Cloud computing systems today, whether open–source or used inside companies, are built using a common set of core techniques, algorithms, and design philosophies – all centered around distributed systems. Learn about such fundamental distributed computing “concepts” for cloud computing. Some of these concepts include: clouds, MapReduce, key–value/NoSQL stores, classical distributed algorithms, widely–used distributed algorithms, scalability, trending areas, and much, much more! Know how these systems work from the inside out. Get your hands dirty using these concepts with provided homework exercises. In the programming assignments, implement some of these concepts in template code (programs) provided in the C++ programming language. Prior experience with C++ is required. The course also features interviews with leading researchers and managers, from both industry and academia. This course builds on the material covered in the Cloud Computing Concepts, Part 1 course. The University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign is a world leader in research, teaching and public engagement, distinguished by the breadth of its programs, broad academic excellence, and internationally renowned faculty and alumni. Illinois serves the world by creating knowledge, preparing students for lives of impact, and finding solutions to critical societal needs.
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Courses : 3
Specification: Cloud Computing Concepts: Part 2
49 reviews for Cloud Computing Concepts: Part 2
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Zhong Z –
Shawn W –
very good course!
Jason Z –
Great Course!!!! I have learned a lot for P2P system, and replica etc. Thank You!
M L –
Very challenging and very well presented material. I wish all coursera courses could be this way.
MichaB M –
Very interesting course if you want to learn about inner workings of distributed systems. Lecturer was very knowledgeable and provided good examples. Exams and quizes were pretty challenging and fun. I love that there was a practical programming assignment. I would only suggest to tweak the template for programming assignment as it was a little bit limiting. And maybe allowing for different programming languages other than C++.
An G –
Learned a lot
Hugo G –
Just the same as the first course. Medium hard quizzes and a hard programming assigment that is actually harder to understand than to develop. Overall a five star course.
Albert C G –
Thank You Indy for a most challenging Course. I have taken >25 coursera courses and I would have this one is the most challenging. The C++ development project really strengthens your Computer to Computer Protocol Communication ability. Five stars all the way.
Patrick S –
Similar to the Part 1 of the course, it has really good lectures and a very poor programming assignment. The lectures are very good: relevant and algorithms are explained step by step. The talks about real world cloud applications are great for people in my position, looking to “scale up” a business operation by using cloud. The programming assignment compounds upon the problems of the first one. The biggest issue is that it asks you to use code from the first assignment, so if your first assignment was not implemented very well, expect to have to fix that to even continue. It continues the trend of improper use of pre C++ 11 concepts, and causes even more problems due to the design of the problem to solve.
Can C –
very helpful for my exam
Syed A N R –
In continuation with Pt. I, this course delves into many more interesting topics. There’s a significant scope of self discovery and learning.
Thibaut C –
Good, but not a fan of using C++ and that made the programming assignment tricky, especially since can only chnage a few things and the provided code is not always very well explained.
Anil K P –
Miklos A R –
Great course, I would recommend to everyone who wants to understand the basics of cloud computing. The course material is excellent, the instructor Indy is phenomenal and the exams are marvelous.
Zhikun L –
This part is, in my opinion, easier than the first part
Yuxiang L –
A decent overview of cloud computing concepts. Learnt a lot from the programming assignment.
Jason N –
Great course with lots of good knowledge. Same issue as Cloud Concepts part 1 the mandatory programming assignment is coded in older style C code (not newer C++11 syntax or equivalent comments) so most of the time was spent deciphering what came out of the box thankfully had Part 1 as a guide so not too harsh. I had trouble with autograde submission, but ultimately overcame it with persistence.
Timur O –
very informative
Ramon G F –
I think it is perfect. Excellent theory, excelent teachers, interesting topics well understood and well explained
Xuyan X –
The professor Indranil Gupta is the guy who can talk very fast but clearly:) Five stars.
Alejandro –
I ended up struggling with c++ more than with the algorithms. Also for people who have kids and full time jobs is very complicated to complete on the time given and have to constantly request for new time.
Ahmad H –
Very nice and informative course, and the programming assignment in the end of the course is so helpful to understand and apply the theoretical concepts that was introduced during the course
Gideon P –
I enjoyed the lectures. Having said that, topics seemed disconnected. The final assignment was, in my opinion, a bit out of the scope of the course. Though I did research on my own and completed it, I was unequipped to do so solely from the course material.
babuji –
Excellently taught by prof
Wojciech K –
This was a great and interesting course just like the first part. However, I only gave 4 out of 5 as it the matrial was getting less and less specific to cloud computing towards the end. It covered topics that would still be important in cloud computing, but weren’t cloud computing per se. I knew most of that already from elsewhere and that’s what the expectation should be on the learners. Otherwise, it feels like a waste of time for people who already know it.
Michael M –
Awesome class for software engineers. If you haven’t take it in college, or need a refresher, this is a great way to do so.
