In this article, you can find Java online courses for all levels.
Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is a general-purpose programming language intended to let application developers write once, run anywhere (WORA), meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation.
Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying computer architecture. The syntax of Java is similar to C and C++, but has fewer low-level facilities than either of them. The Java runtime provides dynamic capabilities (such as reflection and runtime code modification) that are typically not available in traditional compiled languages.
As of 2019, Java was one of the most popular programming languages in use according to GitHub,particularly for client-server web applications, with a reported 9 million developers
There are a lot of courses to learn Java online, that is why we recommend the following 20 courses for you. Whether you are a beginner, a software engineer, system administrator, or business analyst, our courses will help you gain the knowledge needed to be a professional!
Introduction to Computer Programming using Java
via Udemy
In this course you are going to learn the basic programming skills those are required to learn any programming languages or technologies. In this course you will be taught very important questions, those are frequently asked in the examination papers. A number of programming exercises have been elaborated practically in this course. In this course everything have been practically demonstrated on Eclipse IDE, that may enable you to understand the process of writing high quality Java code.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
A Guide to Understand Java Generics with Examples
via Udemy
Java Generic methods and generic classes enable programmers to specify, with a single method declaration, a set of related methods, or with a single class declaration, a set of related types, respectively. Generics also provide compile–time type safety that allows programmers to catch invalid types at compile time. This reference will take you through simple and practical methods using Java Generics. The Java Generics programming is introduced in J2SE 5 to deal with type–safe objects. It makes the code stable by detecting the bugs at compile time.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Instant Test Driven Development with Java, JUnit and Mockito
via Udemy
This course will get you up to speed with JUnit and TDD in next to no time with a mixture of Instant Demos, Deep Dives and Philosophy lectures. In the Instant Demo you’ll quickly get a feeling for how things will work once you’re an expert. No getting distracted by detail, just the real life feel of using the techniques. With a Deep Dive we will unpack all the necessary detail to enrich your understanding. The Philosophy lectures will give you the fundamentals from which you can grow your own knowledge.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Introduction to Java and Object Oriented Programming
via Udemy
In this Course you are going to learn the Object Oriented Programming Concepts practically in Eclipse IDE. You will be taught very fundamental concepts of OOPS like Class, Objects, Methods, Constructor, this, super, Inheritance, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Encapsulation with so many Practical Problems those are asked in most of the examination papers. Each topics of the Course have been demonstrated on Eclipse IDE that may enable you to understand the process of writing high quality Java Code. You will also be given so many downloadable supporting files that will help you to learn and revise the Course quickly.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Groovy Programming Fundamentals for Java Developers
via Udemy
In this course, we take you step–by–step through the most common features and programming idioms of the Groovy programming language enabling you to supercharge your developer productivity by harnessing the power of Groovy’s lightweight and succinct programming syntax! We’ll explore Groovy’s lightweight and powerful syntax which slashes development time down to at most a quarter of the time you’d spend in writing the equivalent Java program!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Practical Reactive Streams with Akka and Java
via Udemy
This course builds on the Practical Java concurrency with the Akka Actor Model course and will extend your knowledge of using the actor model with Akka and Java to create reactive streams. The course is full of practical real–world scenarios – you’ll even build a blockchain mining application. Please note that although Akka is built in Scala, no Scala knowledge is needed for this course – the course covers Akka with Java and we won’t be writing any Scala code. This course covers the newer Akka Typed API only.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Object-Oriented Programming – From Basics to Advance (Java)
via Udemy
From this course you can learn Object–Oriented Programming from basics to advanced concepts. All code examples in the course are written in Java but that’s doesn’t mean you can’t apply the knowledge from this course in other programming languages. You can easily use the knowledge from this course in any language if you want to build applications with the help of object–oriented programming approach. To learn programming it is not enough just watching videos and reading books. You also need to have a lot of practice. In this training course you will have different practical tasks which will help you learn and understand Java better.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Make a Minecraft Mod: Minecraft Modding for beginners (1.16)
via Udemy
In this course, I will teach you the first steps by introducing you to Java. Even with no experience, you will be able to make Mods at the end. You’ll learn all how to make Blocks, Items, Tools and Weapons in Minecraft. You will also learn to create different types of events and even a custom GUI and a new Tile Entity. This course is accessible to complete beginners. Even if you have never programmed in your life! The only requirement is that you own Minecraft and are vaguely familiar with the Game and some popular Minecraft Mods or even Minecraft Modpacks.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
2021 Quarkus Fundamentals – Guide to Get Started in 1 Hour
via Udemy
Quarkus is the new kid on the block when it comes to Java frameworks. It is forecasted to be the next big thing for 2021. This is for a really good reason, it is high performance, easy to set up and kubernetes–native based. No experience yet? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this course we’ll help you to master the basics of Quarkus and understand the important concepts. The course is (at least for now) a quickstart. In only two hours from now you can confidently start using Quarkus and write applications of your own using this very new framework.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Build amazing real desktop application by javaFx
