In this article you can find online Django courses to become a master.
Django is a Python-based free and open-source web framework that follows the model–template–views (MTV) architectural pattern. It is maintained by the Django Software Foundation (DSF), an independent organization established in the US as a 501(c) non-profit.
Django’s primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites. The framework emphasizes reusability and “pluggability” of components, less code, low coupling, rapid development, and the principle of don’t repeat yourself. Python is used throughout, even for settings, files, and data models. Django also provides an optional administrative create, read, update and delete interface that is generated dynamically through introspection and configured via admin models.
With our following 15 online courses, you’ll be able to enhance your Django knowledge.
Deploy a Serverless Django app on Google App Engine
Mark Winterbottom & Brooke Rutherford via Udemy
Welcome to our course: Create and Deploy a Django app to Serverless Google App Engine! In this course you ll learn how to deploy Django to one of the most popular Serverless technologies available: Google App Engine. You ll also learn how to use a suite of Google Cloud technologies such as Datastore and Secret Manager. During the course you ll be creating a URL Shortener with Django, using Docker as a development environment and Datastore as a database. We’ll be following all the best practices such as: Creating a development environment using Docker, Writing unit tests with Test Driven Development (TDD), Setting up a local Datastore emulator, Using Secret Manager to protect sensitive config values, Managing static files. This is an advanced level course that assumes previous experience with Django and Docker.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Face Recognition Project with Python Django Machine Learning
Srikanth Gusksra & Data Science Anywhere via Udemy
Computer Vision & Face recognition is one of the most widely used in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. If at all you want to develop an end–to–end application in Data Science, then you need to be a master in Machine Learning / Deep Learning, and in addition to that, you need to have knowledge in Web Development. This course is one stop course where you will learn End to End development of a Computer–Vision Based Artificial Intelligence Project from SCRATCH. As this course is a full–stack course we designed this course into 4 phases. We will majorly cover the practical concepts related to machine learning models like data preprocessing, analysis, training machine learning, and model evaluation and selection, we will also develop another machine learning–based face recognition for facial emotion recognition. I will also teach you how to develop a Web App with Django.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
React, Next.js and Django: A Rapid Guide – Advanced
Antonio Papa via Udemy
Learn how to create an Ambassador App using React, Next.js and Django Rest Framework. We will build 3 frontend apps Admin, Ambassador and Checkout and they will consume a big Django API. In Django you will learn: How to create APIs with Django Rest Framework, Use Docker, Create protected routes, Login with HttpOnly Cookies, Login with Scopes, Use Redis, Use Stripe, Sending Emails, Filter Cached products, In React you will learn:Create a React project with Typescript and much more. My teaching style is very straightforward, I will not waste too much time explaining all the ways you can create something or other unnecessary information to increase the length of my lectures. If you want to learn things rapidly then this course is for you. I also update my courses regularly over time because I don’t want them to get outdated. So you can expect more content over time from just one course with better video and audio quality.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Deploy Django on Linux
John Leon via Udemy
I will walk you through all the major components of deploying Django. Learn about the architecture of a deployment and how the different pieces fit together. You will understand the differences and similarities between different options. The first portion of the course will talk about the architecture and the role of each component. I will also discuss alternative architectures and things to consider when planning. I’ll talk about the different options and which ones I recommend for various situations. The second portion of the course will be an actual walkthrough, step–by–step, of deploying a Django project to production with security in mind. At the end of the course I’ll wrap up with showing you how you can automate updates and backups. When you’re done with the course you’ll know all my tips and tricks, have a solid understanding of the architecture to make well informed choices.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Django 3 – Python Backend Web Development For Beginner
Kazi Ariyan via Udemy
Welcome to the Python and Django Backend Development for Beginner Course! In this course, we cover everything you need to know to build a website using Python, Django, and many more web technologies! Whether you want to change career paths, expand your current skill set, start your own entrepreneurial business, become a consultant, or just want to learn, this is the course for you! We will teach you the latest technologies for building great web applications with Python 3.8.3 and Django 3! But we don’t just teach that, we also teach How you can create three different Django Project from Scratch. This course can be your one–stop–shop for everything you need! It will serve as a useful reference for many of your questions as you begin your journey in becoming a web developer!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Django Web Development: All You Need To Become A Python Dev
Rathan Kumar via Udemy
This is the best free course on Django Web Framework which teaches you Django Web Development within 2 hours. In this course you will learn all the necessary fundamentals of Django every developer should have, once you are done with this course you will be extremely confident to work on major projects. This course also discusses about the average salary of a Django developer in the current job market. If you are already a Django developer, then this may not be the right course for you. After completing this course you will be guided to make the real applications where you can build your Django & Python skills, also make your resume strong enough to get your dream job.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Django with Data Science
Luke Makinia via Udemy
Create professional and nicely looking User Interface in Django for Data Science with the use of Semantic UI framework. Understand the core concepts behind Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib & Seaborn in order to create custom analytic tool i the browser for people who don’t know anything about programming. This unique course will introduce new concepts step by step and at the end the Student will have a very interesting position in the portfolio.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Django 1.11
Nick Walter via Udemy
