In this article, you can find APIs online courses for all levels.
An application programming interface (API) is a connection between computers or between computer programs. It is a type of software interface, offering a service to other pieces of software. A document or standard that describes how to build or use such a connection or interface is called an API specification. A computer system that meets this standard is said to implement or expose an API. The term API may refer either to the specification or to the implementation.
In contrast to a user interface, which connects a computer to a person, an application programming interface connects computers or pieces of software to each other. It is not intended to be used directly by a person (the end user) other than a computer programmer who is incorporating it into software. An API is often made up of different parts which act as tools or services that are available to the programmer. A program or a programmer that uses one of these parts is said to call that portion of the API. The calls that make up the API are also known as subroutines, methods, requests, or endpoints. An API specification defines these calls, meaning that it explains how to use or implement them.
One purpose of APIs is to hide the internal details of how a system works, exposing only those parts a programmer will find useful and keeping them consistent even if the internal details later change. An API may be custom-built for a particular pair of systems, or it may be a shared standard allowing interoperability among many systems.
The term API is often used to refer to web APIs, which allow communication between computers that are joined by the internet. There are also APIs for programming languages, software libraries, computer operating systems, and computer hardware. APIs originated in the 1940s, though the term did not emerge until the 1960s and 70s.
API Crash Course: What is an API, how to create it & test it
Tarek Roshdy & Nezam Academy via Udemy
In this course we will explain what an API is. API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message, or check the weather on your phone, you re using an API. What exactly is an API? Finally learn for yourself in this helpful video from MuleSoft, the API experts. When you use an application on your mobile phone, the application connects to the Internet and sends data to a server. The server then retrieves that data, interprets it, performs the necessary actions and sends it back to your phone. The application then interprets that data and presents you with the information you wanted in a readable way. This is what an API is – all of this happens via API.
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Postman : complete guide to API Testing || GET CERTIFICATE.
Easy Learning Academy via Udemy
Postman is an API(application programming interface) development tool that helps to build, test and modify APIs. It has the ability to make various types of HTTP requests(GET, POST, PUT, PATCH), saving environments for later use, converting the API to code for various languages(like JavaScript, Python). First of all, I want to tell you that this course is straight to the point. In which I cover all the important things about the postman. So we will cover more in less time. In this course, first of all, you will learn how to create collections and folders. You will also learn how to create different requests such as post request get request and all other such requests. Then we will test negative requests. You will also learn how to create environment variables. And You will also learn how easily we will add assertions and test our requests. You will learn body assertions, header assertions, JSON assertions and status assertions. You will also learn how to debug using the postman console.
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Raghav Pal via Udemy
This is a complete hands–on course on API Test Automation. Learn API Testing & Automation from scratch using the most popular tools like Postman, SoapUI, JMeter, Katalon Studio. After taking this course you will be able to:1. Understand the basics of API, 2. Basics of API Testing & Automation, 3. How to create API Test Automation frameworks, 4. How to do API Test Automation using SoapUI, 5. How to do API Test Automation using Postman, 6. How to do API Test Automation using Katalon Studio, 7. API Performance Testing with JMeter. You will learn all the tips and tricks and best practices, Ater this training, you can create API Testing & Automation frameworks, projects and solutions.
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Zoom API For Website -Integrate with PHP CodeIgniter Quickly
Olawuyi Segun Orisunola via Udemy
Live streamed video means viewers can participate and watch in real–time. Live stream is the future of video and presents a world of opportunity for school communications and distance learning. It is not only a great way to capture and share events when they occur, but a way to automatically build a video library of all your important school communications and engaging school stories. Once these live stream videos are created, they can be stored and repurposed for your future content needs. With a little planning and research, live streaming can become a core element in your district communications content strategy. With school closures come a huge need for school districts to get up to speed fast on using live streaming for school communications and remote learning.
