* UPDATE September 2019: We have updated and improved the course using Unity 2018.3 based on feedback from our community. Enjoy! *
This highly acclaimed course was over 200% funded on Kickstarter, and is designed for intermediate users of Unity. We recommend you take at least the first half of our Complete Unity Developer 2D or 3D, or equivalent, as a pre–requisite.
This course is the first part in our RPG series. There are two other separate courses in this series, one which focuses on the Inventory system and another that deals with Dialogue and Quests.
Role Playing Games can be complex to create, with many interacting gameplay systems. We make it easy for you, with this online course that teaches you step–by–step how to make the foundations of any good RPG combat system – from scratch.
In this course we’re focusing on the core of any great RPG, giving your players a fun combat moment in a well crafted level, based upon a solid game design, built using a robust code architecture. You will follow our project, but also make the game entirely your own.
This is a highly realistic and comprehensive introduction to real game development. We’ll be taking you through our process step–by–step, with all decisions justified and all avenues explored.
Instructor Details

Courses : 11
Specification: RPG Core Combat Creator: Learn Intermediate Unity C# Coding
27 reviews for RPG Core Combat Creator: Learn Intermediate Unity C# Coding
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$94.99 $12.99
Dylan Woodham –
Great course that covers a lot of content.
Thomas Harrald –
It’s a bit heavy on the beginner level concepts.
Javid Ali –
This was a fun and well made course! Really looking forward to Part 2. I will admit I felt a little lost with some of the challenges, but this is a minor nitpick.
Marcello Bozzi –
Grande didattica, argomenti rilevanti, esposizione piacevole
Bassel Ojjeh –
I really enjoyed how they are explaining what to do very well. Which allows me to do the priority in less time and in better form.
Toby Hone –
This has been a fantastic course. Your instructions are very clear and suitably aimed at intermediary developers. I often found myself more than sufficiently able to take on the challenges that you set. You were able to just point me in the right direction as to what I should do. I have learnt quite alot of nifty little tricks and concepts that I’m looking forward to putting into, hopefully a fully fleshed out project. You guys have done such an amazing job on creating this course and I really hope that you continue to develop the other aspects of the RPG series. I am now going to dive straight into your second course being the Inventory series.
Tim Ridge –
The Gamedev.TV crew are easy to follow, but they also throw in challenges that keep you learning as you go. I feel like even though I am in over my head most of the time, they are patient enough to help me understand what we are doing and why.
Ronald Welch –
Great so far, this is the first Intermediate Level course I’ve done so far, and I like not having all the real basic stuff being hashed over.
Sean Federico –
Th course was great and very informative. My biggest issue was the lack of support for an issue I had. It was run through the community, the TA, and then passed on to Sam (the creator). Sam had fixed the initial issue I had, but didn’t solve the underlying issue. Understandably the creators of this course are more than likely busy, but the issue I’m dealing with is still an issue. I’m still learning C# and will probably have to solve this on my own, but it should have been solved a long time ago.
Kojijama –
A fantastic course! I learned a lot. I expected a big test that would summarize my knowledge at the end of the course. Maybe at the end of the second part 🙂 Waiting for the next part. In the meantime I will polish my project. Great work gentlemen’s.
Chris Scribner –
I honestly thought this was going to be a bit too advanced for me but I’m keeping up so far! Your beginner 2D course was very helpful in getting me to understand coding in C#.
Edouard Gamelin –
Third of your courses that i am following and it is amazing!!!
Maik Kopperschmidt –
An vielen Punkten zu einfach zu schnell und man wei teilweise nicht was gerade gemacht wurde. Man muss oft in den Lektionen zur ckspringen. Ansonsten ein guter Kurs
Adam Mikulis –
This is the best course on game programming that I have done so far. Most of my experience has been with Godot, but I wanted to make more professional looking games. They team game design paradigms, dependencies, and the overall project structure that many courses lack. I haven’t finished it yet but already understand things like namespaces better than before, which is very applicable to real world coding.
Arpit Garg –
really really cool
Jeff Kring –
You guys are easily the best out there for Game Development. I really hope you keep it up. You guys inspire me to keep at it.
Antons Antonovs –
Good pronunciation. Very clear and understandable.
Sarel Micha –
I came here after finished the 2d course with Rick and other courses too… Rick is by far the most amazing unity teacher I can have. Thank you Rick for making this adventure so cool and fun!
Thiago Ferreira –
Everything that I expected and more. You guys rock!
Ishlahul Hanif –
Having a software engineer background, this course really fits my need. It is not too slow, where a lot of courses here are. I didn’t have to skip too many courses where it teaches basic programming and logic where I already understand while being also not too fast where I get lost in the unity framework and game development skills where I am lacking. The instructors are very engaging and passionate too, I could easily grasp what they are trying to teach me here. 10/10 would recommend
Nemanja Marjanovic –
Thank you, guys! I did also Unreal Engine courses you had, now I am on unity, you gonna make a Game Developer of me 🙂
James Titman –
The only cretic I have is that maybe some more description on why a particular thing is done a particular way.
Craig Palmer –
Love these guys courses as they provide a lot of content while keeping everything easy to understand and digest. RPG projects can quickly blow up in size so I really appreciated the organisational aspects of the course and made introducing new features very simple later on. I look forward to the other parts of the course and further developing the project!
Gonzalo Perez de la Ossa –
This was a pretty good course, especially compared to others that I’ve tried at a similar level. I have to say I found it lost some focus and intensity. The last sections were more boring and repetitive, and maybe not so well planned? I personally would have enjoyed a more structured course, spending less time repeating things or fixing little aspects, where new concepts are introduced at a steady pace. The beginning was more like that, but less and less as I progressed through the course, and I found myself cranking up the play speed more and more. Btw, section 9: Saving System was way harder than the rest, and seemed a bit ‘on the side’, after going through the previous Saving Asset Pack. I personally enjoyed it, but I have a fair bit of programming experience, and suspect it could be a bit tough on less experienced developers. All in all, I think it’s not a bad course, and it covers quite a lot of ground.
Rob –
Great fun and the challengers really cement the learning.
Javier David –
me pare el mejor curso que pude conocer
Chase Sanchez –
I need to get further to really answer this question. So far It seems like it though.