Algorithmic Toolbox
The course covers basic algorithmic techniques and ideas for computational problems arising frequently in practical applications: sorting and searching, divide and conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming. We will learn a lot of theory: how to sort data and how it helps for searching; how to break a large problem into pieces and solve them recursively; when it makes sense to proceed greedily; how dynamic programming is used in genomic studies. You will practice solving computational problems, designing new algorithms, and implementing solutions efficiently (so that they run in less than a second). UC San Diego is an academic powerhouse and economic engine, recognized as one of the top 10 public universities by U.S. News and World Report. Innovation is central to who we are and what we do. Here, students learn that knowledge isn’t just acquired in the classroom—life is their laboratory. National Research University – Higher School of Economics (HSE) is one of the top research universities in Russia. Established in 1992 to promote new research and teaching in economics and related disciplines, it now offers programs at all levels of university education across an extraordinary range of fields of study including business, sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, political science, international relations, …
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Courses : 8
Specification: Algorithmic Toolbox
80 reviews for Algorithmic Toolbox
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Vipul T –
It was an amazing month long learning experience for me. I got this course with financial aid of coursera. Thanks to coursera!
It is nice that the algorithms are “free” from programming language.
Lee B U –
It is the most helpful course I’ve ever seen.
Taranpreet s –
The best part of the course is Assignments, as only after trying to code the algorithms one can appreciate the content of the videos and reading Material. Conceptually Dynamic Programming(Weeek5,6) is the hardest to grasp. Assignment wise I found week 4 Divide and Conquer to be more challenging. For DP assignments, pseudo code is given for most of the questions. Thanks to the instruction team for creating this wonderful course.
Excellent course
Nishant B –
Excellent course and material.
Kunal s –
course is designed very usefull
Himanshu y –
coursera is really a best platform to learn the new skills . this course will definitely helped me a lot for getting my new job. fresher’s like me are really thankful to coursera.
Suchit A –
This course helped me in building up the basic concepts of the various programming methods. The assignments for each week are really helpful and of increasing difficulty. I really had a great time solving those as they helped me improve my efficiency. Overall, this course was a wonderful experience!
Davoud S B –
very helpful, practically teach you how to apply basic programming while learning differernt algorithms.
Pinak D –
This course is very helpful as it teaches you the various ways to solve the problem. Also, it gives details explanation of the algorithms taught in the course. I really liked this course!!
Han, D –
it would be better to change the way to submit assignment. its hard to coding in local and upload file every time to check my code.
Carlos E O –
Excelente curso.
Zeal –
nice work by the team !!
Evgeniy K –
one of the worse learning experiences. they might be good at their field and most probably they are, but because they don’t know how to teach the output is close to zero. every piece of this course is bad. presentation are either blank reading the slides with Zuckerberg face or some overly emotional recycling from Daniel M Kane, man is stresing every following sentence, it is impossible to follow. Content is classics of former USSR educational style: dry, high context, with some small explanation moments in more easy parts and sometimes completely skipping complex parts. leaving huge parts of material to external sources or complimentary book. Quiz questions are sometimes formulated in some entangled manner so it’s a puzzle of itself just to untangle them. not to mention that some quiz format are utter failure, like the one where you have to input 6 digits corresponding to answer option rank. the “best” part were programming assignments. so you work thru the lecture and doing some quiz, somehow you get some understanding of how to solve some types of problems. and then bam 8 programming assignments of which only 3 types where discussed in lectures. what’s the point of having lectures at all? i mean, without lectures there would 8 types of problems I wouldn’t know how to solve, not a big increase from 5. before I took wonderful course from prof. Tim Roughgarden. It had everything: good presentation style, enough of redundancy in lecture material to get better understanding of more complex topics, nice quiz question with simple answer mechanics and most important, the material you got was enough to do assignments. for some reasons I decided not to lock myself into one source of information and explore other options. waste of time. So if you want GOOD course on algorithms don’t waste your time on this one. go directly to prof. Tims Algorithms specialization offered by Princeton
ahmed –
Great introductory course
Nirdosh G –
This course is very useful for competitive coding
Shrey P –
Excellent course and perfectly taught
Robin S S –
I loved the difficulty of the problems throughout the course, and I was properly challenged at every step. However, I feel like the 5th and 6th week needed more thorough and clearer explanation on dynamic programming. The videos alone were not enough for me, and I had to lean on a fair number of external sources to learn the material.
Adam D –
Great for review of algorithms. I’ve seen most of these in university Algorithms courses, but this was a great refresher. Coming back to these now, I have a greater understanding than when I first saw them.
S.Parthasarathy –
It was really a great course. Thanks to the instructors for being very clear and precise in their teaching.
Monmohan –
Great assignments. They are really the key to building the thinking muscle
Ashish D –
The pseudo code is not that good to understand quickly. Please can you code in one language say C++? It will be easy to understand that way.
Sagnik M –
That was great
Shashi B S –
very good and relevant assignment
Beau L –
Excellent instructors and ample problem assignments make this a great course. The dynamic programming sections could use better lectures.
saurabh t –
Awesome course
Aniket D –
The course is very helpful for every student it covers all the algorithms in a discipline order starting with examples followed by algorithm and finally some exercise to test what you learnt !!
