This course will provide learners with an introduction to research data management and sharing. After completing this course, learners will understand the diversity of data and their management needs across the research data lifecycle, be able to identify the components of good data management plans, and be familiar with best practices for working with data including the organization, documentation, and storage and security of data. Learners will also understand the impetus and importance of archiving and sharing data as well as how to assess the trustworthiness of repositories. Today, an increasing number of funding agencies, journals, and other stakeholders are requiring data producers to share, archive, and plan for the management of their data. In order to respond to these requirements, researchers and information professionals will need the data management and curation knowledge and skills that support the long–term preservation, access, and reuse of data. Effectively managing data can also help optimize research outputs, increase the impact of research, and support open scientific inquiry. After completing this course, learners will be better equipped to manage data throughout the entire research data lifecycle from project planning to the end of the project when data ideally are shared and made available within a trustworthy …
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Courses : 1
Specification: Research Data Management and Sharing
53 reviews for Research Data Management and Sharing
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Price | Free |
Provider | |
Duration | 12 hours |
Year | 2016 |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | Yes |

Brandon E A –
This course provided some god information on version control and file naming conventions, but a lot of the lessons just refer to the DDI protocol.
Michalis T –
An excellent course for all researchers that want to understand what Research Data Management is and how to apply this to your research. The course also gives very good arguments why managing and sharing data is an excellent career strategy for researchers. The videos are short but really informative and full of further sources of information. The practical exercises (optional for completing the course) are a great way to consolidate the new knowledge and to helped make the cognitive bridge to data management practice . A course any researcher that aspires in applying for a Horizon 2020 grant in Europe should take!
Reshma D –
It was wonderful reading and building our knowledge. Thank You our Professors and mentors. Please let us know the procedure to get our certificate. Please send the details in dangolreshma11@gmail.com. Once again thank you so much………… 🙂
Billel S –
Important course
Rubi L –
Very good course!
Cedron W –
It is a really great course! I learnt a lot!
Christian L –
Excellent cours offrant une riche introduction au processus de la gestion des donnees de recherche.
Teuea T –
Sondos A C –
Hilda T A –
Excellent resources and extraordinary lectures!
Alain M –
Un cours tres bien construit. Des video claires, et des petits exercices plein de sens qui permettent d’appliquer les principes vus dans les autres documents
Amy –
I thoroughly enjoyed this course. It was well–taught and easy to follow. It covered many aspects of data management that researchers might forget to take into consideration as they begin their research. As someone who is interested in Library Science, I found this course incredibly informative and interesting.
Sergio U –
Great course, the instructors were clear and concise. I had zero knowledge of DM before this course and this course show the basics and essential at least to start to talk about data management. Absolutely indispensable to anyone doing research of any type. Kudos to the teachers!
Ana G –
informative course. Lots of information provided. Course set a foundation of knowledge that will be built upon. Good instructors. Good pace.
Ehtasham R –
Thank you so much coursera. I am so delighted.
Gulam M A K –
I would recommend the course for everyone who is either beginner or an intermediate researcher like me
Sharon L L –
Very valuable!
Louise M –
Very insightful
Carola N –
it is to general. Unfortunately you learn nothing new if you already have some insight into this topic.
Anna S –
Well presented with interesting case studies to complement the theoretical content. Practical information for the ‘how to’ of research data management and an excellent introduction to digital preservation.
Leila T A –
Great foundation course
Mina P –
I took this course having no prior knowledge of the subject area. The course was informative, and well done. I have gained a good introduction, and consider the time well spent. The content presentation and instructor engagement are a plus.
Yana W –
Good overview on the topic of research management and sharing. Thanks!
Malin A J –
I learned a lot! It showed me a lot of tools and ways of thinking about the organisation of a reaserch data unit at university. It was also quite challenging when it came to reviewing grading your fellow students. I wish I knew if my reviewing was followed up by someone responsible for the course. In the quiz–exercises it would have been helpful to see the correct answer for the questions that only had one correct alternative, when you had chosen the wrong one.
Hoo L V –
The course offers very good introduction to research data management and sharing. Not only useful for researchers, information professional that are assisting researchers but also professionals managing the research projects and related data on behalf of funder to maximise the use of research data.
Sergio G –
I will use this!!! Very good
Stanislava G –
Very helpful. Thank you for providing this open course.
Claudios H –
great job
Jenny N I J –
Good introduction to research data management. The course is well structured with relevant lectures, reading, quiz exercises and peer review assignments. Easy to follow.
priyanka –
very good content and suplementary reading materials !!!
Sean C –
Comprehensive introduction to RDM.
Sheila B –
Lots & lots of useful information! A bit dry, though.
Matthew R –
very interesting course
Jessica n –
I manage data for researchers who have not been practicing good research data for more than a decade. This course has helped me fill in things that I missed in my education and has also helped me form an arsenal of information to help make the case for better creation of research data.
Erick A M C –
Good Course
Alexis K –
Great overview of the field. There was perhaps a bit too much emphases on archiving. I would have personally benefited from more time on metadata standards. However, I thought it was a good introduction and it made me want to do a deeper dive into a few key aspects of data management.
MD. R A –
This is a very uptodate course for interested learner in this modern age for any branch of student.
Dwight M L –
This course challenged me intellectually especially since I do not have Information Science in my background, but I stand to benefit greatly from its contents, since my work colleagues and I are part of a start–up anonymisation section in the Children’s division of the Supreme Court of Trinidad & Tobago.
Mohamad K A –
It was a pleasure to be in this course and I got a huge benefit from it
Obileye O –
T h e c o u r s e I s t a k e n b y p r o v e n l e c t u r e r s a n d I t I s w e l l d e t a I l e d .
Mojdeh –
I found this course pretty useful without lots of information. I currently work in a research environment which involves lots of multi–site studies and data management task and was familiar with some of the aspects of this course, but I still found it useful.
Sarah W –
Very informative. Thank you
Research Data Management and Sharing is the excellent course and need of the hours as it is the most important aspect/area to learn more about it being working in research institutions. The course content is very nice and well organise and deliver by the course coordinator.
Lise–Marie –
Very thorough coverage of the RDM process. The videos were well–paced for following along.
Lise Marie –
Very thorough coverage of the RDM process. The videos were well paced for following along.
Scott J –
Really relevant and applicable subject matter in a digestible format. The supplemental readings were really interesting and well selected.
Angelos S –
Excellent course
Dorien H –
Tops: Very good introduction to/overview of research data management and considerations that need to be made in sharing data. Doable for all disciplines. Does not take up too much time. Good summaries at the end of each topic. Tips: videos could be more engaging (mostly “talking head” style + slow talking), I would have liked it if the slides shown would be available as well (i.e. not in a video)
I learned a lot from this course. Thanks
Amal V –
andrew p –
Fundamentally valid and good practice that stretches beyond academic research (I was reviewing for research operations guidance for user research). There’s a few out dated concepts, which is to be expected seeing as the material has not been updated for some time and regulations are ever changing the world over