In this article, you can find online Blockchain programming courses for all levels.
A blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked together using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data (generally represented as a Merkle tree). The timestamp proves that the transaction data existed when the block was published in order to get into its hash. As blocks each contain information about the block previous to it, they form a chain, with each additional block reinforcing the ones before it. Therefore, blockchains are resistant to modification of their data because once recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without altering all subsequent blocks.
Blockchains are typically managed by a peer-to-peer network for use as a publicly distributed ledger, where nodes collectively adhere to a protocol to communicate and validate new blocks. Although blockchain records are not unalterable as forks are possible, blockchains may be considered secure by design and exemplify a distributed computing system with high Byzantine fault tolerance.
Below we have prepared 20 online blockchain programming courses for all levels.
Blockchain Application Development in 7 Days
Packt Publishing via Udemy
Our course will teach you to build an online gaming application using the Ethereum Blockchain. Each 30 minute section will introduce fundamental Blockchain programming concepts as they relate to creating an online game, followed by practical exercises that customers can implement as homework assignments. With this course, you will learn core Blockchain application development skills, creating smart contracts, interacting with the Ethereum network, building user interfaces, and deploying your application to the Internet. This course supplies seven self–contained lessons taught in a practical, hands–on way. By the end of the course, you will be amazed how much you have learned about Blockchain application development on the Ethereum network in just one week.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
The Blockchain (FREE)
Stefano M. Stefan via Coursera
Begin your exploration of blockchain technologies with a look at fundamental blockchain concepts along with an application in which blockchain technology plays a critical role — cryptofinance. This course also introduces distributed digital systems in terms of software and network architecture, and shows how these systems underlie the functionality of the blockchain. In this and the following courses in the specialization you’ll have a chance for hands–on–practice to cement your learning.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Learn Blockchain Technology & Cryptocurrency in Java
Holczer Balazs via Udemy
In this course you will learn about the basics of blockchain technology. Theory as well as the implementation in Java! You will learn how to implement a blockchain in Java, how to implement a cryptocurrency in Java and much more. You should take this course, if you are interested in blockchain and cryptocurrency technology.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Ethereum Blockchain Development: Smart Contracts + dApp
Abdul Moiz via Udemy
Many of the great Blockchain projects are based on Ethereum blockchain, like Uniswap , ChainLink , VeChain , Theta etc.. Some topics that we will cover, Creating Ethereum Account, Setting up & Overview of Metamask Wallet, Getting Test Ether & ETH Faucet. Overview of Remix IDE and how to use it to Code –> Test –> Deploy smart contracts. Learning of Solidity programming language. Syntax, working, usage for smart contracts development. Smart Contracts Development – From the very basic to advanced level, Setting development environment, Deploying and testing Smart Contracts on Local Ethereum Blockchain (Ganache) as well as on Ethereum Public Testnet. How to Connect Web Apps to Smart Contracts and turn them into dApps!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Blockchain For Beginners: Learning Blockchain Applications
Blockchain Zone via Udemy
Welcome to this course: Blockchain For Beginners – Learning Blockchain Applications. Blockchain will change the world. Blockchain is a distributed database that enables permanent, transparent, and secure storage of data. It is a technology that powers the development of decentralized applications. This technology allows the construction of a network with no single control that enables participants to make contributions to and receive benefits from the network directly. Blockchain technology uses cryptography to keep data secure. This course will give you a thorough overview of blockchain and explain how a blockchain works. You will begin by going through various blockchain consensus mechanisms and cryptographic hash functions. As you make your way through the course, you will gain insight into this leading technology and its implementation in the real world. You will also cover the technical foundation of blockchain and understand the fundamentals of cryptography and how they keep data secure.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Building Cryptocurrencies with JavaScript
Stone River eLearning via Udemy
Any IT professional or hobbyist anticipating a solid understanding of how cryptocurrency technology works and desires an understanding of crypto’s use cases and potential (including blockchains and distributed applications) needs to go through this course to leverage cryptocurrency in new or existing development projects. Anyone desiring to learn how cryptocurrency solutions are designed, configured, and developed needs the knowldege and practice presented in this course. This not only includes web, mobile, and service application developers, but also architects, UI designers, testers, and administrators. This course provides a solid understanding of how crypto and blockchain technology works and a solid foundation for platform evaluation and learning lower level details.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