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Build REST API with Spring Boot & Spring Data JPA
Infybuzz Learning via Udemy
In this course you are going to learn to Build RESTful APIs With Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA. Nowadays Spring framework is widely used among Java Developers and specifically Spring Boot is in high demand. You will also learn what is REST API and difference between REST API and SOAP. You will learn to build REST APIs with http methods – GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. We will use JSON ( JavaScript Object Notation ) as data format in REST APIs.Spring Data JPA ( Java Persistence API ) is very much popular to handle your database. Using JPA we can avoid writing native SQL queries so we can say that using JPA we can write database independent queries. JPA provides method proxy using which we can write queries very quickly. In this course you will learn to use Spring Data JPA in Spring Boot using JPA Repository. Using JPA you will learn to perform CRUD ( Create, Read, Update, Delete ) operations with MySQL Database.
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Postman API Testing 2021 | Step by Step for Beginners
Raghav Pal via Udemy
This course is created for complete beginners. I will start from scratch and teach you Postman Step–by–Step with examples and hands–on. If you are a complete beginner on Postman, this course is for you. Very basic step by step videos to guide you from scratch. We will learn: What is POSTMAN, How to download and install, Understand Postman GUI, Create Collections, Variables, Environments and Tests, Data–Driven Testing, Command Line, How to create and host local REST API, Run from command–line and Jenkins, Mocking, Monitors & Documentation, A Bonus crash course on Postman. You will be learning everything from scratch. You do not need any existing knowledge of API or Postman to start on this course. Wherever required, I will give you examples and will show you with a hands–on demo. By the end of this course, you will have complete hands–on knowledge on working with POSTMAN.
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Plan and create APIs specifications with OpenAPI/Swagger
Est a Training via Udemy
This is a hands–on course with real–world projects. We will plan and write 4 different APIs with OpenAPI/Swagger specification standard. Firstly we will learn about basics concepts before deep dive. This course is NOT a course about Swagger tools, it is a course about how to use properly the OpenAPI specifications, also known as Swagger. In this course the students will learn: General concepts about REST API, Deep dive on OpenAPI specs standard, How to use the Trello tool to plan new specs, How to use the VS Editor to design APIs. The course was created for students with ZERO knowledge about the subject. This is a course hands–on, so get ready to learn OpenAPI/Swagger deeply.
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Build Restful Api’s with Asp.Net Core
Asfend Yar Hamid via Udemy
Welcome to this course Learn Restful Api’s with .Net Core. In this course I’ll explain you every single aspect of real world Restful Api development with .Net Core. Yeah I know there’re lot of courses over internet but there’s never a single guide that teaches you how to create a real world web api from start to finish. And the purpose of this course is to train you to build your own Real world Rest Api with your favorite C# programming language. The main focus of this course is on the Restful Web Api via Asp.NET Core and C#. So if you’re familiar with C# , Asp.Net and Entity Framework Or if you want to create the Restful web api’s in Asp.Net then this is the right course for you.If you don’t have any idea about Rest Api then don’t worry because in this course we’ll cover all the Rest Api concepts. By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. And I’m always happy to make the helpful content for the students.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Designing RESTful APIs: Learn to Design API from Scratch
Praveenkumar Bouna via Udemy
A nice course that explains the principles of Restful Design without boring or further ado. It may be even shorter, but it is possible to easily skip the places you find unnecessarly long and just read the slides and still understand the content of the lecture from the slides. Do you want to learn a systematic way to designing API? Are you looking to learn to design RESTful API from scratch? Do you feel overwhelmed with the extensive and unorganized documentation of the REST API design concepts on the internet? If you had replied Yes to any of the questions prior, then this course is precisely for you. This specific course will provide significant knowledge of designing API for your next API–related project. You will be certain to use the design concepts with ease by following a step–by–step approach. You will be confident to instantly apply the design tips covered in the course.