Good course. Gives you a good overview of cloud computing paradigms. Cloud Computing I and II both are quite informative courses.
Abdul Q –
It was an awesome experience to learn and explore key areas of distributed systems in clud computing concepts
Aditya K –
I couldn’t quite appreciate the utility of topics like sensor networks or structure of networks. Other than that, the course was fine and the programming assignment was interesting.
Styliani P –
This course was excellent. As a distributed systems engineer I found it very educational and well designed. I was able to refresh some of the concepts and put my knowledge into a better context. Big thank you to the instructor for creating this wonderful learning material.
Edwin B –
I have really grown to like Indy’s presentation style. He manages to give high quality lecture after lecture, with very few exceptions. In this entire class, only a few minutes of AFS presentation seemed like it could be improved. The programming assignment took a bit more work for me this class, even though it was actually easier. I wished that the differentiation between the MP1 and MP2 styles of calling the EmulNet network was spelled out in the instructions. Lack of an example of how to use the MP2 entrypoints into the API had me trying to implement an entry point (which would require more work than was likely expected).
Luis R –
Great course. Looking forward to completing the whole specialization!
Vladimir F –
Quality material and presentation. Two problems with the course: 1) There is incredible amount of material covered every week, which is great, on the one hand. On the other hand, it’s very hard sometimes to see the forest for the trees. It obviously also limits the depth of the material covered and the understanding thereof. 2) The final programming exercise is lacking in quality probably the weakest part of this course. There has been obviously a great effort made to prepare this exercise, but the code quality is very poor, not to mention sparse and poor code documentation. The exercise specs are not specific and detailed enough it took some time guessing about what is actual algorithm is required to implement. I’ve spent much more time trying to understand the code and the exercise requirements than actual on actual programming. I can imagine how frustrating this experience must be for a novice/unexperienced programmer. This review is relevant for both parts of C3.
Igor K –
The content of this course is good. Some of the quizzes are little bit too tedious.
Esteban L –
Good course. The style is similar to part 1. However, some parts of the course will leave you with questions unanswered. For example, some algorithms are based on the assumption that server never crashes. Failure handling with these algorithms is unexplained. Additionally, although the programming assignment is not as easy as that of the first course, it is in my opinion overly simplified compared to what it would be in a real life situation.
Stefan J –
Would really help to get the correct answers for the questions one failed once the test is passed. The programming assignment could use additional tips and help
Kuda –
Very theoretical course but very helpful to understand the cloud
Austin Z –
High quality course content that mirrors a top university distributed systems course. If the course could improve its assessments and project it would be 5 stars. The quiz feel unfair at times when they ask questions that weren’t covered or not emphasized in lecture. The final project is the biggest negative of the course. It is tedious and you will spend more time learning the template code and reverse engineering the auto grader than you will implement anything. I’m still not sure why they made an “entry” class but didn’t use that data type in their “Hash Table” implementation… On the bright side this project is better than Part 1 because it actually allows you to use newer c++ concepts and not have to deal memcpy and low level details.
Dileep P –
Content should be updated(like case studies etc). Assignment needs to be improved a lot. Cod Template and GraderScript is not well thought of all possibilities
Cenxui L –
good to know cloud computing
Vasily L –
Like CCC p1, this is a very useful course, with as usual detailed, and comprehensible explanations of Mr. Gupta. However, p2 covers some of the topics a bit too superficially. E.g. explanations and demos of Apache Storm and Spark could be better.
gaurav –
The course gives an advanced overview of the distributed system. The programming assignment was hard to crack but there was a lot of learning involved.
Diancheng W –
This course is overall pretty good, but some content may be a little obsolete.
Oren E –
Good and informative course. Somewhat more manageable that CCC1; however; the programming assignment was once again a challenge… which is a good thing.
Oleg –
Good: 1) Informative, clear slides with only relevant information on it. 2) Good speaker. Just excellent. No less. 3) Presence of programming assignment. It’s extremely important to get hands on experience. Bad: 1) Programming assignment itself. Code is not c++, it’s c with classes. No const correctness. And the requirement that if only 1/3 of replicas is available, read fails is incorrect.I guess that here the community could help. 2) Seems like no one from university actually reads the forum, no feedback from them.
Naman M –
The first 3 weeks of the course were very conceptual and interesting, but I felt that in the last 2 weeks, the course petered out a bit. I was running out of time and hence decided to attempt the quizzes without first going through the material. To my surprise, I was able to logically answer a lot of questions from what I have already studied in non cloud topics in my CS degree. 4 stars because I felt much of the last 2 weeks wasn’t quality teaching material but just examples of different things. Will still recommend for all the topics it covered!
Michael –
Great course. Programming assignment is challenging, but worth it to complete.
Erik H –
Very good course to get into cloud computing. The programming assignments are on the challenging side so make sure to start early
Arseni L –
Programming assignment is very immature. I’ve encountered few segfaults (in provided code, not mine). But the rest is good