How to build your own altcoin cryptocurrency mining pool
Craig Young via Udemy
Learn how to build and maintain your own altcoin cryptocurrency mining pool, including how to compile coin daemons under Linux, add coins to a pool, and how to earn commission from everyone who mines at your pool. Lots of demos that you can follow yourself as you build your own mining pool. This course is not for those that are unfamiliar with cryptocurrency mining and blockchain technology, those with little computer experience, or those wanting to learn how to invest in cryptocurrencies.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Become a Blockchain Developer
Brandy Camacho via Udacity
Learn the fundamentals of the blockchain platform. Create your own private blockchain, and secure a digital asset using blockchain identity. Explore the Ethereum platform, and use Solidity and smart contracts to develop your own decentralized app.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Create your Own Cryptocurrency POW/POS | Scrypt, X11
Raj Kumar via Udemy
The course will let you create your own cryptocurrency. If you have already started learning about blockchain development and cryptocurrencies, or are simply familiar with the subject and want to practice, this course is exactly what you need. This guide will help you step by step on how to create your own cryptocurrency and this course have all topics covered you need to run a cryptocurrency like cryptocurrency creation, node setup,blockchain explorer. This course will teach you how to build your own blockchain and cryptocurrency with step by step guide. It s no denying that blockchain based systems have taken the tech and financial worlds by storm. A single bitcoin was worth $20,000 at one point in December 2017.And yet the blockchain industry is still so young.In this course, you will build a POW/POS Cryptocurrency. Create your own POW/POS cryptocurrency on scrypt or X11 based algorithms.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Ethereum Tutorial: Ethereum & Smart Contracts from Scratch
David Joseph Katz via Udemy
A smart contract blockchain can support decentralized applications. This opens the door to a wide variety of solutions. Based on these points and more it would definitely be a valuable learning experience to try building a smart contract blockchain and cryptocurrency like Ethereum. So it can be quite surprising to discover that existing tutorials are challenging to find. Sure, there’s the Ethereum documentation. But this information is better understood when you’re pretty knowledgeable about blockchains already. Likewise, other resources you find, like articles and videos, mostly focus on aspects of a completed Ethereum system. They don’t take you through the process of completely building a smart contract blockchain and cryptocurrency. However, it’s understandable.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Blockchain Technology: The Complete Course for Beginners
Anton Fonseka via Udemy
This course is specially prepared for anyone with an interest to learn Blockchain fundamentals in a simplified manner. At the end of this course you will have a strong knowledge in everything you must know about fundamentals to Blockchain Technology such as key concepts, all about Cryptocurrencies & Bitcoins, key terminology, hashing and mining etc. with animated and graphically presented lectures, accompanied PDF notes, published resources, use cases and live visits to online platforms. Are you aware that this is going to be a disruptive change with high potential to change our lifestyles in a near future? This revolution will definitely change the world and you will become the first to know it. So, Get Enroll Now and enjoy the World of Blockchain!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Python, JS, & React | Build a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
David Joseph Katz via Udemy
The course includes Python, Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, Web Development (Backend and Frontend), JavaScript, React JS, React Hooks and more. By investing in this course, you’re really getting your bang for you buck. Want to learn Python and/or JavaScript? This course is for all levels. If you’re a newcomer, you’ll get a from–scratch experience. But the course journey is completely in your hands. If you’re more experienced, feel free to skip the introductory sections for Python and JavaScript to get right into building the project. The course is designed to help you achieve three main goals: Learn Python and Backend Web Development. Build a Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Project that you can add to your portfolio. Learn JavaScript, Frontend Web Development, React.js, and React Hooks.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Blockchain Basics (FREE)
Bina Ramamurthy via Coursera
This first course of the Blockchain specialization provides a broad overview of the essential concepts of blockchain technology – by initially exploring the Bitcoin protocol followed by the Ethereum protocol – to lay the foundation necessary for developing applications and programming. You will be equipped with the knowledge needed to create nodes on your personal Ethereum blockchain, create accounts, unlock accounts, mine, transact, transfer Ethers, and check balances. You will learn about the decentralized peer–to–peer network, an immutable distributed ledger and the trust model that defines a blockchain. This course enables you to explain basic components of a blockchain (transaction, block, block header, and the chain) its operations (verification, validation, and consensus model) underlying algorithms, and essentials of trust (hard fork and soft fork).
