In this article, you can find online Google Apps Script courses.
Google Apps Script is a scripting platform developed by Google for light-weight application development in the Google Workspace platform. Google Apps Script was initially developed by Mike Harm as a side project while working as a developer on Google Sheets. Google Apps Script was first publicly announced in May 2009 when a beta testing program was announced by Jonathan Rochelle, then Product Manager for Google Docs.
In August 2009 Google Apps Script was subsequently made available to all Google Apps Premier and Education Edition customers. It is based on JavaScript 1.6, but also includes some portions of 1.7 and 1.8 and a subset of the ECMAScript 5 API. Apps Script projects run server-side on Google’s infrastructure. According to Google, Apps Script “provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google products and third party services.” Apps Script is also the tool that powers the add-ons for Google Docs, Sheets and Slides.
Below we present 15 Google Apps Script courses for everyone who wished to expand their knowledge

Google Apps Script WYSIWYG editor and email HTML maker
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Use a WYSIWYG editor to create files and save them to GDrive. Use the files, update and select them edit and more. Send content as structure HTML emails Course covers: Create Google Apps Script Web App, Adding libraries WYSIWYG editor to Google Apps Script Web App, Find files in folder, Open files as HTML in editor,Save files,Email HTML files,Source code is included so you can copy and paste the code to try for yourself and much more….
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Google Script – DocumentApp for Beginners
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Learn how to use Google Script documentApp. All this an a whole lot more, source code is included. Document Service : This service allows scripts to create, access, and modify Google Docs files. The document service creates and opens Documents that can be edited. Source code included, learn how to use Goolge Script to extend what your Google Docs can do. Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Taught by a knowledge instructor with many years of web development experience, ready to help you learn. Join now and create your own Google Scripts Apps see what is possible.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Google Apps Script Create a Project Management App Project
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Explore how you can use Google Apps Script to create a project management tracking application from scratch. Google Apps Script is a rapid application development platform that makes it fast and easy to create business applications that integrate with G Suite. DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE IF YOU HAVE NO JAVASCRIPT EXPERIENCE – JAVASCRIPT IS AN ABSOLUTE PREREQUISITE!!! Course covers the following in a step by step format, source code is included along with a bonus 20+ page PDF guide. Get Coding Google Apps Script quick introduction to accessing your Google Script Environment. Updating the menu with custom buttons SpreadsheetApp.getUi, Add additional functions and menu items.The sidebar UI showSidebar, Send data from spreadsheet to client side sidebar window.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Google Script Apps Email From Spreadsheet list
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Explore how you can create a simple powerful application with Google Apps Script that connects your Google Suite together Use Google Apps Script to create advanced functions within your spreadsheet. Use the spreadsheet to manage a user list, click the members on the list and send out confirmation emails. Track emails that have been sent. Create your own custom HTML template mail that gets sent to the users on the list. Use the spreadsheet UI menu to add buttons for administration of the spreadsheet data. You will be amazed at how easy it is to create powerful functionality that helps power up your Google Suite of products. JavaScript is a prerequisite to this course.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Google Calendar Live feed to your website Google Apps Script
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Perfect course to learn more about how to apply Google Apps Script to help automate and use Google Suite as a source for data. No Databases just Google Script – output your Calendar to a JSON feed. BONUS – Free 20+ page downloadable course guide with resources and source code.Please note that JavaScript experience is essential to this course, Google Apps Script is JavaScript cloud based Language which uses pre–built methods to provide really powerful functionality. If you can write JavaScript Apps script is really easy to start using right away … because its JavaScript in the cloud.Complete course demonstrate how to write Google Apps Script code, how to create and access the cloud based IDE. Course scope is to create a starter project and illustrate how Google Script can be used to create applications.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Google Apps Script Build 28+ Fun Projects Sites G Suite
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Google Apps Script will amaze YOU! – Loaded with content to teach you how to use Google Apps Script and create some amazing projects, Source code is included. more content and projects added all the time ….. check out the new projects in the last sections.Even if you have never seen Google Apps Script before – you NEED to check out this course. There is so much you can do when you connect the Google Suite of Products together and power up your Google G Suite workflow – save time – build some cool stuff. Course is taught by an official GOOGLE DEVELOPER EXPERT for G Suite – Learn to create awesome applications connecting you Google Suite of Products together using Google Apps Script. Perfect course to learn more about Google Apps Script.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Image Uploader App with Google Apps Script
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Google Apps Script provides an Amazingly easy way to connect the power of the Google Suite of products together using a cloud based JavaScript language. Within the course we walk you through creating an image uploader from scratch that can allow users to upload images to your Google Drive. Also tracking uploaded images with paths in a Google Sheet, notifying you of the upload and more. Course is an introductory course to using Apps Script and perfect for those who have never used Apps Script before and for those who want to get started with it. JavaScript knowledge is essential as the scripting language is based on JavaScript, and an understanding of JavaScript will make it easy to get started with.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Dynamic Quiz App using Google Sheets as source Google Script
