In this article you can find online Spring Boot courses to enhance your knowledge.
Spring Boot Extention is Spring’s convention-over-configuration solution for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based Applications that you can “just run”.It is preconfigured with the Spring team’s “opinionated view” of the best configuration and use of the Spring platform and third-party libraries so you can get started with minimum fuss. Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration.
Key Features:
- Create stand-alone Spring applications
- Embed Tomcat or Jetty directly (no need to deploy WAR files)
- Provide opinionated ‘starter’ Project Object Models (POMs) to simplify your Maven/Gradle configuration
- Automatically configure Spring whenever possible
- Provide production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and externalized configuration
- Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML configuration.
- Smooth Integration and supports all Enterprise Integration Patterns.
With our following 14 online courses, you’ll be able to master your Spring Boot.
Full Stack HATEOAS: Spring Boot 2.1, ReactJS, Redux
Agile Intelligence via Udemy
In this course, you will learn the core concepts of HATEOAS as well as how to leverage this on a ReactJS Application. We will cover the following concepts:Link (org.springframework.hateoas), linkTo & methodOn (org.springframework.hateoas.mvc.ControllerLinkBuilder), Resource & Resources (org.springframework.hateoas), ResourceAssembler interface (org.springframework.hateoas). We aim to build a prototypeof a REST API with Spring Boot 2.1 and Java 11. Set up ReactJSstarter project to work with Resources and Links and Deploy our prototype to Heroku free tier.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Spring Boot Fundamentals
Bharath Thippireddy via Udemy
This course is awesome.very clear to understand. Excellent explanation, clear understanding from end to end development of application, profile management, production knowledge. All source code is available for download. Professional video and audio recordings. Are you a java developer with spring background who is interested in quickly mastering the fundamentals of Spring Boot then this course is for you. Spring is the most widely used framework in the industry today. Looking at any java developer job posting you will see Spring Boot.This course is designed for experienced as well as complete beginners to learn the basics of Spring Boot in easy steps. You will start this course by learning the problems with traditional Spring application development .You will then see how easy it is to create and deploy a application using spring boot.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Master Spring Batch (based on Spring Boot)
Christian Oette via Udemy
For this course, I worked through the latest documentation and programmed several practical examples based on it. I will show you the individual features step by step in small unit tests, with which you can learn everything experimentally on your own. Using practical examples, you will learn how everything is connected. Everything I teach here is something that I implement in my day–to–day work. My colleagues and I have high standards for the quality of our work. I also try to incorporate this aspect into the structure of the source texts for this course, so that you can learn practical examples.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Fullstack Project With Spring Boot Java And React Hooks- TDD
Vikas kumar via Udemy
In this course we will learn various things as mentioned below: How to setup actual enterprise level workflow with CI/CD using Travis CI and deploy both application to Heroku and locally we will connect spring boot application with H2 database and on prod we will connect with Postrgresql. How to deploy both frontend and backend on server. How to maintain different environment like DEV,PROD. How to maintain database migration script with flyway. How to document rest api with swagger. How to write Unit and Integration testcases for spring boot application. How to write Unit testcases for Redux side.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Building a Java Spring Boot Web App From Scratch
Trevor Page via Udemy
Watch Trevor, in this workshop, develop a mobile responsive real–world Budgeting application from scratch. This your opportunity to learn all the in–demand full–stack Java Web technologies like:Java 8, Spring Boot, Hibernate, MySQL, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap 4, Spring MVC, Spring Data, Spring Security, HTML/CSS. You will also have access to every line of code Trevor creates with the GitHub links provided after each applicable lesson. Follow along with Trevor and create your own version of this Budget application and feel free to use it in your very own portfolio and help you be more job–ready as a Full–Stack Java Developer.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Build REST API with Spring Boot & Spring Data JPA
Infybuzz Learning via Udemy
In this course you will learn what is REST API and difference between REST API and SOAP. You will learn to build REST APIs with http methods – GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. We will use JSON ( JavaScript Object Notation ) as data format in REST APIs.Spring Data JPA ( Java Persistence API ) is very much popular to handle your database. Using JPA we can avoid writing native SQL queries so we can say that using JPA we can write database independent queries. JPA provides method proxy using which we can write queries very quickly. In this course you will learn to use Spring Data JPA in Spring Boot using JPA Repository. Using JPA you will learn to perform CRUD ( Create, Read, Update, Delete ) operations with MySQL Database.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
OAuth 2.0 in Spring Boot Applications
Sergey Kargopolov via Udemy
This video course is for beginner Java developers who are interested in learning how to secure OAuth 2.0 Resources in Spring Security 5. The course covers only the new OAuth 2.0 stack in Spring Security 5. You will learn how to: Perform each OAuth 2 authorization flow, Authorization Code, PKCE–enhanced authorization code, Client credentials, Password credentials. Startup and configure the Keycloak server, Configure OAuth 2 Resource Server, Startup multiple Resource Servers on random port numbers, Configure Spring Cloud API Gateway, Configure and use Eureka Registry and Discovery Service, Build a simple Spring MVC Web Application that fetches data from a protected Resource Server running behind Spring Cloud API Gateway. Implement a simple JavaScript application that uses PKCE–Enhanced authorization code to acquire JWT access tokens and communicate with protected Resource Server, Learn how to refresh an expired JWT Access token, Learn to implement Scope–base access control, and much more.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
