This course is intended for the Master’s student and computer engineer who likes practical programming and problem solving! After completing this course, you will have the knowledge to plan and set–up a real–time system both on paper and in practice. The course centers around the problem of achieving timing correctness in embedded systems, which means to guarantee that the system reacts within the real–time requirements. Examples of such systems include airbags, emergency breaks, avionics, and also multi–media systems like video playback and QoS in web servers. The course teaches how to plan real–time systems in theory using established mathematical proofs and how to implement them in practice by using the most common scheduling methods. We also learn and how to program the system in the C language using the FreeRTOS real–time kernel. Finally we have a look at the future of real–time systems namely multi–core real–time systems! This course focus on the learn–by–doing approach with many examples and real–world programming assignments. We have 5 modules, each with a gentle graded quiz in the end and one peer reviewed programming assignment. In case you have no experience with C programming, please check you a practical course like: https://www.coursera.org/learn/arduino–platform The course is actually quite …
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Courses : 1
Specification: Development of Real-Time Systems
46 reviews for Development of Real-Time Systems
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Price | Free |
Provider | |
Duration | 17 hours |
Year | 2016 |
Level | Intermediate |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | Yes |

cristina –
This course represents a nice introduction into the field of Real Time Systems. The FreeRTOS assignments are very interesting and useful for a deeper understanding of the concepts presented in this course.
Roger.Qea –
It would be helpful if there are PDF slides which summarize all knowledge to download.
Ralph W –
I thought the course did a good job of helping me to learn about RTOS scheduling and the Simso simulator. It would have been nice to have more detail about the specifics of context switching and what happens to the CPU stack when switching from one task to another. There were a few times where the homework wasn’t coupled with the video lectures. There were very few explanations about how to use FreeRTOS and I think the basic assumption is that an intermediate C programming could pick that up pretty fast. There were also a few mistakes in the video lectures. Overall, I thought it was a good course and I have not found very many online courses that offer information about real time systems.
Werner O F S –
Great course, sometimes hard to follow for newbies. Some instructions are a bit ambiguous or unclear.
Srinivasan S –
A good blend of theory and practice that gives deeper understanding and arriving at solutions in RTS
Bill –
Assignments are quite vague in instructions and more in depth coverage on RTOS application in assignments would be more helpful.
Belkin V D –
Roberto H –
Really good course .. thanks a lot
Aditya M –
No guidance for a FreeRtos and this makes programming assignment too tough for a newbie
Dimas F –
more RTOS and FreeRTOS with various platform pls
Jose E L –
The course is quite focused on schedulers and more lectures on FreeRTOS would be welcome. Although deeper and more extensive explanations about queues, mutexes, semaphores… and many other RTOS features, would be necessary, on average the course is interesting because you learn to understand how the core of any RTOS work.
Sandesh A –
It is not a beginner level course. Very good theory. Tutorials on FreeRTOS would have been helpful for those who have not used any RTOS api before. Assignments are good but more advanced questions would have been helpful to get a better grasp on RTOS. Request you to provide advance level course. Overall very good material and teaching. Thanks a lot.
Akhilesh S –
It is a great course to understand the fundamentals of real time systems. However more hands on programming assignments are required to have a better understanding of FreeRTOS. Also, the mathematical equations involved in the design of schedulers should be explained with their underlying proofs. Putting the equations simply on slides doesn’t convey the idea behind the concepts. The course introduces you to good reference materials where the concepts are explained in a very simple and lucid way. Overall the course has great content and is worth attending for master students and working professionals.
Emmanuel D –
Strongly focused on the scheduling methods. Good introduction to freertos. I think it could be really helpful to have written notes along with the videos. I know it is a lot work to prepare this kind of document for a MOOC, but it would be a big benefit.
Aleksandr B –
Bruno D –
Very interesting course and everything was explained very good and calmly.
Mahesh K –
It was really helpful course, thanks for providing such course. + Points Nice arrangements of the topics, quiz , videos and assignments etc. Good help on the administrative queries etc. Can be improved in terms of the coding assignments . We can provide some more coding assignments with different schedulers.
Akhilesh G –
It covers very good concepts of real time systems in very brief yet so broad.
Myrzakhanov Y –
thanks for tasks
Guillermo H M –
The assignments are quite poor. They need to improve that.
Kaustubh M –
Good course for beginners who like to study RealTime systems
Ghatty R T –
I feel having in depth analysis on various scheduling algorithms would be helpful. I have learnt many things from this course.
jose c –
Great course
Sunit –
This is an excellent. Most of us know Operating System very well. But when we add “Realtime” to it then it turns out we have just some general idea about it. This course lets us gain deep insight into Realtime system and let’s us know what to expect from a real time system.
Noureddine A S –
It’s one of the best courses I had. The most important thing is that possibility of illustrating the course theoretical concepts with real examples using a well known OS such as FreeRTOS. Thanks Mr. Holmbacka and all the team.
K S K –
The course was very informative and what I was exactly looking for. The Peer graded assignments were also well curated.
Eslam M A A –
great course and contents but It needs more practical examples with embedded systems
Harshita T –
Too goooood!!
Muhammad O M –
Very Good Course which starts from basics of real time systems and gives a flavor of complexities involved in the development of real time systems. Excellent for start Real time systems Development journey…
soheir –
I recommend this course to developers who want to get understanding about RTOS and work with it .. the videos is so short that you can get boring like other courses and the assigments are really hlpfull. thanks so much to EIT Digital online university and special thanks to Dr. Simon who gave a brief explaination to the topics
Good course…Thank you
Karol P –
If you don’t know how to start with RTOS, this course will be OK for you. I think it was overly theoretical and I wish there were more “real life” programming assignments/lectures. Also adding “model” responses after you send out your work would be beneficial. Despite those drawbacks, I still recommend it.
nayir –
low quality course, it never talk in core of real time systems. it takes it from a mathematical prospective which made me confused and not interested in completing this course
david w –
Thrilled to see a course on this fairly obscure, but essential topic. Thank you!
nikhil –
esha p –
kim g –
Great class covers a lot of real time systems and scheduling using the SimSo, and FreeRtos tools
Gunjan B –
It was good amount of leaning new things related to RTOS. This course gives you knowledge to design and choose the RTOS based on your requirement of the project.
Wajeeha K –
excellent course.
Michalis P –
Interesting introductory course and easily digestible. Unfortunately I couldn’t submit quizzes and programming assignments as I haven’t purchased the course. Although I am pretty sure it will be an amazing experience for those who are interested in realtime systems.
Bassem A A M S –
The content is really very rich but the problem is that it is not consistent in terms of quizzes with assignments and videos. I think that being a peer graded assignment, it takes a lot of time to get a grade.
Abhishek R –
nice course
Dang H K –
It really good source