Swift & Firebase Building an impressive Realtime Drawing app
$94.99 $12.99Track price
Course Description
How cool would be if you had an app where you could share your drawings with friends in real time as you draw it? What if they could draw with you in the same canvas but on a different device? It doesn t matter if you re next to each other or on the opposite sides of the world.
Now wouldn’t be even cooler if you had designed, created and built this app all on our own?
This is what we are offering in this course and you will not just learn how to build this app, but you will also learn all the secrets behind it. You will master Firebase (the real time framework from Google). You will learn about NSNotication (how to send user Info to all in the app), stack views (the new layout designer in iOS 9), and so much more.
Firebase starts with a FREE tier that can be used even in your commercial applications, it also comes with a very simple to use API that can be used for iOS (including Swift), Android, and JavaScript so you don’t have to worry about compatibility; and it also comes with a very easy to use dashboard web interface.
Instructor Details

Courses : 5
Specification: Swift & Firebase Building an impressive Realtime Drawing app
21 reviews for Swift & Firebase Building an impressive Realtime Drawing app
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Price | $12.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 5.5 hours |
Year | 2016 |
Level | All |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | Yes |

$94.99 $12.99
Richard Robinson –
I am a developing apps for few years now and since I start Icaro Lavrador courses I find out I wasn’t really programming but just making code that work. Icaro Lavrador courses will teach you how to write proper code, elegant code (as he say) it looks more complicate in the beginning and you maybe will catch yourself saying Why are you doing this? And he will come up in the screen and explain (like he knew you was going to say that) and after he finish explain you just wish someone had told you that in the first half dozen of courses you did. I have been recommending this course (and all the others) to everybody I know and I definitely recommend it to you too. Thanks Icaro
Manuela Gon alves –
I never learn so much things while have so much fun! This course covers all that promise and is without any doubt a boost in any cv
Aj –
Without a shadow of doubt the best Udemy course I have watched so far. I never imagine I would be able to do an app like this, today it is part of my portfolio. Thanks for a great course for share all this knowledge and give us such attention!
Paul Prestwood –
This is my third course from this instructor and it has been as beneficial to me as the previous two. I wasn’t originally going to use Firebase as a backend to my app and was going to tackle CloudKit but this course and its instructor showed me a much better way. Icaro has a knack for teaching and his courses on backend iOS development are the very best I have found on Udemy. The personal attention he dedicates to his students is priceless. I have purchased roughly three dozen mobile development courses on Udemy and the only instructor that I have bought three classes from is Icaro Lavrador. I have two from Rob Percival and he is great on frontend development but if you need backend, Icaro Lavrador is the absolute best I have found on Udemy. Thank you so much Icaro.
Ismael Kolling –
Icaro seems to be very successful in his career as iOS developer, however he is so passionate into teach that sometimes seems that the forget that he has another work, sometimes I even wonder if he sleeps! Please continue with the great work and I am sure many members of the community you started will keep following you and buying your courses and creating enuns instead arrays to story fix values to table view controllers as you recommended 🙂 You was right in the first few minutes I almost return my course, today I will never go back, because today I program as a Professional thanks to YOU!
S A –
This course was a lot of fun to do. Great Instructor too! I already got the other courses that Icaro as made. I would recommend taking some introductory courses before taking this course if you are brand new to swift or coding.
Mayori Awungshe –
The course is excellent, very informative and easy to watch. The instructor is very helpful and friendly, normally answering question straight away.
Luigi –
I do recommend this course to every one who wants to learn how to master Firebase and integrate it in an iOS app. I have found Icaro an amazing and very helpful teacher; he helped me several times solving some doubts I had and even now that I have almost completed the course he is still helping whenever I need. The videos are extremely useful, detailed, and easy to understand. I highly recommend this course.
Jaime –
The instructor is great! I was having a problem with my project (not even related to the course) he jump into Skype and help me step by step, not just fixing the problem I was having but also explaining every single step along the way. See he working over Skype was amazing, so much knowledge, he solve in few minutes what I did not solve in days!
