After learning the basics about JavaScript, the JavaScript world can be very intimidating. There are lots of different frameworks like Angular, React or Vue, libraries and other packages (like webpack).
You ll quickly see yourself ask these questions:
This course will help you with that!
You ll get an introduction into the three most important JavaScript frameworks (Angular, React.js and Vue.js) and you ll also get a detailed comparison! This will then allow you to pick other resources or courses to dive super–deep into your chosen framework whilst having a solid foundation already.
Throughout the course, we ll dive into the basics of these frameworks but we ll also have a look at why we use them to begin with. The role of jQuery and how these frameworks differ from jQuery will be clarified, too!
Which framework should you learn?
Not only are we going to dive into the basics of the three most popular JavaScript frameworks, this course will also draw a detailed comparison. A couple of different dimensions will be considered to find out which framework might be the perfect tool for the job you have at hand!
This course won t stop at this point though!
We ll also have a look at Webpack and Build workflows in general. You ll learn which role these (and the respective packages like Webpack) play and why we need them. You will also understand which role ES6 and TypeScript play.
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Courses : 10
Specification: React JS, Angular & Vue JS – Quickstart & Comparison
10 reviews for React JS, Angular & Vue JS – Quickstart & Comparison
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$94.99 $12.99
Igor D –
Awesome course. Very interesting and very useful. It provides enough information to start.
Christoph John –
Der Kurs war in Ordnung. W nschenswert w re gewesen wenn in die Bewertung zus tzlich eine Beurteilung hinsichtlich Framework Verwendung mit IONIC 4 f r Mobile Anwendungen ber cksichtigt worden w re.
Marinko Stani –
Teacher is very precise and explain in simle clear vay
Harol Gomez –
Max is great !!, I am not english native speaker but I understand him and the examples
Jason Anton –
A great breakdown of each framework, and a great breakdown of the comparisons.
Joel Douglas –
Great explanations
Mohammed Rizwan Afgani –
Introduction to different was very good i liked the way of explanation, quick hands on. Comparison was i bit leaning towards Vue.js
Oren Sampson –
A comprehensive comparison that will help you (a lot) choose what is the best framework for you.
Eswara Booragadda –
Raghu G –
I took up only the react section of this course and found it very accommodating to what i had expected, the course is a jump start into react and it could come in handy when you want to understand the basics of react in a crash, the course itself is very well charted covering the concepts with easily understandable explanations and code snippets,all in all its a good course