In this Unity course we start from the very basics and cover all topics from complete beginner C#, Unity User Interface and will continue to explore advanced Unity features such as Animations, Animation Blending, Inverse Kinematics, Shaders, Post–Processing and even Multiplayer Networking (UNET) in the final classes.
This course contains 230 videos with over 19 hours of video learning content with an average video length of 5 minutes.
During this course you will learn how to create 15 different games of various game genres while learning the core features of Unity Game Development.
These game genres include:
Basic Platformer
Top Down Shooter
Top Down Shooter with AI
Basic MOBA
Third Person Platformer
Platformer with Loading & Saving
Local Multiplayer Arena
Main Menu, Localization & Game Loading
Third Person Shooter
Procedural World Generation using Unity Editor Extensions
Exploration Game with Advanced Visuals
First Person Shooter
Top Down Networked Multiplayer
First Person Shooter Networked Multiplayer
2D Action Game
During the creation of each game every step of the development process is shown and explained.
All scripts which are written an demonstrated are shared with the viewer in order to solve any potential bugs or issues.
This course has been taught at ShanghaiTech University to over 60 students and several graduate students have started their Game Development Careers as a result of this course.
Instructor Details

Courses : 1
Specification: Unity Game Development Master Class
26 reviews for Unity Game Development Master Class
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Price | $16.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 19 hours |
Year | 2019 |
Level | Beginner |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$94.99 $16.99
George Bafaloukos –
Lovely introduction! i’m excited to dig in
Richard Hillery –
Jeganathan –
good explanation in short time
Christian Bru –
At first i’d like to say that i am sure Brian is an excellent developer! If you watch him, he is knowing what he is doing. I’ve now finished Class 2 of the course and was asked to leave a review… Well here it is: Overall this course looks to me like a cookbook on how to achieve things in Unity. If you look for something like that, than you can give it a shot. I did a few things in Unity before and was able to follow the course most of the time so far. Nonetheless i was away for over a year and forgot the most things… For complete beginners i would not say that this is the right course, because sometimes Brian jumps very fast from Unity into Visual Studio, there between the scripts and back into Unity he writes a lot of code without fairly any explanation. That is sad. In my opinion, it would be a good way for beginners to write the code an tell the people what it does exactly. That is what i am missing a little bit so far. Otherwise he has some soundfiles or textures and you dont know where the come from. (Althougth he mentions a page where you can download sounds in Class 1) Sometimes i have the feeling that the course is not quite finished . In Class 2 you learn how to spawn bullets from a pistol and shoot on targets pretty good. But the bullets which are not hitting the targets do not get destroyed after an amount of time. As far as i know, that is not the best style. You spawn bullets over and over without destroying them BUT: I don’t know if this might a topic in a later class! Overall i think this is a course for intermediate developers or if you need to look something up. Pros: Good coding snippets One of the best courses here to quickly look something up A course with much content from a professional developer Cons: Lack of explanation Fast pace (especially for beginners) Missing downloadable content (Sound, etc.) I might leave this course for now and take a more beginner friendly course. But i will definitely come back again and finish it off.
Alex Paz Soldan –
Excellent course, i had no idea where to start this course gave me structure. The lessons are concise and to the point. Very happy i chose this course. Thanks!!
Ivan Mihi –
Brian has been very helpful in answering my questions and the course is nicely structured. The videos follow the structure of the university course Brian teaches. Personally I prefer the pace of the university courses so that’s a plus for me and unlike most other Unity tutors on Udemy instructor has genuine game industry experience. Would definitely recommend this course.
John Fragos –
I feel as though rather than learning anything about coding I am just cutting and pasting. There is very little explanation for what the code itself means. I wouldn’t recommend it for beginners who are looking to learn all facets of Unity. I wouldn’t consider it a Master class.
Wes Hodges –
Great introduction. Inspiring and motivating. Helps student what can be realized by taking this course.
Matthew Soriano –
Really easy to follow and fun to see!
Anna Malkan Nelson –
So far it has been all I could ask for. Perfect speed for me, just enough explanations, the content I was looking for.
Mahmud Syakiran bin Shahran –
I haven’t finished the course yet but so far so good. I would recommend it for beginners.
Garett Haney –
The games demonstrated look really awful
Ridley B –
This course seems to be great as of now and I’m sure it will just keep getting better!
Mike Jackson –
Some code explanations are just moved through quickly, instead of explaining theory behind it. BUT, perhaps I m expecting too much, and should take a stand alone c# course
Mark R –
This course provides an excellent introduction to all the topics necessary to create a game using Unity and C#. No previous experience with either Unity or C# is necessary. In each section (other than the introductory section) the student will complete a new project. The section names are fair indications of the content covered within. (I mention this because some extremely popular Udemy instructors give their lectures titles that are ludicrously inapt. One course, for example, has a section on artificial intelligence for NPCs that does nothing but make the 2D NPC’s move endlessly in a straight line.) This course’s instructor, I repeat, has given his lectures and sections fair titles. The instructor moves along at a brisk pace, and teaches more by demonstration and example than by explanation. I think that approach works well, as each project reinforces much of the coding from preceding lectures. (This approach also reduces the impact of one of the course’s few weaknesses: the volume at which many of the lectures were recorded. If you don’t have dedicated external speakers and a quiet environment, you may struggle to hear what the instructor’s saying. Fortunately, you can see the code he types, and closed captions are available.) I should note that the content in every section is introductory to mid level stuff. When you finish this course you should be able to make a basic platformer or shooter, but nothing spectacular. You’ll have the tools to create rudimentary AI behavior (chase, attack, flee, etc), but nothing complex. You’ll have the tools to apply standard animations (many of which are free, many more of which are inexpensive) to standard characters (also many free, many inexpensive), but you won’t be ready to create your own characters or your own animations. That being said, having the basics is a huge start. Really! Finally, this instructor is (at this point, at any rate) doing something that many instructors do not. He’s actually answering students’ questions. Maybe that’s not as uncommon as my experience leads me to believe. I don’t know. I do know that there’s no sign of the instructor in the Q&A sections in most of the other courses I’ve taken. This course gets my highest recommendation.