MongoDB with Java Spring Boot & Spring Framework
Alfa e-Learning via Udemy
In this course you are going to learn MongoDB which is most widely used NoSQL database in the world. MongoDB is a cross platform document–oriented database program. MongoDB Stores data in the format of JSON. This course covers MongoDB starting from its installation with wide range queries including CRUD operations. You will learn MongoDB with Studio 3T UI Connector which is used to run queries over MongoDB database. MongoDB Compass is an official UI tool to execute queries and you will earn that as well in this course. Now a days Spring framework is widely used among Java Developers and specifically Spring Boot is in high demand. So in the later part of the course you will learn to use MongoDB with Spring Boot App using Spring Data MongoDB with help of MongoRepository.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Learn AWS – Deploy Java Spring Boot to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
in28Minutes Official via Udemy
This is the perfect course. The instructor takes you step by step ensuring you learn anything and everything pertaining to deploying your Spring Boot applications to Elastic Beanstalk. Spring Boot App 1 is simple – Spring Boot App 5 is complex. The way the instructor takes you thru each app, is amazing. This is an excellent into to AWS ElasticBeanstalk. But even more important, is that the instructor explains many elements of the Spring MVC, differences in deployment of a jar/war file, H2 in–memory db, and so many other gems. Ranga has so kindly and methodically filled–in so many of my gaps in knowledge with regards to web development. The value of this course goes waaaay beyond the actual price of the course. I am a true believe in the ‘in28minutes’ catalog and will continue purchasing further courses from in28minutes.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Learn Spring Boot in 100 Steps – Beginner to Expert
in28Minutes Official via Udemy
Do you want to Learn the Magic of Spring Boot – Auto Configuration, Spring Initializr and Starter Projects? Do you want to build an Awesome Web Application connecting to a Database with JPA/Hibernate using Spring Boot? Do you want to build a Basic REST API using Spring Boot? Look No Further! This course was perfect not only for beginners but for experienced engineers such as myself trying to get up to speed on spring boot quickly. Thank you so much for the great material! Looking forward to taking another course from udemy and in28minutes!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Master AWS Fargate & ECS with Java Spring Boot Microservices
in28Minutes Official via Udemy
AWS ECS and AWS Fargate make it amazingly easy to orchestrate your Docker containerized applications. How about learning AWS ECS and AWS Fargate deploying Docker based Java, Spring Boot Microservices? Do you have ZERO experience with Amazon Web Services (AWS) or ECS or AWS Fargate? No Problem. Learn AWS Fundamentals? Yes. Deploy Microservices to AWS? Yes. Learn ECS and AWS Fargate? Yes. Of Course. Hands–on? Of course. Do you want to learn to deploy Spring Boot Docker Containers to Amazon Web Services using Elastic Container Service – ECS and AWS Fargate with an easy to learn, step by step approach? Are you ready to learn about the cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and take the next step in your programming career? Do you want to join 300,000+ learners having Amazing Learning Experiences with in28Minutes? Look No Further!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Apache Kafka for Developers using Spring Boot[LatestEdition]
Dilip S via Udemy
This course is structured to give you a theoretical and coding experience with Apache Kafka using SpringBoot. This course is targeted for developers who would like to build enterprise standard Kafka Client applications using SpringBoot. If you are looking forward to learning the below–listed things: Use cases where Kafka fits really well. Internals of Kafka and how it works. Built Enterprise Standard Kafka Client Applications using Producer/Consumer API using Spring Boot. Unit/Integration Tests for the Kafka Client Applications. Then this is the right course for you. This is a pure hands–on oriented course where you will be learning the concepts through code. By the end of this course, you will have a complete understanding of coding and implementing Kafka Clients using SpringBoot with Producer/Consumer API.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Spring and Spring Boot – Learn by building projects
Vojislav Kovacevic via Udemy
Still struggling to learn Spring? Tired of resources that teach you bits and pieces without showing you how to actually tie it all together and actually make something? Then this is the course you’ve been waiting for (in clear HD 1080p videos) !This course, as all my other courses, does not waste your time needlessly. Everything is explained succinctly and every single thing is done on video! Stop wasting your time by going here and there to learn bits and pieces, enroll in this course and actually learn Spring in 10 hours! Learn in a fun way by actually building stuff and become productive in Spring in just 10 hours. Learn not only how to make regular websites using thymeleaf as the template engine but REST apps as well.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Spring Boot and React with Test Driven Development
Basar Buyukkahraman via Udemy
This course is purely built on practice. And it’s built on three main topic. Spring Boot, React and Test Driven Development. After completing this course you’ll be able to see the use cases of these frameworks and why they are so popular, and also you’ll experience the power of test driven development methodology. We will do refactoring a lot, and nothing will be broken. Because our tests will be confirming the application is behaving as it’s supposed to be. We will be building a real life application. Each code piece we write, will be for our actual application implementation. In each section we will gradually build our application. We will not jump ahead and add functionality not needed for that moment. We will implement one requirement at a time. Each implementation will bring the next requirement to us. And following this path will help us to feel and understand what are the frameworks doing and how they are easing application development.
★★★★★(5-star rating)