This course has met my expectations perfectly. The instructor is clear and covers everything in a way I understand.
I’ve been using Unity as a hobbyist for about 3 years now, and in the last 6 months my understanding of it has really just sky rocketed. This was time to actually make and FINISH a project. So I grabbed this. I’ve learned quite a few things already. He explains things frankly speaking better than most. He is deliberate and does not overwhelm you with knowledge. He takes it module by module so you can digest it carefully and retain it. It’s paced extremely well. I’ve watched about 3 hours of it so far, and while most was review so far…there was some info that I simply did not know. So far not disappointing. I’m rather pleased in fact. –Review from student Paul
I found the starting very slow but it was covering the very basics of Unity and C#. Once it get into the next sections it was brilliant. I’m not even half way through and I’m loving it. – Warren G.
Do you love Battle Royale games? Do you want to take your own spin at the genre? This is the perfect course for you.
Instructor Details

Courses : 91
Specification: Build a Battle Royale from Scratch with Unity and Blender!
6 reviews for Build a Battle Royale from Scratch with Unity and Blender!
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Price | $12.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 56 hours |
Year | 2019 |
Level | All |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$99.99 $12.99
Wajid Ali –
The Course is great so far is what I was looking and expecting from the instructor. Everything is clear and professional.
Antonio Protonotario Maga a –
So far, so good! really like the tutor’s tone and delivery. Learning here.
Marko Rangel –
Outdated version of Unity that I am using is missing asset import and build is failing on running as is instructed
Nick Price –
I’ve watched / taken several Unity tutorials. What I like about this one is the detail that the tutor goes into
Sandro Pesce –
Gestern hat der Kurs 11,99 gekostet und war nur noch 8h Stunden zu dem Preis erh ltlich!!! Heute, nachdem die 8h Stunden vorbei sind, kostet der Kurs nur 10,99 !? Das ist verarsche!! Diese Bewertung, bewertet nicht den Inhalt des Kurses.
Denise Firlinger –
Es wird sehr gut erkl rt, auch wenn es f r mich pers nlich manchmal zu ausf hrlich ist. F r komplette Anf nger ist dieser Kurs mit Sicherheit perfekt geeignet, f r jene, die schon ein bisschen Erfahrung mit dem Programmieren haben, k nnte es anfangs etwas langatmig sein. Nichts desto trotz ist der Kurs sehr vielf ltig gestaltet und ich bin gespannt, was noch auf mich zukommt.