP is already version 7.4.3, and there’s a Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 extension. I also saw there is PHP Intelephense extension which seem to be the same thing as PHP IntelliSense, only better rated. I went for IntelliSense non the less. Brad’s voice is very pleasant. Instructions are clear. Everything set.
Farai Chirimanzi –
Great explanations Sir
Chantal Watkins –
good thanks
Nicolas Tamino Kraus –
Pablo Aguilar –
Stefan Nikolic –
Great practice, thank you for this course Brad ! Greetings from Serbia !
Shibu P. Ummer –
Very simple and easily understandable.
Dor Dylan Levy –
i’ve been working alot with php and didnt know how to really make my workflow more easier and nice . thanks to you , now i know how to
Andrius Sokolnikovas –
Good intro to MVC and MySQL basics with PDO in action.
Stef van de Poel –
This is a great course to follow to learn how to make your own MVC. The only thing that I would like to have seen is better password security.
Marius Girnis –
Looks good and clear to me I like the explanation. Using namespaces, autoloader with composer and psr code style would be perfect! Looking forward to creating my app using similiar principles !
Rhyhorn277 horn –
Great explanation. I have learn a lot from Brad.
Martins Narogs –
Its fantastic!
Rodrigo Vieira Del Bem –
Fantastic as usual. Brad is the man!
Amir S –
Wonderful course
Emil –
Very Good!
Burak AK –
Thanks for the great tutorial.
Christos Lavrentidis –
So far, it’s all clear about what to do.
Davids –
There was some mayor about how he made routing . But all around good course
Prashil Pazare –
This course have many bugs, even resource code not working. Constructor should replace all videos and code.
Richard Santarina Reyes –
I actually loved this course. At first I did not understand that well since I am new, but WOW! I learned so much in such a short time!