George Burlacu –
So far this is the most complete Unity course I’ve finished. However, when you finish each class, make sure you save each project clearly because the teacher uses assets from previous classes in some other classes.
Zachary Costan –
This course is so far very thorough. I have a good feeling that I am going to learn a ton from this!
Dimas Prasetyo –
This course is a very good match for me, I really wanted to learn game development for so long and have tried lots of course. But this course give me the thing I want ^ ^
Renaud Regeard –
Verry good course particulary about the Third Person Game, and in others topics i learned a lote, i don’t let 5 stars because some verry interresting topics are not explained well like the use of XML and i expected more about the UI part in the Class 8 from someone who is specialised in this area. Verry instructive and interesting for who already know unity and have a little experience of use, not for beginner.
Riki Bartlett –
Brian is a very knowledgable instructor and the course covers many aspects of Unity. Unfortunately I found where it was big on content it was slim on information. While he does cover many topics you are generally just following along with very little explanation as to the why and how of what you are doing. Brian also moves at a very quick pace with some copying and pasting and fast edits/sped up footage so keeping up can be tricky when he is just breezing through things. Unfortunately without explanation on many things you are just left to enter exactly what he is entering with no real understanding of why. He is clearly very knowledgable, I just wish a little more of that knowledge was shared. Being more intermediate myself I picked this course up mostly for the multiplayer sections (which I haven’t done much of) and a general brush up on everything else. I didn’t find it hard to follow along as I knew most things covered but I feel any actual ‘beginner’ will really struggle to take away a valuable understanding of many of the topics covered. A small pet peeve, many assets are used and only some of the time does Brian tell you where to get them. Sometimes you are left to just pause and start googling hoping you find the same asset or something similar. Attaching these as resources for the relevant video/section is how most instructors do it and would have been very handy just to limit wasted time. All in all a good course covering many topics. A very knowledgable and clearly very skilled instructor but just lacking on the details. A bit fast paced and light on explanations for true beginners.
Theodoros Roumeliotis –
Excellent presentations! High level quality. I recommend this course for everyone.
Lewis Catton –
The course is teaching me so many different aspect of coding for videogames. There is absolutely no filler content in this course, the instructor is clear and to the point so every time I jump back in, even if for just one lesson, I do not feel like my time has been wasted. So far I’m around 5 hours into the course but I feel like I’ve learned so much more when it comes to actual applicable coding for videogames than I did learning with Unity Learn Premium. I’ve learnt so much that I want to just start making some prototypes but I also want to finish the course so that I can learn more. No other course I’ve taken so far has had me feeling this way so I have to commend the creator. If you have doubts about your ability to make games, just take the plunge, especially if this course is on sale, it’s the best 11.99 I’ve ever spent in my life.
Brad Atkins –
It’s a little accelerated for my pretty newfound knowledge of this subject, however, I do feel it does a good job of explaining things in a way that’s easy to understand. Going back over some points if you fall behind in your syntax typing is helpful. Also, the voice over audio is quite weak when not listening to the lessons on headphones (at least the early lessons) while the demo reels from previous students is blaringly loud. Overall I am enjoying the course and glad there are folks out there who are willing to help spread their knowledge and teach others how to change themselves.
Ludwig –
I’m a beginner, so this class gave me a broad collection of entry level unity game development information and inspiration. However, I was already familiar with most of it after several weeks of watching different and free youtube channels, so it didn’t give me much new information and value. Also, I watched it all in just a few sittings and at certain points it was a bit repetitive, which for most part is great for learning but it didn’t suit me. The course reached realistic expectations I suppose, but I had hoped for more coming from someone with triple AAA game and big company experiences I feel this was false marketing. I would recommend to beginners and I would pay more for a sequel if it contained new and higher grade practices, applicable networking and examples from real life scenarios, such as post mortems or best practices.
Panuwong Punyawatsaphon –
If you just starting to learn Unity please read this comment! This is the worst course I ever enrolled. As the beginner of unity I’m learning multiple course in same time. Cause I found a bad course like this which instructor just use a function and told what did function do but not explain how it work. The you have to research more about it. This doesn’t make sense when watched 1 clip then searching many thing that he just used when he can explain those thing in video or give more detail in by a few sentense. Refer to the course description start from the very basics I have to said it doesn’t suit for beginner at all. Just a second part of this course can make you a lot of confused. e.g. !is ground vs is ground false It was a same result but when you teach beginner make sure that not make a thing complicated escpecally for their first script! Also pick up Charactercontroller for control player movement since the first script is absurd. This might be a good course if you have a knowledge and need some refreshment but aboslutely not suitable for beginner at all!
Claudio Malagrino –
It’s a promising start!