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- 82% Professional Scala

Professional Scala

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8.6/10 (Our Score)
Product is rated as #8 in category Scala

Professional Scala teaches  you how to build and contribute to Scala programs, recognizing common  patterns and techniques used with the language. You’ll learn how to  write concise, functional code with Scala. After an introduction to core  concepts, syntax, and writing example applications with scalac, you’ll  learn about the Scala Collections API and how the language handles type  safety via static types out–of–the–box. You’ll then learn about advanced  functional programming patterns, and how you can write your own Domain  Specific Languages (DSLs). By the end of the course, you’ll be equipped  with the skills you need to successfully build smart, efficient  applications in Scala that can be compiled to the JVM. 

About the Authors

Nimish Narang has a degree  in biology and computer science. He has worked with application  development and machine learning. His recent achievement was building  the biggest ever mobile machine learning course which has many different  machine learning and deep learning models in Python and translated into  both Android and iOS applications to incorporate some elements of  machine learning into mobile application. 

Joao Azevedo is a Software Engineer currently working at ShiftForward, where he is involved in the development of large–scale systems for the online advertising industry. His interests in computer science usually revolve around artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, algorithms, data structures and programming language theory. He is fond of reading computer science textbooks and science–fiction novels. He makes an effort to keep as much of the code he writes open–source.

Instructor Details

Packt has been committed to developer learning since 2004. A lot has changed in software since then - but Packt has remained responsive to these changes, continuing to look forward at the trends and tools defining the way we work and live. And how to put them to work. With an extensive library of content - more than 4000 books and video courses -Packt's mission is to help developers stay relevant in a rapidly changing world. From new web frameworks and programming languages, to cutting edge data analytics, and DevOps, Packt takes software professionals in every field to what's important to them now. From skills that will help you to develop and future proof your career to immediate solutions to every day tech challenges, Packt is a go-to resource to make you a better, smarter developer. Packt Udemy courses continue this tradition, bringing you comprehensive yet concise video courses straight from the experts.

Specification: Professional Scala


8.5 hours









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