AD –
A reasonable introduction to Firebase and Drawing on the canvas.
Ricardo T –
Icaro is always updating the course and add new content to it, what was amazing from the start is now even better. Thank you!
Pierfrancesco Cervellini –
So far really enjoying it
Chibi A –
Really good!
Nicolas Cukas –
Its super cool, thanks for this top course.
David Hakki –
What the instructor lacks in oral presentation, he more then makes up with knowledge and insight. Ive been coding swift for about a year and all of the little details he shows makes me feel like I know nothing. . Extremely happy I bought this course.
Subi Windoro –
I hope I can provide an honest feedback being that I am disappointed in this lecture and can deliver constructive criticism so you can improve as an instructor. The positives: 1. The topic is interesting as I have a project in mind that requires drawing. That’s why I signed up in the first place. 2. Icaro seems to be knowledgable in Swift and he is using advanced structures in the code. 3. Using mBaaS, such as Firebase is a useful skill to learn, as it is relatively new to me. 4. Icaro is very responsive and would answer all of the questions promptly. Where improvements need to happen: 1. The lecture videos are VERY confusing. They don’t seem to follow any particular logical order nor they are complete. I contacted Icaro because there were obviously missing videos as he re shot them. Codes were changed or lines were added without being on the videos and as a result, my codes don’t work when following the videos. 2. While Icaro seems like a good coder and he knows what he is doing, he needs to significantly improve to become a good teacher. Half of the verbal explanations were incomprehensible and I don’t understand what he is trying to say. He needs to be a lot more clear and concise in his communication. A lot of his sentences either make no sense or use vague terms, like this thing or something strange will happen . For example, there were times when Icaro would put up his fingers on the video and say we need to do that to this, this and this. You know what I’m saying? I don’t know what he is saying or referring to. I just do not understand his speeches. Downloading the code is clearer to learn from compared with his lectures. 3. Being that it is an online lecture, the presentation needs to be effective. There is no purpose in the head camera shot, in fact, it has been very distracting and impeding the lecture. There are many times where the head camera shot would be zoomed in to the middle of the screen covering the Xcode window and it completely covered up the very codes that he is trying to explain. I suggest that you do not include the head shot unless you need to show something useful. I would also suggest that you include either a powerpoint presentation or animation to explain your codes to make it clear. 4. Be better prepared. I believe this is the most important part that makes this particular Udemy lesson ill conceived. It was apparent that the Icaro was not well prepared for his lectures. Half of the time, he wasn’t sure what he was going to say, stumbling for words then made comments that were incomprehensible, wasn’t sure what to type on the screen, back and forth with deleting or moving blocks of codes around. At the end of the short course, there is a note Sorry guys it seems that you have been learning farster that we have been teaching… more material still to come we will let you know as soon as it is available. This is disappointing. The course was published before it was completed. On top of that, being that English is not his primary language, which is perfectly fine, it is even more crucial to be prepared for the lesson recording. Writing a script will be nice. Watching the videos before they are posted would be helpful in getting an idea what the audience sees. I am sorry for the harsh review but Udemy should not have published this incomplete and incomprehensible course.
Chris M –
The topic is interesting, the technologies used are exciting (Firebase, Swift) the author is knowledgeable but the course is VERY slow and wildly disorganized. I think the course was originally written for Parse because the author mentions it occasionally. I think this could could have been condensed down to 2.5 hours. Every time the author refactors the code, I get more and more confused. Also, Firebase and xCode have both updated their products so this course could use an update to Swift 3.0 and the new Firebase console.
John James –
This course video is based on a very old version of Firebase. The author has the most boring voice and it is very obvious he did not rehearse before making these videos.
Jesus Hidalgo –
Great course. All the information and the process is very clear allowing you to progress in the understanding. Additionally to this Icaro (teacher) is very fast answering the questions
Adrian Irwin –
Overall, very good. The APIs and version of Swift are out of date, but it’s not to tough to figure out what the new methods and patterns are.
Asad khan –
Subtitles are way off in this tutorial.