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Cryptocurrency Fundamentals: Buy, Sell, Trade Cryptocurrency
George Levy via Udemy
Don’t be left behind and catch the Cryptocurrency wave – NOW! In just under two hours you will know everything you need to get started buying, selling and trading cryptocurrency. Includes essential topics such as how to store your cryptocurrency safely, away from hackers, and how to read cryptocurrency candlestick price charts! Just a few of the hundreds of 5 star reviews left by students of this course: Very clear and concise with lots of reference to other learning material. Great course for anyone looking to get more information on crypto–currencies and exchanges.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Ardor Blockchain Bootcamp
Eric Funk via Udemy
This course will take you from complete beginner to expert in the Ardor system! By the end, you will be able to build amazing products, impress your friends, and execute your business ideas. Ardor is a cryptocurrency and complete blockchain product. You do NOT need any programming or technical skills for this class. You will be taught how to make your own cryptocurrency that you can immediately list on a decentralized exchange. You will be able to create stock shares in a company (called assets ). You will be able to upload/download files directly from a blockchain database. You will be able to sell and buy physical and digital items on a decentralized marketplace. You will be able to create a voting system for real–life elections and polls. Ardor is the premier Blockchain–as–a–Solution (BaaS) product, and this course will teach you everything you need to know in order to use it confidently!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Blockchain: Foundations and Use Cases (FREE)
ConsenSys Academy via Coursera
This course is the definitive introduction to blockchain for both the developer and non–developer audience. Beyond the technology, this course will introduce you to some of the philosophy behind decentralization and why there is so much excitement around it. During the first three modules, you’ll be introduced to blockchain and the technology behind it. In module four, we’ll go beyond bitcoin and delve deeper into a next–generation blockchain called Ethereum to introduce you to what modern blockchains can do. The use cases featured in the final module are drawn from among the businesses in ConsenSys’ startup portfolio. We believe we’re uniquely positioned to present you with a valuable behind–the–scenes look at the people and companies working in this space to help give you a better understanding of the business side of blockchain.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Blockchain Platforms (FREE)
Bina Ramamurthy via Coursera
This fourth course of the Blockchain specialization provides learners with an understanding of the broader blockchain ecosystem. Learners are introduced to other blockchain platforms, details of two decentralized application use cases, and challenges such as privacy and scalability. They are prepared to discuss permissioned blockchain architectures of Hyperledger and Microsoft Azure’s blockchain as a service model and analyze the Augur and Grid+ decentralized application platforms. Course material includes emerging alternative decentralization models such as IPFS and Hashgraph, challenges in broader blockchain adoption, and continuous improvement solutions.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Blockchain Web Development on Ethereum [2022]
Tomas Mikula via Udemy
Hello! Welcome to the Complete Blockchain Web Application Development course, the only course you need to build decentralized web applications. What does blockchain have to do with web development? Blockchain technology has become synonymous with cryptocurrencies and token crowd sales. However, there are a variety of blockchain applications that could be applied to web development. Blockchain technology is one of the latest trends in the web development industry. There has been a lot of hype surrounding this buzzword, and most people are still wondering what the real use cases of blockchain technology are, and if they can actually apply it to make profitable business models. You will learn all fundamental aspects of creating and connecting blockchain application to website and interacting with it.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
The Blockchain (FREE)
Stefano M. Stefan via Coursera
Begin your exploration of blockchain technologies with a look at fundamental blockchain concepts along with an application in which blockchain technology plays a critical role — cryptofinance. This course also introduces distributed digital systems in terms of software and network architecture, and shows how these systems underlie the functionality of the blockchain. In this and the following courses in the specialization you’ll have a chance for hands–on–practice to cement your learning.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Ethereum : Decentralized Application Design & Development
Rajeev Sakhuja via Udemy
This course takes the approach of Learn by doing . Students are encouraged to try out all aspects of the technologies on their own after each lecture. Almost all of the concepts discussed in the lectures are shown in action by way code samples etc. The demo code used in the lectures is available for download from GitHub so that students can change the code to try out new things. Front end of the Decentralized applications are typically created as single page or desktop applications using Javascript/HTML/CSS. Since there are multiple Javascript frameworks, it was decided to keep the lectures independent of any specific JS framework. Students are free to use any one or more JS frameworks of their choice. Multiple quizzes in each section will validate student s knowledge. Coding exercises will help them understand the concepts better & gain confidence.
★★★★(4-star rating)