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Develop Micro-Services API via Test Driven Development
Satender Kumar Mall via Udemy
Micro–Service API development via Test Driven Development (TDD) or Design By Test (DBT) course focuses on how to write production code for Micro service APIs in spring boot. This course lay emphasis on Designing and coding the medium to complex story in working micro–service APIs via TDD & BDD as well as advance concepts to design a test for mocking API call with Junit, wire–mock and MockMvc. The basics knowledge of java is added advantage but not the requirement to understand the Design by Test concepts. The flow of the course takes you with ease to demonstrate and make you understand about the beauty of how test dictates the production code. The complete journey of Acceptance test, Integration test, unit test has been demonstrated, which would help you to master TDD.
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Swift Weather (Meteorology) Application with REST API
David Kababyan via Udemy
In iOS 12 Weather App we are going to build real world iOS application. And when I say real world, I mean you can use this App every day! Unlike any other courses found on Udemy, I always teach full real world apps, when we finish with the course, you are going to have an app ready to post to AppStore. This iOS12 Weather App is NOT beginner level course. You need to know your way around the xCode, be familiar with it, you have to have basic knowledge in Swift and application building. We are going to start from scratch and build the application together. All assets will be provided by me. I will type and explain every line of code. the course is around 20 hours long. And by the time we finish, you will learn a lot of new things even if you are experienced iOS developer.
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REST Assured. API test automation for beginners
Dmitry Shyshkin via Udemy
Make the next step in your test automation career with REST Assured! Testing and validating REST services in Java is harder than in dynamic languages such as Ruby and Groovy. REST Assured brings the simplicity of using these languages into the Java domain. REST Assured. API test automation for beginners tutorial is created for Manual Software Testers and Test Automation Engineers that want to learn how to quickly start automating REST API tests. Every step, from the set up to executing your automated REST API test, is explained in detail.This course requires some java or other OOP knowledge. This course is designed for beginners in REST Assured, but not for beginners in test automation.
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REST API’s RESTFul from 0 to AWS with Spring Boot and Docker
Leandro da Costa Gon alves via Udemy
This course teaches the core fundamentals of APIs REST and RESTful Webservices both in theory (10%) and in practice (90%). This knowledge will be applied to the implementation of a RESTful API with SpringBoot 2.x and Java. We will start with a simple application that will gradually advance to more complex scenarios. We will cover HTTP notions, verbs/methods, parameter types, pagination, file upload and download, versioning, HATEOAS, Swagger, authentication, and security with JWT and Spring Security, etc. Finally, the main objective of the course is to serve as a starting point from which students can expand their knowledge of the subject and walk with their legs.
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Fundamentals of APIs
Andy P. via Udemy
An API is a platform that allows different pieces of software, or applications, to communicate with one another. The term is used broadly in the context of programming languages, the web, operating systems, etc. For example, Apple publicly shares a number of APIs powered by iOS its operating system for iPhones and iPads for app developers to use. These APIs allow applications like Instagram and Snapchat to use a device s camera, microphone, and much more. This course covers the essentials of APIs of modern web development, explaining what APIs are and how to use them to quickly incorporate data into your websites. We’ll get into consuming and getting data from APIs. We’ll also go over the basics of associated technologies and skills, such as JSON and object–oriented programming, and learn how to handle errors you might encounter when trying to get data from an API.
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Learn Restful Api’s with Asp.Net Core 5.0 2021
Asfend Yar Hamid via Udemy
This course is made with .Net Core 5.0 which is the latest but you can also use the previous version of .NET Core 3.1 if you want. The main focus of this course is on the Restful Web Api via Asp.NET Core and C#. So if you’re familiar with C# , Asp.Net and Entity Framework Or if you want to create the Restful web api’s in Asp.Net then this is the right course for you. If you don’t have any idea about Rest Api then don’t worry because in this course we’ll cover all the Rest Api concepts. By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. And I’m always happy to make the helpful content for the students. So by the end of the course, you’ll completely understand: How to create a Rest Api via Entity Framework Code First Approach with all the advanced functions. Implement Status Codes, How to add the Routing and Custom Methods, Adding Migrations in Web Api’s and much more.