Welcome to The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Django. If you’re brand new to Django, or have gotten lost in online tutorials, this is the course for you. I’ll take you from being an absolute beginner to actually creating three complete Django websites. We’ll also cover how to publish your sites. This course starts with a Python Refresher. Django is a web framework written in Python. If you’re new to Python, or just a bit rusty, this section will get you up to speed as quickly as possible. You don’t need to be a Python expert to make Django website, but a base knowledge is needed. In the Python Refresher I’ll teach you a new concept, show you some examples, then present you with a coding challenge to make sure you’ve understood that concept.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Django for Python Developers
Bharath Thippireddy via Udemy
Are you a python developer who wants to create python web applications by mastering Django? Are you an experienced Django developer who wants to fill in any gaps in your knowledge of creating a Web Applications using Django then this course is for you too. Django is the most widely used Web Application Development framework in the industry today. Django makes it super easy to create production ready web applications. You will start this course by learning what Django is ,the different features that are a part of every Django application .You will be working hands on one feature at a time .You will then create a web application using all the knowledge you gain from those sections. Master the fundamentals of Django Object Relational Mapping(ORM) which makes it super easy to work with databases with our writing any SQL.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Python Django 2021 – Complete Course
Dennis Ivy via Udemy
Ready to learn Django? In this course we will start from the very basics of what Django is to completing and deploying a fully functional website. The website we will build as we learn will be an online platform where developers from around the world can create a profile and share their work with others. While this course is Beginner friendly, all skill levels can learn here. We wont just be learning the basics, we will be applying what we know to add awesome site features like messaging other users, leaving comments and rating projects and so much more. This course will leave all skill levels with a new load of knowledge and different approaches of completing tasks. For those who are more advanced and maybe have already built out a few applications, you can simply skip through or fast–forward to get to the good stuff . In the second half of the course we will work on a voting system, messaging, sending emails and even building out an API. Even if you have done these things already you can see a new approach and build an awesome website in the process.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Intro To Django with Python For Web Development
John Elder via Udemy
In this course you’ll learn how to build simple websites with Django and Python! Django overwhelms a lot of people, and it doesn’t have to! If you understand just a few basic concepts, you’ll see that Django is a breeze to use! In this course I’ll be developing on a Windows machine, but you should be able to follow along if you’re on a Mac or Linux. I’ll show you how to download and install Python and Django, and create a basic website. We won’t be doing ANY database work in this course. I feel like databases confuse a lot of newbies, so instead of getting bogged down in all of that, we’re just going to skip it and focus on building basic static websites. You’ll be able to build simple personal websites, or simple business websites when you’re finished with this course. You don’t need any tools or special skills to take this course. I’ll show you how to download and install everything you’ll need for free (Django, Python, and the Sublime Text Editor). Other than that, you’ll just need a computer with Internet Access! Django is built for Python. It’s a web framework for Python. So it’s a good idea to learn Python if you want to use Django. But you don’t have to know Python to take this course. I’ll walk you through everything you need to know.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Fullstack Django and Python Bootcamp With Real Life Projects
Ebenezer Ogbu via Udemy
This is a no holds barred, action packed, Full Stack Django Web Development Course. To demonstrate My Confidence About This Course, I have created a CV that contains all the Concepts that I covered, and the Projects I have executed in this course. You can Take This Course and Start Looking for Job Immediately using the CV I have prepared. Your prospective employer wants you to come on–board and start building applications for them straight away. That is what I did in this course. To provide the knowledge that will allow you go straight into the industry and start working immediately. With over 170 Lectures that covers Five Crash Courses, and Two Solid Real–World Projects, I did not leave any stone unturned!!Since, the course is a Full Stack (Front End and Back End) development course, the crash courses on HTML, CSS, SASS and JavaScript provide you with the knowledge to work on the Front End, while the Python Crash Course provides you with the knowledge Back End Language.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Build REST APIs with Django REST Framework and Python
Shubham Sarda via Udemy
Welcome to Django Rest Framework Masterclass, One single course to start your DRF journey as a beginner step–by–step. This course touches on each and every important topic through concept explanation, documentation, and implementation. The entire course is designed for beginners with one goal in mind, to build powerful REST APIs using Python and Django.Complete course is focused on the concept learning approach, you learn every concept through a logical and visual learning approach. Learn all important concepts in the simplest possible way with examples and real–life project. You just need basic Python and Django knowledge, we will cover everything step–by–step from scratch.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Django Core | A Reference Guide to Core Django Concepts
Justin Mitchel via Udemy
Our philosophy is teaching individuals how to code by going through step by step projects. This drives the majority of our content with one exception: the Django Core course. In this course, we go in–depth into various Django concepts to provide a comprehensive guide to topics that include:We built this for students looking for a in–depth look at the above concepts. We encourage you to have some experience with Django such as our Try Django series (1.8 & Up) which is available on Udemy.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Django 3 – Full Stack Websites with Python Web Development
Nick Walter via Udemy
Have you ever wanted to create a Web application but didn’t know where to start? Have you previously tried to learn Django but got fed up with incomplete YouTube videos and poorly written tutorials? Or are you looking to move your code from Django 2 to Django 3?In my Django course, I will walk you through the Django web framework from beginning to end! I’m a self–taught programmer so I know what it feels like to start from scratch. I care about your learning, but even more importantly… I care about you!Django is an amazing framework for web developers because it provides the infrastructure required for database–driven websites that have user authentication, content administration, contact forms, file uploads, and more. Instead of creating all of these features from scratch, you can use the Django framework and utilize these components that are already built, and focus your time on developing your web app instead. If you’re going to be working with Python, especially for web applications or web design, you’ll want to learn the Django framework. It will save you a ton of time!
★★★★★(5-star rating)