The art of uncovering the insights and trends in data has been around since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians used census data to increase efficiency in tax collection and they accurately predicted the flooding of the Nile river every year. Since then, people working in data science have carved out a unique and distinct field for the work they do. This field is data science. In this course, we will meet some data science practitioners and we will get an overview of what data science is today. LIMITED TIME OFFER: Subscription is only $39 USD per month for access to graded materials and a certificate. IBM offers a wide range of technology and consulting services; a broad portfolio of middleware for collaboration, predictive analytics, software development and systems management; and the world’s most advanced servers and supercomputers. Utilizing its business consulting, technology and R&D expertise, IBM helps clients become “smarter” as the planet becomes more digitally interconnected. IBM invests more than $6 billion a year in R&D, just completing its 21st year of patent leadership. IBM Research has received recognition beyond any commercial technology research organization and is home to 5 Nobel Laureates, 9 US National Medals of Technology, 5 US National …
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Courses : 7
Specification: What is Data Science?
180 reviews for What is Data Science?
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Israel A –
Interesting, affordable and flexible.
Yanina P –
Excellent course!
Mehmet C D –
The course helped me understand what ‘Data Science’ is. Before taking this course, I thought data science was just analyzing data, but now I know its much more than that. Videos are pretty clear and so simple, it makes everyone can understand the topics. Anyone who wants to learn data science, I recommend them to not skip this course and take some notes in the reading parts.
Ramkumar S –
I really liked the layout of the course the gentle way it introduced data science and laid emphasis on the life cycle.
Ayush B –
Very detailed views in the topic
Sobhan A –
Completely waste of time! Very Disappointed with this course. This teaching method is completely inefficient. Some professional people will be interviewed and then you should answer quizzes after each video. It takes more than 3 hours to complete this course, however, all useful information could be provided in 5 slides and discuss them only for 20 30 minutes.
Pankhuri V –
Nice introduction
Sidharth s –
Lester C H –
I found the videos exciting. It kept my focus all the time, which is good for education. Above all, they are short, simple and too the point
Oxana G –
Thank you for this course. It was good start for the future achievements.
Fatima G –
It was clear and straight to the point, easy to understand and study.
Raissa B T –
I liked the approach. For me, it’s greatly important to have this time for understand the possibilities, and the responsabilities, almost the philosophic part of a profession, of a knowledge. So the way you’ve spoken in this introduction is a important part of studying anything. Thank you so much!
Hrishikesh H M –
The course was really good.
Shashank s –
Those who wants to know what data science really is,tools needed and how to become data scientist. These are the issues which are really dealt in this course .
Jakub –
The course is a very pleasant introduction to the field of data science. Don’t expect too much coding or theory the goal of this course is to let you grasp the basic concepts and ways of thinking. I already have some experience in data science, but gained more than expected here! (HOWEVER, the next two courses in this certificate not on par with this one).
David O –
Well tought
Amit K –
The course was a knowledgeble course. I as a newbie had a wonderful oppertunity to complete the course
Dennis –
this course makes me understand an overview of Data Science world and what Data Scientist do on their job. Certainly I also understand what’s the importance of the data and how deliver it communicatively to the stakeholder.
Kotbi b –
Amazing course to start as a data scientist
Susan E O –
This course has given me the foundation I need to embark on my Data Science journey. Anyone getting started is encouraged to take this course first.
Rishi K N –
Absolutely loving the materials and videos so far and certainly learning and taking a lot in quickly because of this!
Adeagbo R –
I really love every bit of it. It’s quite engaging and educating. Believe me, u can’t sleep in class.
Janine W –
This is a good introduction for people who have not been exposed to data science or haven’t heard much about it.
Erin B –
Great introduction to the topic of Data Science.
Veronica L A –
Great way to learn about Data Science
Nathan E –
It was a decent overview of the subject, but I didn’t feel like there was a whole lot that wasn’t already obvious.
Moleti –
This is a great way to enter into the field of Data Sciences.
Adnan K –
For someone who does not have much of a clue, this course was an eye opener. Dr. Murtaza Haider has explained Data Science very simply and effectively through his videos. Any one who wants to understand what is Data Science at a preliminary level, this is absolutely recommended.
Emerson G –
Very good introduction course!
Aditee S –
informative course
Pappu k P –
Sach a Greate Experience
Buddhi s T –
b e s t c o u r s e
Nadeem A –
I would like to thanks, IBM and Coursera to provide me an opportunity in the field of data science, it is my first step in data science and I find it very interesting and fun and I will carry on my journey to learn more data science.
MD H H –
An excellent and concise introduction to Data Science. Very helpful indeed!
Martin C –
I really like to hear from different professionals on the field. Is a good way to get into the world of data science
Joao o –
good and objective
Jose D C M –
It’s a good introductory course if you know nothing about data science, but if you have a little idea of the subject it lacks of interesting material.
