We live in an uncertain and complex world, yet we continually have to make decisions in the present with uncertain future outcomes. Indeed, we should be on the look–out for “black swans” – low–probability high–impact events. To study, or not to study? To invest, or not to invest? To marry, or not to marry? While uncertainty makes decision–making difficult, it does at least make life exciting! If the entire future was known in advance, there would never be an element of surprise. Whether a good future or a bad future, it would be a known future. In this course we consider many useful tools to deal with uncertainty and help us to make informed (and hence better) decisions – essential skills for a lifetime of good decision–making. Key topics include quantifying uncertainty with probability, descriptive statistics, point and interval estimation of means and proportions, the basics of hypothesis testing, and a selection of multivariate applications of key terms and concepts seen throughout the course. The University of London is a federal University which includes 18 world leading Colleges. Our distance learning programmes were founded in 1858 and have enriched the lives of thousands of students, delivering high quality University of London degrees …
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Courses : 1
Specification: Probability and Statistics: To p or not to p?
54 reviews for Probability and Statistics: To p or not to p?
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Price | Free |
Provider | |
Duration | 23 hours |
Year | 2018 |
Level | Beginner |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | Yes |

Yves G –
T h i s i s a v e r y intersting c o u r s e , v e r y w e l l t a u g h t a n d g i v i n g y ou t he w i l l t o study f u t h e r i n that f i e l d .
Mayur P K –
Great Course.
fozan t –
Best course on the concepts of Probability and statistics , for the beginners. Dr.James Abdey provides lot of examples from the everyday life .
Mehran Y –
The subjects and examples are OK. However, the technical side of the course is missing!. The idea of most videos could be explained in 1 or 2 minutes rather than 10 minutes. The assignments are quiet simple and no challenging at all. Some times I was so bored which I watched the videos at 2x speed. Finally, the review process of other students has a big bug which I realized that this bug existed from the first day and people are confused about how to review other students, however, the bug is still there. IF you already know a little bit about statistics I do not suggest this course. If you know nothing and want to know what is statistics about (in a very basic and simple manner) then watch this course as a fun!
Guillermo K –
Great overview, it could have used more practice problems and tougher questions
Ravikumar S –
it was a nice learning experience, with a very step–by–step approach
Cor v H –
Flawed assessment system. Superficial.
Eyob –
funny charming and full of numbers
Grigory S –
The first course I’ve paid for to get a certificate. For me it’s VERY hard to understand any theoretical math–related concept from video–lectures. I need to read paper for it and there are paper for every video in this course. I am very thankful about it but the main purpose of video is missed: VISUALISATION very important in teaching math concepts especially such practival one as statistics. I wish there’d be more videos with lovely visialusation of sample data and it’s statisitcs to get students a general feeling of what all this ‘boring’ calculations looks like. I also understand that one course is not enough to have good knowlegde of statistics and read books while completing this.
Paolo T –
The only reason to vote 4 instead 5 stars stay in the fact that there are not official moderator to fix the quiz bugs. For all the rest, 5 stars! At all! I loved it!
Thomas J H –
Yes, the scoring system for peer–reviewed work needs work –– poorly formatted and unnecessarily confusing. That said, I would welcome more courses by Dr James Abdey. As an introduction and overview/review, this particular course is excellent. NOT superficial, as one reviewer commented. If fact, if you download the PDFs which accompany each major video, you will that you can very quickly progress to the deeper end of the pool: much quality information. I would love to see an option for R, and not just Excel. But I can highly recommend this course (do suggest the assessment be tweaked), and hope again that Dr James Abdey will offer more.
Leonardo B –
It’s a great course.
Jordi a –
Basic introduction to the world of statistics, well structured and supplied with reading materials. Quite elementary, I’d say at most it’s a HS/pre–college level overview of different fields and concepts. The lecturer conveys a strong appreciation for the subject. Recommended for those who want a first approximation to the subject.
Abhishek S –
Hi, The course taught about the basics and that’s exactly what I was looking for. I learnt a lot, and so many things which I hear and read, became clearer and more meaningful. Thanks you!
yue –
Very good introduction and overview, gives clear picture of probability and statistics.
ruixi z –
Weichi C –
The concept is well presented with the assumption that further research and dedication needed is required to get to next level.
Brett C –
The setup of peer reviewed assignments was a very poor experience due to lack of explanation and incorrect grading rubrics. Reviewers were presented with a single radio–button list, when they should have been presented with a series of check–boxes.
Tanmoy C –
This is a fantastic course to refresh probability and statistics. The only reason i have provided four star is due to a bug in the week 5 assignment where the grading does not provide multiple selections. Additionally there is no support for course stuff if you have question. You are really on your own. I would still encourage to take this one.
