Have you always wanted to learn how to use the Vim text editor, but never knew where to start? Then this is the course for you. My name is Jordan Hudgens, and I’ll be your instructor for the course. In addition to being the lead instructor for devCamp I’ve also been building web applications for over a decade for organizations such as Eventbrite and Quip.
After completing this course you will know how to code with the Vim text editor. But that’s not really a big deal. If you just wanted to use a text editor there’s no point in learning Vim. Vim is more than a text editor, you can ask professional developers from around the world and they’ll tell you that Vim development is a lifestyle. Which is why I don’t stop at simply teaching you how to use the editor. After going through the basics I will show you have to use Vim like a professional Ruby developer to automate your entire development workflow. This will include learning:
This course is not for beginners, the ideal students for this material are those who have some level of Ruby experience and want to take their skills to the professional level. I won’t be teaching much Ruby code throughout these lessons, instead this course will walk through how to setup your development environment to maximize development efficiency.
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Courses : 7
Specification: Vim for Ruby Developers
6 reviews for Vim for Ruby Developers
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Patrick Dunn –
Great overview of vim relevant to ruby and rails development including useful updates and plugins.
Marcin Bratek –
ENG: It’s more like ‘Vim for Everybody’ than ‘Vim for Ruby Developers’. I was expecting more stuff related to Ruby / (maybe Rails) developing process, some tricks and good practice on using Vim for these projects. From technical point of view very good. I could only suggest to use better inserted keys indications (something like in Ryan Bates’s Railcasts series). PL: To jest bardziej ‘Vim for Everybody’ ni ‘Vim for Ruby Developers’. Spodziewa em si wi cej rzeczy zwi zanych z rozwijaniem aplikacji w Ruby (mo e w Railsach?), jakie sztuczki czy dobre praktyki w u ywaniu Vim do pisania tych e aplikacji. Z techniczego punktu widzenia bardzo dobrze. M g bym tylko zasugerowa u ycia lepszego sposobu na wy wietlenie u ytych klawiszy (mo e podobnie do rozwi zania Ryan Bates’a w serii Railcasts).
Syed Muhammad Amin Gilani –
I loved this! This course gave me precisely the first bit of knowledge I was looking for, including a base config to get started with vim for my Ruby development. A lot of the content uses Ruby examples, which are very helpful, despite the usage not being Ruby specific.
Julie Wotzko –
Shows the step by step quite well and it’s easy to follow along.
Matheus Torres –
Great course. I learned a lot about VIM I am sure that this will help me being more productive. I am using VIM mode on VSCode after this courses and I am seeing a great productivity increase.
Abdullah Fadhel –
the instructor know how to use vim, however this course does explain alot of things about vim but not in the way that will let you think in vim, he just tells you commands not how to think and make commands your way. he used to repeat same info in multiple videos with the exact details ! as this course is meant for ruby developers. I think I did not get much, but the plugin section was cool however it was not giving much info about various kinds of vim plugin management tools, he just used the one he uses and never mentioned or compared between other types. I would love if he keeps updating his course and include more info to make you think in vim. Also to make more of ruby related vim contents.