Neelesh T –
I had a great time going through the course and really enjoyed learning! Thank You Coursera & IBM.:)
Hassine E –
I like it heavily
Atanu C –
Basic and gives a nice overview
Naveen R T –
This is really great course to understand Data science in deep .
Muthu M H –
Great Introduction to Data Science
Mirsana V M –
Im very excited to complete the course. Really a good course and the procedure followed so far is also excellent
Robert M M –
This is all great ‘frame of reference’ and context material for getting into the profession. It was very helpful and I’m glad I spent the time.
Iryna B –
Im impressed of the way of presentation of information and knowledge: structured, fresh, interesting and easy for understanding. Great opportunity to begin education in a new field. Thank you!
Sayed U S –
Could be more interesting
Maria L S –
A very good introductory course for beginners!
Miguel A I B –
Very good course to understand the environment that encompasses the area of Data Science and data Analytics Good to understand the objective of this carrier, the scope, objetives how it supporting the different verticals industries business, an the role it plays in building the strategy, also provides indication on what it takes to be a Data Science, good introduction to key related tools or solutions supporting the Analitycs evolution Artificial intelligence neural networks. closing with key elements to be taiking into account at the moment to elaborate and provide Report & results by Data Science, never the less providing the relevance and demand that Data Science carrier in having at this moment due to the key results that provides in different scenarios of the day by day activities Industries, Science , marketing , sales etc
merci infiniment . comme espere vous m avez fait comprendre que je ne me suis pas trompe en embrassant cette carriere
Shubham N –
A very good introduction to the flow of what data scientists do.
Adam P –
An okay introduction to what data science means and to careers in the field, but basically nothing in the way of skills provided. Hopefully the other courses in the series will provide more of that.
Martin E –
I am really enjoying the course. Now I am going to enter to the part of the course that excites me the most which is learning how to program in python and SQL. I hope this next 3 courses are as well explained and as well summarized as these 3 courses.
It should be more interactive.
Nkululeko S M –
Great content, I finished this in one seating and really enjoyed it. The videos are of great quality and are very informative.
Palatip J –
great course
Kris P –
The way they handle the final assignment is disappointing to say the least
Seetam D –
A Nice Introduction to data science
Pawel K –
OK for general orientation.
pragya a –
Theoretical and very detailed. For someone who has never heard of this field is gonna be fascinated by this video. Loved the series, now going for course 2.
Ounam G –
The title of the course really interprets what the entire course will teach you. Very informative, even though I am myself going for masters’ didn’t knew a lot that they covered in this series of lectures. You will surely change your field if not in the same after watching this!!
Stefan L –
Great course i recommend it to everyone.
Sai a –
My first step in my career is best !! Thanks for the wonderful coursera
macherla p –
The course provided the basic understanding of the Data Science and its awareness
Praveen k –
very good one
ShihTsen C –
Good introductory course for people who interested in data science.
Nesfak –
This was a good introduction to the world of Data Science and to the different possibilities of application of this new discipline ! It also opened my eyes to the multitude of fields that data science is involved in and helped me reshape my idea about it.
Thanh T –
Great interviews and reading materials.
Nandakumar P –
A very easy method of teaching comes to the learning process by IBM. I am now aware of What is Data Science and where we can apply it.
Abhijeet W –
Its a good introductory about data science and what data scientist working
Enoch L C S D L –
Very useful course to understand what data science is.
Diego C –
good base to keep crios about the subject
Shuvo S –
More like a marketing stint than an actual data science course
Shaojia W –
Gracy W –
Very interesting and informative. I am encouraged to learn more about data science and continue on the path of becoming a data scientist.
Padmanabha P C V –
It’s a good start..
Jaskirat K B –
Loved learning via coursera
sushant s –
I am very happy after completing this course.
Ajay K K –
One of the best experiences with this I got. Really valuable.
Indira Y –
In general it definitely gives good info about data science but it is longer than it is should be in addition to repetition and water.
Md M A Q –
Great introductory course! Best part was to listen to the data scientists and how they define data science to approach a real world problem. This course will certainly make someone motivated towards data science.
Julian W –
A good introduction, but i wish for more in depth insight of how to analyze the data.
