Treat this offer as a One Time Investment to all future updates.
This course will take you from React Novice to React intermediate (advanced, or Expert level, with practice). We will covering some fundamentals in the beginning but move on to applications and the cool stuff.
In this course we will also code a reusable DataTable component from scratch, implement drag and drop without using any third–party library, create JSON based dynamic forms and much more.
You will learn many fundamental aspects of React Component design and also learn how to take this approach to build any UI component that you wish. Once you successfully complete the course you will have learned how to build a pretty advanced React component that contains the following features.
[ x ] React fundamentals
[ x ] Component in depth
[ x ] Hooks
[ x ] Understanding Virtual DOM and diffing
[ x ] Context API
[ x ] Learn to build dynamic form component using JSON.
[ x ] Customizing components using props
[ x ] Learn to add drag and drop feature without using third party library.
[ x ] Bind data to a table layout
[ x ] Searching on any columns
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Courses : 2
Specification: React Master Class – Learn By Coding Components
12 reviews for React Master Class – Learn By Coding Components
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Price | $14.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 21.5 hours |
Year | 2021 |
Level | All |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$84.99 $14.99
Oleg Brusilovski –
You are focusing a lot on basic stuffs despite you named your course Beyond the basics…
Sriram –
Awesome content and delivered properly.
Giovanni Tammaro –
Excellent Json Dynamic Form.
Nitin Singh –
Best out of my all courses.
Merian I Croos –
Lots of practical and useful techniques and patterns which can be applied in the real world. It is indeed beyond basic ReactJS.
Sashank –
Excellent, learned a lot. I see Rajesh is busy developing other courses but request him to keep updating this react course. One topic which can definitely be taken into consideration is about request caching. I did not see in any other react course on how to cache service requests(get and post) in a better way.
Wisdom Chikwanda –
Brilliant!! I have over 40 udemy cources and this is my favorite, well done Rajesh
Icaro mayese –
Audio is very bad 🙁
Shripad –
Nice explanation
Divine Technology Facility RO36287287 –
The form does not allow to be edited: the input elements can not be filled. https://github.com/rajeshpillai/react dynamic form How can I solve this? Thank you.
Rodinei Teixeira –
Muito show as aulas, estou aprendendo demais com o teacher, aprimorando cada vez mais meu background em React.
Shivamcs0049@Gmail.Com –
yes course look good till now.