Protractor: End to End testing framework for AngularJS Apps
$199.99 $11.99Track price
With a sudden increase in AngularJS websites current market demand is moving towards Protractor for automation. Now before we proceed further we first need to understand what exactly is Protractor?
Protractor is an end to end testing framework specially designed to perform automation testing on AngularJS based web applications. Protractor API works as a wrapper over the most powerful Selenium WebDriver API and is built on top of WebDriverJS that uses native events and browser specific drivers to interact with web based application as a normal user would do.
There’s a massive increase in locator strategies in Protractor which also allows you to test AngularJS specific elements including the existing locator that we get from WebDriver API without configuring or putting any extra effort. Waits and Syncs are handled in a more effective manner so we need to to worry about sync issues as well.
Protractor is one of the end to end testing framework in AngularJS
Additional Locator strategies:
By binding
By repeater
By textarea
By model
WebElement all
WebElement evaluate, etc.
About course coverage:
End to end testing on AngujarJS websites
Handling elements on a Non–Angular websites
Different locator techniques
Writing Protractor tests
Jasmine concepts
Creating test cases and test suites
Instructor Details

Courses : 9
Specification: Protractor: End to End testing framework for AngularJS Apps
6 reviews for Protractor: End to End testing framework for AngularJS Apps
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$199.99 $11.99
Stephanie Beach –
This is a great course. I really came in ‘blind’ with regards to promises and ‘expects’. I have it now. Only issues with course. * It feels that the author zips around a bit. minor tangents. * Your audio needs to be normalized. Echo…too loud…too soft… * Make the code more readable by moving the explorer panel to the left and also, get your code ‘more together’. Many times the code has multiple lines that made the entire test harder to read. Had to keep going back and forth to see it all. 🙂
Gowri Satya Sai Priyanka Uppalapu –
looger .zip file contains a virus.. so we unabled to download that. please check.
Ann M –
So far (first 3 vids), they start out of focus and that makes it tough to follow.
Dave Runkle –
Everything shown or taught is in code, but the actual examples aren’t terribly useful (example: demonstrating a login page with a drop down for usernames). This would benefit with some lectures that are a little higher level that talk about more general principles, rather than copy pasting code. Also, the versions used are quite dated.
Michael Tscharmi –
I like the style of the presenter. To build up everything from scratch is important to understand what runs behind the scenes. Also very important is to see how to deal with errors. Very structured and experienced way of work in automation. Well done! Keep on with these excellent lectures.
Shikha Sahu –
It’s simple and crisp and has all the required content in it !!