From UX Theories to UX Engineering in 1 place
Build everything with me from UI Design to Web Development
Join me and become a Figma plugin frenzy power user
Master industry standard Design and Development processes
Cool Projects
Create complex web design layouts with Figma Auto Layout and use pure CSS Grid and Flexbox
Transform Photoshop into HTML mark up and style it with CSS
Morph SVG with pure vanilla JavaScript
Trigger JavaScript DOM events and control CSS animations with JavaScript
u2029Learn interaction design with CSS Transitions and Animation
Develop production ready responsive design with Bootstrap 5 Grid system
Automate your brand style guide as a visual designer
Use Design Principles to create Logo and YouTube thumbnail videos with Affinity Designer
Ebru Aksoy Awesome course! I have already had some knowledge on the coding side of web development but I felt that I needed some UX/UI point of view, so I ended up at Hossein’s course and I couldn’t be more happier! He expanded my imagination with especially the SVG section and the 10 great projects at the end. I also got to brush up on my skills of CSS & JavaScript with his elaborately structured teaching style. I will definitely keep the notes I received from this course by my side while working on further projects. I definitely recommend. Thanks a lot, Hossein
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Courses : 1
Specification: UI UX Design Hybrid from Figma to HTML CSS and JavaScript
16 reviews for UI UX Design Hybrid from Figma to HTML CSS and JavaScript
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Aram lilaghan –
This is you MOMMY writing this message for you. I wish you all the best in life and I want you to strive for greatness every single day. Lots of love
Gholam shiari –
I m really really proud of you son that you managed to publish your first online course. I m you first number 1 fan. Love you DAD.???
Hamzeh Bagheri –
I so new to web development, this course is fully packed with UX and development topics all over. I am learning so much. I mean WOW
Darian Brandt –
I loved the simple, graphical and memorable UI and UX design notes which taught me things I didn’t even know I needed to know. The entire course is very easy to understand but surprisingly in depth. I’m learning a lot more than I expected, thanks.
Arianne Quiroz –
Un curso muy completo
Amin Mir –
Amazing course! clear step by step explanation and great resources.
Sumon Hossen –
amazing course
Joe Millea –
The course is great!
Guimer Senon Coaquira Coaquira –
Nguyen Le Y Nhi –
Great material, easy to understand
Imanol Gimenez –
Fue una excelente opci n. El lenguaje es claro y amigable, y los m todos son muy did cticos
Manuel Remus Stanca –
Foarte bine structurat i explicat.
Prem Sager –
This is awesome and a must do course for all the frontend developers. The UX part was very well researched and presented. HTML was a really good refresher. Completed CSS and JS sections, this content is amazing and really boosts my skill set.
Sabrina Ailen Nu ez –
Me recomendaron el curso y me anote sin saber mucho de que trataba, pero el t tulo me atrap . El orador es claro, no habla ni muy r pido ni muy lento, me gusta que en el medio se r a o se equivoque porque eso demuestra que es una persona y no un robot. (m s aun en UX es importante saber que del otro lado hay un ser humano). Los gr ficos son muy claro y ayudan mucho a complementar la explicaci n. Espero que el curso contin e as de claro.
Burcu Cevik –
I thought I might get bored as I knew some of the context and used them professionally, but I was pleasantly surprised. So far very energetic and informative.
Sofia Orellano –
R pido y concreto