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REST Assured API Automation + Framework: From Zero to Hero!
Omprakash Chavan via Udemy
REST Assured API is one of the most popular library when it comes to automating the REST APIs. Most of the today’s web applications are backed by the Micro services architecture and the REST APIs. Make no mistake, REST is gaining a lot of popularity amongst the developer community. As a QA engineer, it becomes very important to test the REST APIs as a working API is crucial for a product. With great adoption of OAuth 2.0 and Open ID Connect authentication mechanisms, it also becomes important to build an in–depth understanding of these authentication mechanisms. To speed up product delivery, the industry is gradually moving towards end to end continuous integration (CI) and continuous development/deployment process (CD). So it becomes critical that the backend API services are automated to facilitate and speed up this process.
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REST API Automation with RestSharp & HTTP Client
Rahul Singh Rathore via Udemy
Currently the IT industry is moving towards Micro Service based architecture. And it is very important to under stands what are RESTful API and Web services. This course is all about that. The Course is divided into 3 sections. In the 1st section, I will have detail discussion about the RESTful API and Webservices. In the 2nd section, I will discuss about the HTTP Client library and how to use them for testing RESTful API. In the 3rd section, I will discuss about the RestSharp framework and how to use it for API testing. I will also discuss about the synchronous and asynchronous execution. And how to run the test in parallel. In this course, I will also discuss some real time API of the application. Such a Drop Box and JIRA. While going through this course, I will also develop framework for testing. The source code of framework will be provided for download.
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RESTful API with ASP.NET Core Web API – Create and Consume
Bhrugen Patel via Udemy
This is a Beginner to Intermediate level course on ASP.NET Core Web API that will take you from the basics of building API to consuming them. This course is for anyone who is new to RESTful Web API’s in ASP.NET Core or who is familiar with ASP.NET and wants to learn how to consume them effectively in an ASP.NET Core Web application. By the end of this course, you will be able to build a RESTful web service with Web API by yourself, make GET, POST, PUT and DELETE HTTP Requests with a well–built repository pattern in ASP.NET Core Project. You will also get a sneak peek at Entity Framework Code First migrations and learn how to save your data persistently in a database. We will cover authentication and authorization in Web API as well as consume them in a real–world project.
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Learn API Technical Writing 2: REST for Writers
Peter Gruenbaum via Udemy
This is the second in a series of courses for technical writers who want to learn how to write API documentation. The first course is called “Learn API Technical Writing: JSON and XML for Writers”, and it is recommended that you first take that course, unless you are very familiar with JSON and XML, and how to document them. This course teaches how to document REST APIs. No programming experience is required, but technical writers with programming experience who want to know more about REST APIs will still find it useful.APIs (Application Program Interfaces) define how software systems talk to each other, and API documentation is a rapidly growing field. There is a strong need for writers who can understand APIs and explain them so that software developers can understand how to use them. API writers get to be in on the cutting edge of technology in high–paying positions.
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Rest Api’s in Asp.Net Core and C# 2021 Edition
Asfend Yar Hamid via Udemy
Are you tired of boring the outdated and incomplete courses , then let’s dive in to the world of Rest Api’s. I’m Asfend Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and in this course I’ll explain what basically the Rest Api is and how you can create the Rest Api’s in ASP.NET Core and C#. The main focus of this course is on the Restful Web Api via ASP.NET Core and C#. So if you’re familiar with C# , ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core Or if you want to create the Restful Api’s with .Net Core then this is the right course for you. In this course we’ll start our work from the scratch so if you’ve no prior knowledge of Rest Api’s then don’t worry we’ll cover everything from absolute beginning. The only thing you need to know is C# programming language. By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. And I’m always happy to make the helpful content for the students.
★★★★★(5-star rating)