Nikhil S –
this course is very helpful for me.thanks for provide me this course
Naman O –
must do course for computer geeks. easy to understand course.
Richesh K G –
Amzing course to get start with Algorithms.
Amazing learning experience. Thank you Standford University and Coursera for this wonderful opportunity.
Zaowad R A –
Great course
halis k –
this is the best course
Ananth D –
The course content is very well designed, also the problems enhance your thinking and take it to a next level. Also the explanations by all Professors is too good, when i repeatedly listen to the same lecture, i get greater clarity into the concepts. Thank you to all the Professors involved in teaching and designing the course. I wish there could have some more links provided throwing clarity on of dynamic Programming.
Rafael F G –
The best online course I’ve ever seen.
The course gives a very good insight on how different types of algorithms work, and at the same time lets us think of various ways in which they can be implemented, this really helps in building a very strong base in Algorithms which is absolutely necessary for learning advanced topics. I would really like to thank all the instructors for creating such an amazing course.
Rashmi c –
Thankyou coursera ! For the amazing course .
Christopher W –
I loved this course! Very thorough and clear explanations of the concepts, and projects that were a stretch but at the same time I didn’t feel thrown into the deep end.
Ajay S P –
Increase your way of thinking to the problems
Rishi R –
Coursera is one of the biggest online MOOC providers. it offers quality courses and specializations from world topmost universities and organizations. It offers courses in most popular subjects such as engineering, humanities, mathematics, business, computer science. I personally enjoyed this course a lot and recommend this for building a good strength in algorithms.
Sai C M –
please provide the solutions to the problems after evaluating them
Gregory H –
Good amount of resources included to help learn the topics of the course. The estimated time to complete each week is quite misleading, however, at 5 8 hours per week. I ended up needing more like 10 15 to even pass most of the assignments as they are quite difficult. It’s also frustrating that they are your only grade in the course as I often felt I had a good conceptual understanding of the algorithms presented but did not know some of the underlying mathematical concepts necessary to solve a lot of the problems.
Luis M V F –
This course has very challenging problems specially the last 3 weeks. I think that it could be better in the sense of explaining more deeply about dynamic programming, and it should also provide easier exercises for warming up.
Arsh J –
course was good
Jatin K –
Great for learning algorithims and making your coding base stronger.
Chen T –
Good class!
Amgad A –
I really want to thank the professors in this course, they provided the information in a unique way! i loved this course and i would give it more than 10 stars !!
Divya K –
This was indeed an interesting and challenging course! I did get to revise and improve my knowledge of Algorithms.
Aditya R –
Great course! It would even greater if it would be more real life application centric.
Akash L –
The building concepts of algorithms is given importance and as a result my interest throughout course has been good.
Kevin N –
Very good MOOC on basic algorithms
Mohammed H –
A well designed course, with challenging assignment problems. The best part, this course comes with fair quantum of mathematics.
akash g –
great learnign experience with coursera.
Sergio L F –
Excelente ferramenta para aprendizado e desenvolvimento de algoritmos. Plenamente satisfeito com o conteudo e curso.
Kiran B –
Awesome Course on Algorithms.
Manan P –
it is a really good course .
Ankit P –
Must Do!
Edison S –
Really rigorous testing compared to other courses. learned a lot by engaging in the problems. Great thanks to the professors for organizing it!
we should get the notes in pdf formats too.
Mostafa M A –
Sometime explanation wasn’t clear for me and I had to repeat the same video more than once to understand.
Ahmad L B –
Very Awesome
Shivam S –
Dynamic programming could have been solved and taught better.
Muhammad N I –
Sadia K –
I like algorithm toolbox course a lot ,all concepts starting from basic why algorithm to advanced concepts like dynamic programming are clearly explained. All assignments and mcqs test are up to date and helpul .
Probhakar R –
A truly engaging as well as a challenging course!
Nadiah A –
Muhammad Y –
This Course contains challenging assignments to solve, that makes the concept is more clear to understand, but I do not like when instructors are explaining the algorithm on pseudo code only, if there is virtualization for how the algorithm works, this will make the concept is easy to understand and apply.
Vemuri V R –
Pretty Helpful
Marina V –
Good content, I really enjoyed learning the concepts, thank you! However giving only 4 stars because in some cases explanations/proofs were hard to understand and I’d find a YouTube video where someone explains the same thing very clearly in just a few minutes.
Hrithwik S –
Good Introductory course on algorithms
Praise O –
A great course for a novice in algorithms without a CS degree. Gained an in depth understanding of algorithms, when and how to implement them. Dynamic programming was the most challenging module in my opinion but once you grasp the concept the rest is cheese.
Sadia K –
I like algorithm toolbox course a lot ,all concepts starting from basic why algorithm to advanced concepts like dynamic programming are clearly explained. All assignments and mcqs test are up to date and helpul .
the constraints condition are very strict while submitting the assignments, like in knapsack in week 6, is was getting unknown signal 11 while i was storing values in 2d array, when i changed the array to 2d vector i got the correct output on the grader, else overall was a good experience
Carlos E O –
Excelente curso.
amazing course helpful enough
ayman r m –
Akash G H –
This was the best course to learn algorithms. I learned a lot form it, and looking forward to other courses from the specialization.