Unix forms a foundation that is often very helpful for accomplishing other goals you might have for you and your computer, whether that goal is running a business, writing a book, curing disease, or creating the next great app. The means to these goals are sometimes carried out by writing software. Software can’t be mined out of the ground, nor can software seeds be planted in spring to harvest by autumn. Software isn’t produced in factories on an assembly line. Software is a hand–made, often bespoke good. If a software developer is an artisan, then Unix is their workbench. Unix provides an essential and simple set of tools in a distraction–free environment. Even if you’re not a software developer learning Unix can open you up to new methods of thinking and novel ways to scale your ideas. This course is intended for folks who are new to programming and new to Unix–like operating systems like macOS and Linux distributions like Ubuntu. Most of the technologies discussed in this course will be accessed via a command line interface. Command line interfaces can seem alien at first, so this course attempts to draw parallels between using the command line and actions that you would …
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Specification: The Unix Workbench
49 reviews for The Unix Workbench
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Rodolfo S –
Great content and excellent exercises.
Prakhar T –
The course was really interactive. It was a fun experience. Would have been better if you had provided the learning experience in visual form rather readable. Anyways Kudos!
Ivan S –
Excellent material!!!! More practical exercises please will do…
Benjamin B –
Excellent! Peer review was a great first experience, but very worthwhile to look at other’s work after thinking hard about the problem myself. Very well structured and I now feel confident on cloud computers, bash, and UNIX/GitHub.
Darius T –
Really useful course for learning the basics of Unix
Ayush M –
amazing course
Mohammed A A A M –
Course is easy and straightforward, no excessive effort is needed to complete it.
Luis A A C –
Tremendously useful course.
Michael J C –
This is a good course, barely adapted from Sean Kross’ UNIX workbench book. Much of the course material refers to chapter numbers but is easy enough to follow without the book. I found that some sections did make a few leaps between the written content and the exercises. For the most part this was OK but the exercises for the final section, “Nephology”, were well beyond the written content (“now make a Twitter bot”). Also, the course required that we sign up to Digital Oceans (and gave us a credit)…be prepared for spam and officious disregard for customers.
Very useful content and clear explanations!
Ajay G –
Quite good in what this course plans to teach you. Lightweight and a very good starters package to get started with linux.
Patricio R –
Nice book.
Devaashish S –
Excellent book and exercises.
Palatip J –
Great epaination course
Adonis J C G –
It’s very intuitive, but you need some experience from another language or, at least, pseudocode.
Pratima S –
Yohannes d –
it’s a helpful course someone who really need to know about Linux, git, shell script and cloud.
Abhishek k –
I have learnt all the basics of linux and unix commands. Its helped me alot.
Priyanshu T –
Thanks to this course I was able to learn git. Git really saved me when I was doing my Qt assignments cause sometimes it was really difficult to find what broke the code.
anurag p –
Gabriel M –
Excelente introducao.
Herbert S –
Very manageable and very instructive. Thank you!
anshuman –
excellent course
Nemanja P –
Great course, would recommend it!
Dubba N –
Great experience through out the course and very good learning platform.
Good one
Christina C –
Excellent course! I am a molecular geneticist and as a beginner in this field, I found this course to be very helpful in establishing a good foundation in bash scripting. This is definitely a starting point for me to pursue my dream to become a bioinformatician. Looking forward to learn more from coursera.
sukrita p –
Very concise course to get started with shell scripting. Well drafted and good exercise questions.
Miguel R –
Very useful, practical, motivational and inspiring course. It is notorious Mr. Sean Kross make the book with all the intention to share knowledge with people in a wonderful way. I feel impressed. Thank you to the team, to Coursera and to Mr. Sean Kross.
Steve –
This course was a great intro to bash programming. It started in a very accessible manner, clearly describing the technology in small easily digestible steps. It progresses at a good pace covering the significant paradigms (e.g. functions, loops, arrays) in a staged and clearly defined way. I liked the way it gave a realistic and rounded view of working on unix by covering tools such as make and git that are maybe not directly bash programming language, as such, but essential to become productive with the new bash skills!
Amber K –
Great certification. Would of liked following along vm experience.
Asheesh K –
Great course for the lovers of UNIX
Rodrigo –
Very straight forward course that teaches you the basics of Linux, Git and Cloud. After this course Linux becomes easy to use and you can start learning more advance commands. I would recommend this course for those that want to start using Linux.
Vishal S –
A nice course to start learning Linux and Git from.
Carlos F M M –
Annageldi T –
Thanks for the great course!
Daniel P –
Good intro, I recommended see documentation for each command using in bash: $ man [command name] for better understanding and to see the arguments you can pass in.
Muhammad B K –
Great place to start your best experience with linux
Alberto J A C –
Basic course. Very useful
Kashish M –
I really liked the course structure. It was a brief and practical course. I enjoyed doing it.
sangeeta k –
nice and easy to understand
Marshall –
My only complaint is that there are a few typos in the course instructions that are not in the e book. Other than that, this is a great course for beginners that offers many suggestions for further learning.
Manuel X D –
The title and syllabus of this course reflect accurately its content. The progression from week 1 to 4 is steady and allows one to gain the skill set required to complete the project. Highly recommended to anyone interested in pursuing the study of any branch of data science.
Tyler S –
Strong logical progression in teaching and well developed training exercises.
Shashank V M –
Great course, well planned.
Vladimir N –
Thanks. Very useful course.
Luis F T R –
El curso es excelente, sin duda alguna, aprendes lo basico sobre los comandos de consola, git, github, un poco de como funciona la nube, los ejemplos son buenos, pero podrian ser mas profundos al igual que los ejercicios. Excelente curso para iniciar en Unix.
Michael C –
This was an excellent course that challenged me, and helped me to both refresh and advance my programming skills. The Johns Hopkins University has really advanced some of their online courses by designing them to integrate all of the skills learned in each week. At the end of this course, you actually need to bring together the skills learned throughout each and every section. The end project gets the learner to start thinking about how to use each module, and bring them together to accomplish new challenges, thus bridging the gap between theory and application. It allows allows enough room for learners to be creative and experiment with different ways of achieving the same goal A big thanks to those who created and facilitate the course 🙂
Vinyasa V K –
Nice course