Rodney M –
Horrible. Too much talking or woffling as i came to call it. Dumbed down too much. We know what a toolbox is. Don’t give us an example of how a toolbox is used. This is just an example of the level of stupidity you must assume your students have. Week 1 was a waste of time and weeks 2 and three could have been summed up in a 10 minute video. You skipped over probability and straight into statistics without mentioning any of the useful things of probability like the laws of probability. Communicative, Distributive etc. I’ve learnt almost nothing from this. Will not recommend at all. Not useful at all.
david w –
The course material was top notch I learned a lot. It was an excellent crash course, and beautifully explained. I took off a star because the failure of the grading system in Assignment #2 / Week 5 cost me a lot of time, and likely affected many of my peers as well. That type of technical glitch is unacceptable in MOOC, particularly because there doesn’t seem to be anyone around to support the students. Thanks for resolving it, though, whoever you are!
Chia K X –
Lecturer is patient and always tries to explain difficult concepts clearly.
Daniel D –
Nice overall introduction to statistics, but suffers from bad grading mecanism when perofrming peer graded assignments.
Giovanni B –
Very interesting course, well explained, I found the material useful. The reason I do not give 5 stars is that I found the course somewhat slow, it took a long time to explain certain concepts, and not broad enough, concentrating on a few very specific areas of probability and statistics.
Ivan –
Really well done! It starts slow, explaining everything clearly. If you want to add material to a specific lesson, you can easly do it following what the teacher already explained.
Jose L –
Easy to follow to your own time
Ritesh R –
God course for beginners level.
Olivera M –
I really liked the course, I would just say that this is for complete and absolute beginners who haven’t had any interactions with statistics and that it wont leave you with a lot of practical knowledge, more of a broad idea of what statistics could do for you.
Geeti P M –
It was a great experience learning from Sir Abdey!
Guomin R –
Dr James Abdey is a fantastic teacher. He delivered the knowledge with plain languages and vivid examples. Very helpful!
Duvvuri Y S P –
This course gives brief idea about different probabilistic methods used and their purpose in the real world. It’s a very basic course where anyone can take and have a detailed knowledge on probability & Statistics.
Majnoo G –
One of the good starting points to learn the basics of probability and statistics. With less of mathematics and more on theory and interesting examples, this course is just right to start your journey on statistics. It covers some of the detail concepts with ease. Highly recommended
Madhav C –
wonderful course and the tutor!!
This course was very knowledgeable and given a review of my previous study.
Manu G –
Great course to revise basic statistics concept or if you are new to the area of statistics
Omkar A P –
very nice course..
Juliana S d D –
Curso introdutorio muito bom para quem nao sabe nada e precisa ter uma nocao basica antes de comecar a se aprofundar em mais conteudos.
Marc m –
This introduction course is well presented and to the point, with ample examples of applications in the real world. I recommend this as an introduction to the topic. I am looking forward to follow– up with more advanced courses on Monte–Carlo simulation.
BogdanC –
great course
John J S –
Very simple and high level but also extraordinarily clear and well presented. The course is a survey so breadth of covered material is intense: just as one area is developed enough to become truly interesting the course must move on to another area. This is an appetizer. An amuse bouche.
Spyros K –
Great gentle introduction/revision of basic probability and statistics concepts.
Guy S –
The best (introductory) statistics course I have had! Clear and understandable explanations.
Awesome course to get the heart of fundamental of the statistic world.
Sarahkate C –
It has been an enlightening course and has taught me that in order to make appropriate decisions in life, which is full of uncertainties, probability comes in handy.
Haoming L –
Really great course
Teddy D –
A great inspiring course for starters. Thanks Dr James Abdey so much for excellent work.
Marco v –
As a beginner, this course is quite difficult for me. Anyway, it is very well–done and Dr James Abdey is a great teacher, thus I found it enjoyable. I recommend it.
DM –
Very clear and useful
This was an absolutely fantastic course on Probability and Statistics. It made me know “WHY” behind the concepts very well and how we should think to get the solution rather than blindly applying the formula. Thanks a lot.
Aditya M –
A great course to learn statistics from the ground level up. However, doing more number of exercises will help you learn better.
Oswaldo E –
Really great! Excellent to start or remember statistics’ basics!
Chandra M T –
This is an excellent course . I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The subject was interesting and he did brought new topics which i liked but it was a bit draggy at times which made me to loose attention. Overall i liked it especially the Monty Hall problem formulation and Bayesian update. The topic on p value is still muddy for me.
Himanshu S J –
I never thought that Probability and Statistics is so realistic in our day to day life and so simple to learn. Thank you so much Dr James for all you effort to make this course.