Telegram has become a popular messenger software, by this being said today Telegram has reached millions of people, which makes Telegram a very popular program & app. Some years ago they released the feature to create your own custom telegram bots using various programming languages & so wouldn’t it be cool if you could make your own custom amazing telegram bot using the programming language Java?
So my name is Pascal and this is why I created the course, basically I will be the leading instructor of this course, who will lead to you to amazing and efficient results in creating your own custom telegram bots using Java. We will start from the complete beginning, which means you do not need any experience of any programming language or anything else, you just need a registered telegram account and motivation to learn something completely new. We will literally cover everything, which means we will cover how to create & host your bot, write our first program, talk about commands & other features provided in telegram, working with API changes and much more, which is and could be useful for telegram bot development.
This course was designed with high–quality lectures, materials and resources, which provides you absolute everything you need to become an advanced telegram bot developer. Also everything what will be shown in the course is completely free so you do not have to buy anything else for this course, everything is provided for free or other free steps are shown, if something is paid.
Specification: Ultimate Guide | Develop Telegram Bots (Java)
1 review for Ultimate Guide | Develop Telegram Bots (Java)
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Price | $12.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 4 hours |
Year | 2021 |
Level | All |
Language | English ... |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$19.99 $12.99
Malky Muts –
This course was awesome and also a very helpful Instructor providing you with information and much knowledge about telegram bots. Great!