Ross E –
Most of the transcripts of the videos were from old or different versions of the videoes. This fails the basic principle one of the core of the five Vs: Veracity. None done. There were countless errors in the IBM voiced over, animation videos. For example saying that data mining is “automated” when it was just explained that data priming which is often highly manual at the outset is an important part of the first steps of data mining. It is absolutely NOT inherently an automated process from end to end. The final “capstone” assignment which was essentially regurgitation was graded incorrectly. Especially with respect to the final reading. Students were asked to list the “main” sections of what should constitute a report to be given to stakeholders following data science based research. Firstly, dictating sections is stupid as you need to customise to your audience and NO, doing it that way should never be prescribed as universal. Secondly, even adhering strictly to what the reading said and ONLY what the reading said, the grading criteria was WRONG. How on earth did you list Appendices, CLEARLY stated as OPTIONAL as one of the 10 main sections? Not only that, you listed sub sections as whole sections. For students that got the answer correct, I graded them as such and commented that I’m doing this because the criteria was in fact erroneous. It’s one MOOC. How hard is it to get the basics right? What happened to the IBM culture that used to make software engineers write all their code without a compiler to MAKE SURE what they were building was as correct as possible before compiling because of a focus on quality? Amateur hour over here. Not inspiring.
Uppala M –
perfect for beginners who want to learn data science from roots.
parikshit k –
Great Introductory course. Very basic & Engaging. Peer Graded assignments are really cool.
Apoorva S –
Very infromative. Helpful for beginners. Good to get advice from Data Scientists from different backgrounds. Motivating
Pedro G –
It is very good, and serves as an introduction to this amazing field of knowledge that is data science.
Xiaoxiao W –
The basic knowledge of Data Science has been introduced which were clear and easy to understand. However, most of the materials are interviews of different data sicence professionals, there were few videos of documented lectures. I think documented lectures are important to present some core concepts in a more academic way. Interviews are sometimes too casual, they are like open discussions, different person could have different feelings or understanding about Data Science. But, as a beginner of Data Science, I need to learn the foundations of Data Science in a more academic way. So I don’t think it will be a good idea to use interviews video as the core course material.
Olubukola P –
C o m p r ehensive C l a s s
Travis N –
The product is well produced and informative, but VERY introductory. It feel a bit more like a sales pitch with Q&A than a course. Three weeks can be completed in a few hours. So, prepare to turn up the video playback speed to 1.5x!
aditthya –
Shantanu P J –
Good for introducing what is data science
Anand N –
excellent start for Data Science Aspirant, become a foundation stone for data science career
Muhammad S C –
This course is designed in such a way the person who is new to Data Science can have a thorough introduction of it in simple and easy to understand way.
Gautam A –
Seems like, you have to memorize trivial stuff to complete certain tests.
Dale T –
Thank you so much for to Coursera for offering the platform in order to do this course.
Tomas M B –
Good overview on data science!
Isaac I –
I love everything about this course.
Otilio E R L –
A very excellent course!
Lante T E –
Good context!
Rafael F D –
Excelente curso no qual se aprende definicoes basicas e necessarias para quem busca trilhar um caminho na area de data science. Os videos sao claros e vao direto ao ponto e as leituras ajudam a condensar o conhecimento adquirido. Recomendo fortemente.
Nitish k –
this course is from scratch level, if you dont know anything then dont worry this is from beginning. you dont need to prerequiste knowledge to do this course and best part of this course is it provides verified digital badge. that is awesome
Jyoti J C –
All terms related to data science are explained very nicely.
Curtis H –
Good introduction to the area of Data Science, filled with many interpretations and definitions from knowledgeable people in the videos.
ikram –
great course. Thank you
Saikumar –
Easy to Understand
mahdieh m –
perfect course. Thank you 🙂
Ekagra S –
Amazing experience 😉
Hassan A –
It was amazing journey of learning. Specially the valuable words of Sir Murtaza Haider.
Italo M S –
Este curso e introdutorio e tra um panorama da termos e definicoes que sao uteis no aprendizado de data science.
Ruhul A –
This is one of the best starter when someone is looking for a introduction for Data Science
Anshul R –
This course gives me the idea about data science, data mining, Hadoop, Regression. This course helped me in better understanding about the Data Science and its Related field. If anyone wants an brief idea about data science field and technique, i recommend this course
Charles J –
Some of the course video were embedded wrong subtitles.
Great learning experience!
Carlos P G G –
Unnecesarily long though very interesting
Dominik I –
duplicate of Data Science 101 from BigDataUniversity
Hannah –
Good introductory course
Yanrong D –
This course gives me a quick learning about what data science is and got to know about the career path related to data science.
Willard J –
A very succinct overview of data science. Given the learner, a quick peek into the power of data science and its applications. Well worth the time! To the next one!!
Muhammad F T –
It’s a good course for the basic understanding of what “Data Science” is, it’s applications, scope & what is “Data Scientist” capable of.
Mahipal S R –
An excellent introduction to Data Science and what it entails as a profession.
Heatherly T –
Great introductory class
Satyabrata p –
First of all the faculties are very good . Any fresher can easily learn from it
Akash M –
It was quite simple and easy explained,
Muhammad F T –
It’s a good course for the basic understanding of what “Data Science” is, it’s requirements,applications, scope & what is “Data Scientist” capable of.
