In this article you can find online courses to become a Big Data expert.
Big data is a field that provides ways to analyze and systematically extract information from data sets that are too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing application software.
Today, everything depends on data and information due to the exponential growth of internet-connected devices. Especially businesses keep optimizing the way they handle the enormous amount of data using practices of Data Science and Machine Learning to accelerate their growth and profits. If you love data processing, analysis, and computer programming, Big Data is the right field for you.
Check out the following 20 online courses to learn the fundamentals of Big Data, from scratch to advanced, using data analytics tools. Become an expert gaining the skills to level up your career.

Big Data: Parallel Processing by SimpleIT
Piotr Kaczor via Udemy
This course explains by real-world examples of parallel programming – the core of Big Data, Hadoop & MapReduce technology, creating a solid ground to understand deeper technical parts.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Foundations for Big Data Analysis with SQL (Free)
Glynn Durham via Coursera
In this course, you’ll get a big–picture view of using SQL for big data, starting with an overview of data, database systems, and the common querying language (SQL).
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Analyzing Big Data with SQL (Free)
Ian Cook via Coursera
In this course, you’ll get an in-depth look at the SQL SELECT statement and its main clauses. The course focuses on big data SQL engines Apache Hive and Apache Impala, but most of the information is applicable to SQL with traditional RDBMs as well; the instructor explicitly addresses differences for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Big Geospatial Data Analysis with Earth Engine API
Dr. Alemayehu Midekisa via Udemy
By the end of this course, you will be equipped with a set of new skills including accessing, downloading, visualizing big data, and extracting information.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Apache Beam | A Hands-On course to build Big data Pipelines
J Garg – Hadoop Real Time Learning via Udemy
What’s included in the course? Complete Apache Beam concepts explained from Scratch to Real-Time implementation. Each and every Apache Beam concept is explained with a HANDS-ON example of it. Include even those concepts, the explanation to which is not very clear even in Apache Beam’s official documentation. Build 2 Real-time Big data case studies using Beam. Codes and Datasets used in lectures are attached in the course for your convenience.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Apache Kafka Series – Learn Apache Kafka for Beginners v2
Stephane Maarek via Udemy
At the end of this course, you’ll be productive and you’ll know the following: The Apache Kafka Ecosystem Architecture, The Kafka Core Concepts: Topics, Partitions, Brokers, Replicas, Producers, Consumers, and more!, Launch your own Kafka cluster in no time using native Kafka binaries Windows / MacOS X / Linux, Learn and Practice using the Kafka Command Line Interface (CLI), Code Producer and Consumers using the Java API, Real-world project using Twitter as a source of data for a producer and ElasticSearch as a sink for our consumer.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Hadoop Developer In Real World
Hadoop In Real World via Udemy
This course is designed for anyone who aspires to a career as a Hadoop developer. In this course we have covered all the concepts that every aspiring Hadoop developer must know to SURVIVE in REAL WORLD Hadoop environments.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark (Free)
Prof. Heather Miller via Coursera
In this course, we’ll see how the data parallel paradigm can be extended to the distributed case, using Spark throughout. We’ll cover Spark’s programming model in detail, being careful to understand how and when it differs from familiar programming models, like shared-memory parallel collections or sequential Scala collections.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Data Science:Hands-on Diabetes Prediction with Pyspark MLlib
School of Disruptive Innovation via Udemy
Would you like to build, train, test and evaluate a machine learning model that is able to detect diabetes using logistic regression? This is a Hands–on Machine Learning Course where you will practice alongside the classes. The dataset will be provided to you during the lectures. We highly recommend that for the best learning experience, you practice alongside the lectures.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Building Big Data Pipelines with PySpark + MongoDB + Bokeh
EBISYS R&D via Udemy
Welcome to the Building Big Data Pipelines with PySpark & MongoDB & Bokeh course. In this course we will be building an intelligent data pipeline using big data technologies like Apache Spark and MongoDB. We will be building an ETLP pipeline, ETLP stands for Extract Transform Load and Predict. These are the different stages of the data pipeline that our data has to go through in order for it to become useful at the end. Once the data has gone through this pipeline we will be able to use it for building reports and dashboards for data analysis.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Big Data – Capstone Project (Free)
Ilkay Altintas via Coursera
In this culminating project, you will build a big data ecosystem using tools and methods from the earlier courses in this specialization. You will analyze a data set simulating big data generated from a large number of users who are playing our imaginary game “Catch the Pink Flamingo”.
★★★★★(4.5-star rating)

Getting to Know Splunk: The Hands-On Administration Guide
Tom Kopchak via Udemy
In this course, Tom will be teaching you how to get started with Splunk from the ground up. You’ll learn the basics of Splunk terminology, along with how to use the Splunk web interface to find the data you’re looking for. You’ll build your own Splunk environment, add and normalize data to the Common Information Model (CIM), create dashboards, and find events in your data.
★★★★★(4.5-star rating)

Azure Big Data – Practice Test (121+ Interview questions)
Purva Joshi via Udemy
This practice test will make you confident in Data ingestion and processing on Azure cloud. You will be evaluated on various Azure services like storage, data processing, data orchestration, and databases.
★★★★★(4.5-star rating)

Apache Kafka for developers
Ganapathi Devappa via Udemy
Apache Kafka is a popular tool used in many big data analytics projects to get data from other systems into big data systems. Through this course, students can develop Apache Kafka applications that send and receive data from Kafka clusters.
★★★★★(4.5-star rating)

Introduction to Big Data (Free)
Ilkay Altintas via Coursera
This course is for those new to data science and interested in understanding why the Big Data Era has come to be. It is for those who want to become conversant with the terminology and the core concepts behind big data problems, applications, and systems.
★★★★★(4.5-star rating)

Big Data Analysis with Apache Spark (Free)
Anthony D. Joseph via edX
This course covers advanced undergraduate-level material. It requires a programming background and experience with Python (or the ability to learn it quickly). All exercises will use PySpark (the Python API for Spark), and previous experience with Spark equivalent to Introduction to Apache Spark, is required.
★★★★★(4.5-star rating)

Learn By Example: Hadoop, MapReduce for Big Data problems
Loony Corn via Udemy
Taught by a 4 person team including 2 Stanford–educated, ex-Googlers and 2 ex-Flipkart Lead Analysts. This team has decades of practical experience in working with Java and with billions of rows of data. This course is a zoom-in, zoom-out, hands-on workout involving Hadoop, MapReduce and the art of thinking parallel.
★★★★(4.4-star rating)

Apache Spark 3 & Big Data Essentials w/ Scala | Rock the JVM
Daniel Cioc rlan via Udemy
In this course, we will learn how to write big data applications with Apache Spark 3. You’ll write 2000+ lines of Spark code yourself, with guidance, and you will become a rockstar. This course is for Scala programmers who are getting started with Apache Spark and big data. The course is not for advanced Spark engineers.
★★★★(4.4-star rating)

Intro to Big Data, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Julia Mariasova via Udemy
You will learn about big data, Internet of Things (IoT), data science, big data technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) algorithms, neural networks, and why this could be relevant to you even if you don’t have technology or data science background.
★★★★(4.3-star rating)

Managing Big Data in Clusters and Cloud Storage (Free)
Ian Cook via Coursera
In this course, you’ll learn how to manage big datasets, how to load them into clusters and cloud storage, and how to apply structure to the data so that you can run queries on it using distributed SQL engines like Apache Hive and Apache Impala. You’ll learn how to choose the right data types, storage systems, and file formats based on which tools you’ll use and what performance you need.
★★★★(4.3-star rating)
Article updated on 11th Jan. 2023