In this course you will learn how to make 17 online games, and apps for Android, using Kotlin. There are more than 95k+ happy students enrolled in this course already.
Bellow is list of open source Apps that we build in tutorial
Find My Age App.
Tic Tac Toe Local App.
Calculator App.
Pok mon Game App.
Zoo App.
Restaurants App.
Find Sunrise time App.
My Notes App.
Tic Tac Toe using Firebase App.
Facebook App using Firebase.
MediaPlayer App.
Alaram App.
Notification Channel App.
Light sensor App.
Nimbuzz vibrate.
Find My Phone App.
Twitter App using Php + MySQL.
This course for anyone who want to be Kotlin programmer from scratch, We will start by discus all programming fundamentals that you need to start programming Kotlin. We will start first by install the development environment then you will run your first Kotlin app, and understand how program flow works in Kotlin. Then we will talk about variables and Math operation and proirites. Then we will take about logic and making decision, then we will talk about loops. Then we will talk about how to work with files.Then we will talk about functions and OOP concept that you need to use when you program apps with Kotlin, then we will talk about collections and which type collection you have to use for better performance depend on your app. then we will talk about multi–processing and how you could run multi–process in same time. Then you will learn how to build apps and game in Android like pockemon and tic tac toy and work with restful web services and JSON by build apps like get sunshine time. Also you will learn how to work with sqlite database to add, delete and update records, how to use room jetpack, also you will learn how to use Firebase for online gaming and build social media app like twitter, and Learn how to build apps with sensors like run music when light is on and Nimbuzz vibrate when phone is shake, and more
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Courses : 7
Specification: The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course
15 reviews for The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course
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Kishor Rai –
nicely learned
Archismita Ghosh –
It is a good course so far but the subtitles are all wrong. It would be very helpful if you correct that!
Bogomil Stoyanov –
He does not speak clearly! Also he does not respond to any questions! Avoid taking this course!!!
Oscar Corral –
One thing is to Know something and a totally different thing is knowing how to transmit that knowledge. This guy is just telling people what he knows, going back and forth, left and right in a very annoying and confusing manner, this concepts should be introduced to the student in an organized and structured manner, I need my money back. He doesn’t know how to teach. I have seen far better courses even free and in plain English language.
Nicholas Claffey –
This course gave me what I needed to get started. I got about 64% of the way through before I stopped. Some of the projects are outdated and broken.. You can find work arounds for it if you really want to. However, at that point you’ll probably have what you need to strike out on your own. The instructor is good about answering questions and getting back to you within a timely manor. It is good for people who enjoy a structured learning environment. Don’t expect to master current practices or project structure.
Shahzad Ali –
Superb Teacher
Luca Puddu –
If he teaches on Udemy the same way he teaches in real life, then I feel really sorry for the students. He goes too fast when an explanation would be great, and he goes too slow when things are pretty clear.
Jai Nath Mishra –
its great effort.I like that
Kamal ngado –
fun main() { val msg:String recomended println(msg) }
Wolfram Hildebrandt –
Der Kurs gibt eine gute Einf hrung in Kotlin und welche M glichkeiten Android Studio zur App Programmierung bietet. Es fehlt aber eine grundlegende Einf hrung in die GUI Programmierung. Der Kurs leidet manchmal unter Sound Problemen (verzerrt) und unscharfen Bildern. F r nicht Englisch Muttersprachler ist das Englisch manchmal schwierig zu verstehen, da die Aussprache von der normalen abweicht z.B. string cittering, empty empeti.
Sapto Mudito –
very nice and fun course. Kotlin nya dibahas lengkap, android studio nya juga. contoh contohnya simple dan mudah diikuti. great course !
Vignesh Ravichandran –
Its really useful
Gururaj R Pyati –
can not understand his words
Sahil Tari –
Try to Speak Clear
Prashant Prakash –
Well, a lot of details are missing and this is definitely not for begineer level programmer. For an intermediate this could be good course.