Rayon D –
Excellent way of learning DataScience. Learning a lot. This learning will definitely help in my career
Adapala S T R –
excellent course for beginners , I recommend you to complete all the courses under this professional certificate ,the materials given are very useful ,you can download and review at any time . nice animated lectures . definitely you will get basics for data science foundations.
ryan c –
This course is a money grab.
Joseph S –
I didn’t think it was helpful.
Victor H –
Great introductory material. Provides a clear scope of the data science field.
Saidi I N –
Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity. I love Murtaza Haider sir!
Bhanu G –
This course helped to understand the Data Scientis Roles and responsibilities in a better ways
manish.r –
had a very good experience working hands on on the IBM cloud
Yunkyung Y –
Learned what data science is ! Learned a lot, but would like to know how to apply them!
Lewin B S –
I was a great experience in learning new things and gaining knowledge. The videos and articles were so useful and well defined and structured.
I am overwhelmed by this course and the topics treated. I never had any knowledge of Data Science but the course gave me an opportunity while gaining in depth knowledge on the data science tools. I am so elated about the Visual Recognition tool I used to analyze images. Thanks to Coursera and the entire IBM team
Anjali A –
Really gave an insight into Data Science as an up and coming field of the years! Explained by skilled professionals and very good!
Bhavesh B –
good and lucid
Mihai F –
It was interesting to hear the opinions of the different data scientists that were interviewed for this course and finally to be introduced with the book “Getting Started with Data Science” by Mr. Murtaza Haider, Ph.D. The other professor, from the NYU, talked too much, and unfortunately too much about himself. 🙂
H e l p f u l
Valentine D –
Very simple and clear understand
Piyush M –
Excellent Course for Beginners
Great Course, I have learned the basic background knowledge I wanted to know.
Sameer P –
This course is good a lot of application of Data science were tought in videos. The program is about to increase the basic knowledge of the Data science.
Luke B –
Great overview of the concepts of data science and painless to complete.
Dhinesh B P –
Olya P –
A great introduction to the subject.
Alexander G –
Chinenye C –
it was a great learning experience. i enjoyed it.
Basalinga –
This is very good course to understand what is Data Science,What and all industries of Data Science and what are the skills required for Data Scientist.
ismail –
Francisco Y O H –
Great course, everything was explained perfectly.
Wildes F C –
Extremely basic and reduntant.
Nikhil J –
A perfect theoretical intro to Data Science alongside practical examples. Gives proper insights and what to expect in a career in Data Science.
Muhammad A –
very easy and way to learn online
need more Arabic subtitles
Talha L –
Very useful information. It just not only clear my views on Data Sciences but also help me in report writing.
ashutosh d –
Good Course.
Daniel M –
Good, solid introduction about the role of data scientists and the vast ways data science is impacting our daily lives.
Moises A M T –
it’s been a great opportunity to learn a new skill
Jergus B –
Great Introduction into Data Science which makes the student excited and yearning for more.
lisandro d i –
Good to get started
Naveed U K –
Jyothika J –
This is such an amazing course and i found it really interesting and totally different from other online courses.An introduction about the course is the most important thing instead of starting the course directly into the subject.This course really helped me find out what actually data science is and what data scientists do.
hosein g –
it gives you a great vision of what is data science, what is the job of a data scientist, how to become a data scientist if its a suitable job for you. and has a good introduction of machine learning and data mining.
Ulises A C A –
Nice overall view through data science, interesting and easy to follow.
Rodrigo A –
Gostei muito do curso. Da um panorama geral sobre o que e ciencia de dados, quais suas principais aplicacoes e quais as habilidades que uma pessoa precisa desenvolver para se tornar um cientista de dados. Alem disso, tambem apresenta o mercado de trabalho nesse setor e o que as empresas esperam desse profissional. Recomendo demais!
Brent T –
Challenging and yet easy to understand . I hope all the courses are the same.
Farooq Y –
A very good introduction for everyone. Even if you are a non programmer like myself, this course/module will ease you into Data Science.
Donald H H I –
Very informative.
Dr. S P –
Excellent designed for new to Data Science . Very simple language and nice explanation.
Guido C –
A very nice and spot on introduction. I would add a further week introducing some of the recommendable software and tools in general. Generally it really got me hooked on the topic
Muhammad A C –
Its a good first step to start learning data science.
Joshua S –
A bit basic, but a decent high level overview of the field, which is the intended point of the course.
Ying L –
It helps a lot to understand data sciences and data scientists.
Soham N –
A good Begineer Course For Data Science students
Tharani S –
Teaching was Great! Am happy that i have got knowledge on Data Science without any prior experience over it. Happy Learning!