In this article you can find online courses to become a React master.
React is an open-source, front end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications.
However, React is only concerned with state management and rendering that state to the DOM, so creating React applications usually requires the use of additional libraries for routing. React Router is an example of such a library. And also large and complicated applications are required to make AJAX calls to fetch or mutate data. You can use any library you like with React such as Axios, JQuery AJAX or the browser built-in window.fetch.
React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes.
Declarative views make your code more predictable and easier to debug.
With our following 20 online courses, you’ll be able to build awesome projects for your portfolio. You will be transformed into a modern React guru by learning how to build fullstack applications in no time. You will gain an in depth and clear knowledge about React and even learn how to code your own plugin on a WordPress website.

React JS Masterclass
SoftTech Academy via Udemy
This Course is on React Js, we have structured content from Redux, Hooks and MERN on this Course! We will be focusing on real world project which will revise you all the skills you obtained from this course in one single project. As ReactJs is javascript library which support both front end at web and back end at server, it is mainly used for creating user interfaces and creating web applications. By the end of this course you will be able to understand the flow and methods on React and how to use it for creating real–world project!
★★★★★(5-star rating)

React Native: Beginner Practical Guide [2022]
Fadi Nouh via Udemy
React Native is growing at a fast pace, while more and more companies of any size are adopting it to build cross platform applications with a single code base. In this course we aim to teach React Native flow and its secrets by building a real world project where we aim to have a solid foundation into React Native framework as well React Hooks and Functional Components. You will build a mobile application targeted for both iOS and Android environment while you learn the responsiveness of the style, navigation between screens and get and manage data from an external API.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

A Complete Guide to the JAMstack and React E-Commerce
Zachary Reece via Udemy
Get ready to build the most modern, comprehensive, feature–rich, full stack e–commerce platform in any online course! By the end of this course, you’ll be completely confident in building large applications with complex functionality all on your own. With over 75 hours of content across more than 475 lectures, this is a complete full stack masterclass! I’ll be teaching you everything there is to know about building powerful full stack applications from scratch based on the next–generation JAMstack architecture.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Advanced React For Enterprise: React for senior engineers
Kati Frantz via Udemy
Welcome to the React for Senior engineers course !! Knowledge of React is 100% required for this course. I’ve been working with React.js for over 5 years now, and I am so excited to share with you the skills needed to thrive as a senior React Engineer. Do you want to build and architect react Apps like Microsoft and Github Engineers? This course is for you! We’ll build our very own design system from scratch.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

React Hooks Tips Only the Pros Know
Maurice de Beijer via Udemy
Are you loving React but new to the Hooks API? Are you already using React Hooks but not sure you are doing the right thing? Or maybe you are sometimes getting tripped up by some of the React Hooks details? In this course we are not just going to look at how to use React Hooks. We are also going to go behind the scenes and dive into the source code of React and the React ESLint rules to see why hooks work the way they do.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Django with React | An Ecommerce Website
via Udemy
In this course, we will build a completely customized eCommerce / shopping cart application from scratch using Django & REACT. This is not a documentation–type course. This is a jump in and get your hands dirty course where by the end, you have an actual real–world project to use and put on your portfolio.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

React and Typescript: Build a Portfolio Project
via Udemy
You’ve learned React, but what now? Time to build an awesome project for your portfolio! There are hundreds of resources online for teaching you the basics of React, but few of them go beyond the basics. You need more – something to teach you how to build a large, interesting app. Something unique, something more than another to–do list. Do you want to Prove your React knowledge to employers? This course is your answer.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

The Complete React Redux Node Express MySQL Developer Course
via Udemy
Building. fullstack applications (frontend + backend) with the React Noode MySQL is very popular – in this course, you will learn it from scratch at the example of a complete project! In this course, we’ll build an entire project and you will learn how these different technologies work together step by step. We’ll first have a look at all the individual building blocks, so that we then can also combine them all into one amazing application by the end of the course.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