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Build your own Dynamic and interactive quiz that uses only Google Sheet data to output the contents of the quiz, and JavaScript on your web page or website. You will be amazed at what you can do with just a few lines of code and how easy it is to connect Google Sheets to your website. This is a great solution to avoid backend code using only Google Script which is essentially JavaScript with a bunch of methods in the cloud.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Google Apps Script Advanced YouTube Video API
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Course covers applying Google Apps Script to create an application from scratch. Search YouTube – return the results and output the results into a web app page, or track the results into a spreadsheet. Source code is included and it is suggested to try the code for yourself. This is a starter project which you can extend upon and make more advanced functionality. Course covers.Adding YouTube service to Google Apps Script project, Using youTube Service in Google apps Script code, Searching YouTube and returning the results into JSON data, Using results within code to output content, Setting up a webapp with Google Apps Script, Sending data from client side to server side with Google Script…
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Google Script application Connecting to Twitter API and more
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Do you want to be able to connect to the Twitter API, search a term and have the results pulled directly into your Google Spreadsheet? Or even automate a listening system to pull regular data from Twitter into a spreadsheet? Search any term on Twitter and return the results……Learn how to build an application within Google Sheets to search tweets from Twitter and pull them directly into your spreadsheet.Google Script Twitter Listener!!! This is an in demand application that you can build using Google Script to listen and pull Tweet Objects on a regular trigger. Its easier than you think to make you own social media listening app which builds a spreadsheet full of tweet data automatically. This is something that I setup for a client and now I’m sharing the source code and how to set it up with you within this course.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Google Apps Script Emailer PDF maker from Doc Template
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
JavaScript is a prerequisite to this course !!!!!!!! The course demonstrates Applying Google Apps Script to create a time saving micro application making use of GSuite apps connected together to produce amazing functionality. Source Code is included. Do you need to send a bunch of custom PDFs to a group of email recipients – of course you already have it listed in a Google Spreadsheet. Wouldn’t it be nice if this could be done with a simple script. You’re in luck! Create a spreadsheet list out the first name, last name and email of the person. Create a Google Doc which can be used as a template with firstname lastname and data fields. Now the fun part – coding with Google Apps Script. Use Google Apps Script to list all the data from the spreadsheet..
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Quick Start to Google Apps Script Coding
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Google Apps Script is JavaScript 1.6 in the cloud – its allows you to create powerful applications with just a few lines of code, connecting all the amazing things you can do with Google Suite Together! Course covers the very basics of starting to write Google Apps Script. How to navigate the online editor, How to create Standalone scripts, How to Create Bound Scripts, Basics of Variables, Functions and how they are used within Google Apps Script, How loops can be used, Data Arrays and Objects…
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Apps Script Form Data Handler Exercise Google Form Sheet
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Explore how easy it is to add additional functionality to the Google Suite of products. With just one function and a line of code you can extend your form submission to trigger an email response to the user submitting the Google Form. Track all the responses within a spreadsheet and then use that data for additional marketing and or a whole lot more. Its easy, if you know JavaScript you can write Google Script!!!!! Source code is included so you to can setup these functions within your Google Forms and Spreadsheets. Copy and paste the code from the course to make things happen. Try it for yourself you will be amazed at how easy it is to add more dynamic functionality to your Google products. This course is designed for beginners to follow our step by step lessons to create the same functionality demonstrated within the course.
★★★★(4-star rating)

Google Apps Script Complete Course Beginner to Advanced
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Google Apps Script is a coding language in the cloud that is based on JavaScript – allowing you to connect the Google Workspace Services to do amazing advanced functionality within your Google Workspace. Increase the power of your favorite Google apps — like Calendar, Docs, Drive, Gmail, Sheets, and Slides. Apps Script lets you do more with Google. All on a JavaScript platform in the cloud. G Suite Services. Course content covers every step to get started with Google Scripts including an overview of the editor and what it does and how to use it. Followed by more detailed syntax and code examples of applying Google Script in real world projects. Perfect for students of all levels, with a step by step approach for anyone who has not used Google Script Before.
★★★★(4-star rating)

Google Apps Google Script – Content System Web App Project
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Learn how to build Web Apps with Google Script. Increase the power of your favorite Google apps like Calendar, Docs, Drive, Gmail, and Sheets. Apps Script lets you do more with Google. All on a JavaScript platform in the cloud. If you know JavaScript you can jump right in and start creating web apps connecting all of your Google application together. Automate your work you will be amazed at how easy it is to work with Apps Script. JavaScript is a prerequisite to this course!
★★★★(4-star rating)