via Udemy
Are you Looking to boost your income as a Java Developer? Maybe you have a lot of app ideas but don’t know where to start? Or you are seeking a career in Java Programming that will finally give you freedom and flexibility you have been looking for? Build a strong real apps in JavaFx Programming with this javaFx tutorial and complete course. Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this complete course is intended for everyone who wishes to build desktop applications by javaFx.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Instant Test Driven Development with Java, JUnit and Mockito
via Udemy
This course will get you up to speed with JUnit and TDD in next to no time with a mixture of Instant Demos, Deep Dives and Philosophy lectures. In the Instant Demo you’ll quickly get a feeling for how things will work once you’re an expert. No getting distracted by detail, just the real life feel of using the techniques. With a Deep Dive we will unpack all the necessary detail to enrich your understanding. The Philosophy lectures will give you the fundamentals from which you can grow your own knowledge.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Enterprise OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect for Developers
via Udemy
This course is designed to help Software developers and Application Architects fully understand the concepts behind OAuth and become an expert in integrating their code with any OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server. You will be able to design your applications using Microservices architecture and fully understand how security can be implemented using OAuth2. The course will especially focus on enterprise applications deployed in the cloud environments right from the start.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Java Reflection – Master Class
via Udemy
Java Reflection is one of the most powerful features of the Java language that allows you to utilize your JVM’s capabilities to its full potential. And it’s no coincidence that the most popular and widely used Java libraries and frameworks are powered by the Reflection API. In this course, we will start from the basics and build our way up to complete mastery of Java Reflection through: Theory and API. Practical application of our skills in real–life examples and use cases. Along the course, we also have plenty of quizzes and coding exercises to help you practice and validate your progress.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Java Servlets Certification Training
via Udemy
A Servlet is a Java Programminglanguage class that is used to extend the capabilities of servers that host applications accessed by means of a request–response programming model. Although servlets can respond to any type of request, they are commonly used to extend the applications hosted by web servers. It is also a web component that is deployed on the server to create a dynamic web page. Servlet is a Java class that runs inside the container. It allows you to process the HTTP request and generate dynamic web pages, but it’s more Java then HTML like you need to code HTML inside Java, which is both erroneous and not recommended
★★★★★(5-star rating)
COMPLETE Java Programming Bundle- 2021 [updated]
Pranjal Srivastava via Udemy
This course is all about learning Java Programming language. Here we would start right from the beginner level exploring fundamentals like JVM (Java Virtual Machine), JDK (Java Development Kit), JRE (Java Runtime Environment). We would realizing strengths and weakness of java as a programming language. You will be learning everything from the fundamentals, to advanced concepts with hands–on practical exercises, so don’t worry if you are just a beginner to java.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
The Complete Java Course Master Class for Beginners
Nderim Bytyqi via Udemy
Here we present the new course using Java. First the basic skills in Java and then go to advanced ones. I will help you to start building your career as a programmer of the future. The Object Oriented paradigm is very important in Java, so we will discuss a lot of the Java concepts.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Practical Mockito 3 : Java Unit Testing with Mockito & JUnit
Dinesh Varyani via Udemy
Mockito is a mocking framework for Java applications. It lets you write beautiful tests with a clean and simple API. Mockito tests are very readable and they produce clean verification errors. It’s a simple Java library that is used for effective unit testing of Java applications. In this course, you will learn step by step, how to configure and use Mockito and JUnit testing frameworks. This course should help you learn how to create efficient unit tests with Mockito as well as how to use its API’s in a simple and intuitive way.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Learn to Program in Java (FREE)
Kasey Champion via Edx
Ready to start your programming journey? Being a software engineer is much more than simply writing code it requires a strong conceptual understanding of computer science. In this course, which was developed through a combination of academic and industry perspectives, learn not only how to code in Java but also how to break down problems and implement their solutions using some of the most fundamental computer science tools. Get plenty of hands–on Java coding experience with methods, logic, loops, variables, parameters, returns, and recursion.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Practical JUnit 5 : Java Unit Testing with JUnit 5
Dinesh Varyani via Udemy
JUnit 5 is the most popular and widely used Java unit testing framework. In this course, you will learn step by step, how to configure and use JUnit 5 testing framework. This course will teach you how to write unit tests with JUnit 5, covering topics like why unit tests are important, the structure of good unit tests, assertions, assumptions and parameterized tests and more.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) For Java and Spring Developers
Alfa e-Learning via Udemy
In this course you will learn Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) which is an open source platform as a service (PaaS) cloud provider. Do you want to learn cloud ? If YES, then this course is for you. If you have no knowledge about Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) then do not worry because in this course you will learn Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) in detail. Do you want to take advantage of Cloud where you just focus on your apps and Microservices ? If YES, then in this course you will learn to deploy your Spring Boot Apps with Jar packaging to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) along with MySQL Database.
★★★★★(5-star rating)