React Certification for IT Freshers (with HTML5, CSS3, Js)
via Udemy
Congratulations! You found the most complete and most comprehensive course online for learning all the important concepts you need to get a job as a Professional React Developer. This course is specifically designed for Freshers who want to start their career in the IT industry as a web developer. After a lot of research we have listed down the most important and most common skills that the majority of the companies are looking for in a Fresher to hire him as a React Developer.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Stripe Masterclass With React.js & Node.js
via Udemy
You will build a real world fully functional e–commerce site with React, Hooks, Context API, Node.js, Express.js and Firebase with the following features: Node.js Server with Express, React frontend, Fully function e–commerce cart built with only functional components, hooks, & the context API, 3D Secure payment handling with Stripe, Manage Stripe customers and save credit cards for future use, Securely listen to events from Stripe via webhooks, Learn how to read the comprehensive Stripe API documentation.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

The essential guide to GraphQL + React
via Udemy
So you want to finally learn GraphQL and use it with your React apps ?. This is the course for you. We will start from the very beginning, from I don’t even know what GraphQL is .and why should use it ? to actually understand how GraphQL works and make it work with your server and client. You will learn all the logic and you will practice GraphQL in different modules. At the end of the course you get a full React mini course, so you get two courses for the price of one.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

React & Firebase: Code & Deploy a Realtime App in 90 Minutes
via Udemy
Build and deploy your own fullstack, serverless app with React and Firebase in an afternoon! 90% of programming courses spend 10+ hours covering every single detail of a technology, but never show you how to build anything with it. Welcome to a course based around a better, faster, more practical way to learn what you need to know. This was made from the ground up to respect your valuable time, with no fluff and lengthy explanations.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

9 React Projects
via Udemy
In this course we are going to make 9 React projects that will help you get a better understanding of React JS, alongside with having great projects to showcase on your portfolio. These are the projects we are gonna be making: Typing Game, Todo App, Dynamic Gallery With Masonry Layout, Book List App, Shopping Cart, Github App, Text Generator App, Image App, Recipes App.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Complete React Bootcamp – Build Hands on projects
via Udemy
Learn React or dive deeper into it. Learn the theory, solve assignments, practice in demo projects, and build one big project called : Todo list app. This course will start at the very basics and explain what exactly React is and how you may use it (and for which kind of apps). Thereafter, we’ll go all the way from basic to advanced. We’ll not just scratch the surface but dive deeply into React as well as popular libraries like react–router and Redux.
★★★★(4-star rating)

React Hooks Ultimate Guide | eCommerce Project | 2021
via Udemy
This course is amazing. Everything is explained in depth and clear. All the concepts that are explained in theory are built into an interesting and easy ecommerce project to understand where to use which concept. By end of this course, you will have your own eCommerce app where the users can register, login – search, filter shop products – as well as they can see previous orders, can add products to cart, buy products.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

React, React Redux and Redux Saga – Master React State/Hooks
via Udemy
This is an amazing course that has more than 40 lectures released and another 60 lectures to come. This course will take you through the whole process of creating a complete application using React, React–Redux, and Redux–Saga. Step by step, improving the application further in each class. The first part of the course will start by creating the UI for an amazing React application.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

React Projects – Build a Calculator
via Udemy
In this course I will walk you step by step through how to build a calculator with React from scratch. Throughout the course you will learn to use React Components, as well as basic React Hooks. By the end of the course you will have created a fully functional calculator that you can add to your portfolio.
★★★★(4-star rating)

React – testing
via Udemy
This course is not just a theory and bullet points about testing React. In this course, we test real application and you will gain not just knowledge but also practice. We will focus on testing web application in React. I will explain why it’s worth testing and what tools we should pick for testing react application. We will be talking about many different aspects of testing: Unit tests, integration tests, snapshots, test runner, describe, before and after tests, skip tests, loops, matchers, truthy and falsy, and many more.
★★★★(4-star rating)

WordPress Plugin Development with React.js (2021)
via Udemy
This course aims you to teach you how to code your own plugin on a WordPress website. We are going to learn together how to start, how to activate our plugin and how to change our content dynamically. At the end of this course, i’ll provide you the entire plugin as files to use. You understand now why React can be a powerful ally. There are many other reasons to use it but the main one: it’s the most common framework asked on job market.
★★★★(4-star rating)

Next.js & React – The Complete Guide
via Udemy
I created the bestselling Udemy course on React, now I’m super excited to share this course on NextJS with you – an in–depth course about an amazing React framework that allows you to take the next step as a React developer and build real, production–ready projects with React and Next.js! NextJS is a great choice for growing as a React developer and for taking your React apps to the next level!
★★★★★(5-star rating)