Este curso recebeu o Epic Mega Grants!
Epic Mega Grants recipient!
Audio: Portuguese–BR
Subtitles: English and Portuguese–BR
Check Captions Roadmap lesson to learn more about the subtitles.
All companion material are available in Portuguese and English.
In this course you will learn the Blueprints Fundamentals. This is the first step to start creating your own games and projects, and to begin to understand the Unreal Engine. There are more than 250 lessons, prepared in a didactic way.
The couse was recorded in Portuguese, but many English speaker students can follow with the English Captions.
What are Blueprints? Blueprints are the visual system that frees the user from direct contact with programming language. C++ code are visually represented within the engine. This way you can create whole games and project without having to know the programming language used in the background.
Therefore, this course goal is not to show you countless lessons so you can just copy. I will teach you the whys of every fundamental and you can apply all you learned in any kind of project as you wish. It is this fact that most students like about this course.
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Courses : 1
Specification: Unreal Engine 4 Class: Blueprints
21 reviews for Unreal Engine 4 Class: Blueprints
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$99.99 $13.99
Marcos Elias –
Muito bom, estava precisando de materiais assim te ricos sobre a Unreal. Adorando o curso! Venho da Unity, ando procurando estudar Unreal pelos recursos de mundo aberto que a Unity fica devendo. Aulas te ricas tendem a ser chatas e a gente se acostuma a pular, mas s o necess rias pra compreender todo o processo. raro achar materiais assim. Parab ns!
Benoit Cohen –
The course is great but idem subtitles are too small
Welison Rodrigues –
Professor muito bom explica muito bem ! o curso esta excelente at o momento que eu estou na casa de 20%
Ricardo –
at agora ta 10/10
James Wilkins –
This is the first UE4 Course I’ve gone through that has excellent explanations that are allowing me to be excited about the entire course. I’m used to Japanese Animation’s and reading the CC so reading the English is second nature for me. It’s not slowing me down at all. Best UE4 Course 😀
Sergio Delgado –
So far the course is super well explained and it has one exercise per section. The exercises are a great idea, but I feel like they are a bit harder than they should, considering that the section explains very basic topics, the exercises sometimes require to know some nodes that he didn t explain yet. It is surprisingly the best course I have taken in Udemy (I have tried at least 6 on the same topic) The subtitles are very good and easy to follow, but the last section doesn t have subtitles 🙁
Antonio Welllington Da Silva. L –
A did tica do curso facilita o aprendizado, at o momento estou satisfeito como a aquisi o do curso.
Marcelo Bellini –
Sim, Era exatamente o que eu esperava, foi bem explicado, bem did tico..
Vinicius Weiler Neves –
Otimo curso. Fiz uma tima transi o suave de uma engine para essa. Curso did tico e paciente. Voc ainda sai com um jogo pronto que, embora seja apenas um exerc cio, empolga o aluno e mostra o potencial da engine. BruePrints s o timas de se trabalhar. Curso altamente recomendado. Parab ns ao Criador.
Paulo Eduardo de Paula Junior –
Estou no come o do curso e j estou incrivelmente esperan oso com o que vai vir pela frente!
Toniandro Santos –
Luan Frota –
O curso foi uma excelente apresenta o ao sistema de blueprints e unreal engine como um todo.
Matheus Mauro dos Santos –
Algumas aulas poderiam ser aglutinadas, mas nada que atrapalhe a experi ncia. O tutor sabe o que est fazendo e explica isso direito.
Tri Sutrisno –
I didn’t expect to be able to follow along by only reading the subtitles since I don’t understand the audio language, but the lecturer really good in teaching the concept and the subtitle also have a great quality.. I’m really optimist that I can learn blueprints with this course.. Thanks
jinlei lin –
Very Begginer friendly as teacher explains everything. I highly recommend this course if your are new to BP. The only downside is that it is not in English but there are English subtitles for each video. Some excersice requires knowledge from later sections so if you are completley new to BP there is no way you can finish excersice by yourself.
Marcelo Santos Carrer –
O curso muito bom. Antes de sair fazendo qualquer jogo muito importante saber os fundamentos da engine. Isso n o serve somente para Unreal e sim para todas. Tendo essa no o de onde vem e para onde vai, torna muito mais f cil o entendimento das funcionalidades. Parab ns!!
Rodrigo Carmo da Costa –
Fant stico; as aulas s o detalhadas e esclarecedoras, o cuidado com a did tica evidente. Parab ns amigo, m ximo respeito!!!
Luky Romero –
This is by far the best course on Unreal Engine I have ever seen! 5/5 for sure!
MohammadReza JafariMashkool –
language of this course isn’t English I don’t understand what he says !!!
Thiago Alvarez Ferreira Brisola –
Curso muito bom, bem completo, s uma aula ou outra acho que ele complicou a explica o m s ai normal professor humano, talvez tenha faltado um detalhe ou outro, m s com essa base o resto da para aprender extremamente de boa.
Jonathan Simpson –
TL;DR, you can’t get this information anywhere (else). I waited until lesson 243 to rate this course because I wasn’t sure if, due to the strain of decoding Portuguese and hit or miss subtitles, impact on my ability to absorb anything was worth docking one from a perfect score. I’ll just say I appreciate the high intellectual challenge and bonus language learning. Tudo bem. This course is exceptional work, thoroughly useful, and honestly lovingly made.