This course is about getting you up–to–speed quickly on the fundamental computer science concepts you are going to be expected to know if you want interview at any large Silicon Valley tech company (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, or Spotify).
Topics include
Linked Lists
Big O notation
Stacks & Queues
Hash Tables
Binary Trees
Binary Heaps
Dynamic Programming & Memoization
Bubble Sort / Merge Sort / Quick Sort
Breadth First Search
Depth First Search
What you get
With this course you get
Over 115 beautifully hand crafted HD videos walking you through every aspect of how all these data structures and algorithms work
Practices questions and personal walkthroughs of the most commonly asked interview questions
My personal notes on interviews I have personally had with Spotify, Facebook, Amazon, and others
A section called The Classics where we walk through classic interview questions no interviewee should be with out
Interview tips on soft skills big tech companies look for when hiring and techniques on how to answer
What you save
By investing in yourself with this course you are saving yourself the most precious thing you ve got – time. I have spent a year scouring the web looking for the best examples, the simplest explanations, the best visualizations on how to explain how this stuff works, and assembled it all into one, quick, easy to digest place.
Instructor Details

Courses : 2
Specification: Data Structures and Algorithms Bootcamp
23 reviews for Data Structures and Algorithms Bootcamp
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Yue Chen –
Very quick and precise delivery of course content. Would definitely recommend for developers with intermediate knowledge in working with data structures or looking to prepare for interviews. Beginners will also benefit from this course but will need adequate practice and watch the videos repetitively for understanding context as these videos are short.
Jagpreet Singh –
Sourabha Bailur –
Best one to brush up all the Ds important topics quickly.Explanations using figures were very helpful!
Yakkali Sreenu –
Video rendering issues
Adeyemi Olaoye –
I like how descriptive the instructor is, the code labs and the key interview points.
Sufana Gulshan –
Liked the course content. All topics explained well with code. Exactly what I was looking for.
Svetlana Jugai –
This is a very good course! Do not regret of taking it. Everything is described in an interesting and easy manner.
Serkan Usta –
There isnt enough example in this course.
Christophe Labarere –
The perfect refresher for me…
Rajib Ghosh –
fast paced
Narendhiran Simba –
Pause n play option not working in middle of the play
Anand –
Great course if you wanna learn DS & Algos by practice and examples in Java. Nothing more can be expected from the author. Awesome narration and explanation. Thanks for all your efforts into this. 🙂
Diwesh Anandpara –
Study material is just outstanding and definitely meeting the learning requirement Thank You!
Hatice –
I am currently taking the course for my online interview with the amazon. I completed half of it. It is just I was looking for. Clean, Short, Effective and just Great. Instructor explains concepts exhaustively in a clear way. I always felt bad about DS and Algorithms. Hope it will change and I will kick interviews.
Nicklas Pillay –
Amazing stuff been jumping around courses for Data Structures for the last 2 months, this is the best in my opinion, pace was spot on, content was fantastic, lecturer was great. A lot of concepts just hit home much better now. Also enjoying the bonus questions. Thank you!
Lucas Santiago Garcia –
This course is amazing, it has so much content, and It’s explained really well! Thanks for the course!
Lounis Zenad –
This course covered everything I needed for the skills tests given during interviews.
Jinal Mamaniya –
It contains all the necessary and required information about Data Structure which will eventually help us to think and write down code logically.
Evan Russell –
I really like how Jonathan made the course! He explained everything very well, provided awesome examples, replied back to questions clearly, thoughtfully, and pretty quickly, and made learning data structures really fun! The only thing that prohibited me starting out was that I was a beginner with Java when starting it, but even then, it’s not at all a deal breaker. I learned how to think not only as a programmer, but think in terms of algorithms and where to apply them. I recommend this course to anyone wanting to learn data structures!
Hammerhead96 . –
The Big O Notation in particular was confusing. Throughout the course, over and over wrong information was provided and then a pop up note gave a correction. End result I am still confused on Big O Notation. Most the rest was good.
Leandro Silva –
Very good course.
Igor Mel o –
Amazing course. The explanations are so clear and helped me understood some concepts easily.
Sudhanshu singh –
This course has been really fun to take a brief look at the Data structures, however I was expecting a detailed window into the realm of trees and graphs but anyways it was a good enough demonstration as a first step in the ladder for me. Opening music was a cherry, made the boring most lectures attractive to start with. Thank you!