This course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation of Windows PowerShell 5.1. We will start with the basics of PowerShell 5.1 and end with you writing your own powerful automation scripts.
In this course we will cover the following major topics:
The basics of Windows PowerShell
Windows PowerShell system requirements
Installing and Updating Windows PowerShell
How to use the CLI (Command Line Interface)
How to use the ISE (Intelligent Scripting Environment)
How to get help and find commands within the CLI
Getting Started with Windows PowerShell
Getting Help and Finding Commands
The Language of PowerShell – Command Syntax, Objects and Properties, and the Pipeline
Setup your own PowerShell On Premises IT Lab
Basic Active Directory Domain Administration with Windows Powershell
An introduction to Desired State Configuration made simple!
And MUCH more!
Once we have covered this foundation, we will move on to writing PowerShell scripts. We will start with simple tasks before moving on to more advanced and complicated script writing.
Instructor Details

Courses : 2
Specification: Introduction to Windows PowerShell 5.1
41 reviews for Introduction to Windows PowerShell 5.1
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Joseph Greer –
The instructor could explain the cmds he is using and why. What the cmds mean type of thing.
Craig Beulah –
Yes loved the course excited for more.
Michael Giglio –
The course was a great start to powershell. It provided intial training and instruction on how to learn further as needed. The presenters were also clear and easy to understand.
Sohail Sayeg –
He goes a little too fast , if you want to keep up with what he is doing and doing it yourself at the same time, he goes through too fast for that. You have to keep pausing and restarting
William Murray –
Very well explained
Syed Muneeb Bukhari –
Nice Instructor. It’s awesome to have such learning through these types of instructors.
Mark Lucent –
Great teacher that explains things in a clear manner and shows you everything he’s doing. Definitely a great learning experience.
Ben Lortie –
great, already have a decent understanding of the syntax with only a few lesson. Been able to write some scripts straight out of the bat. Very clear and concise material
Jason Hart –
Guy Castorina –
Overall course was great, only minus was the fact that notes were unavailable in the 2nd half of courseware
Rajesh Kumar –
Scott Whitton –
The instructor is excellent working Power Shell knowledge, it’s concepts, and real world application. He teaches with clear and direct instruction. I highly recommend.
Jeff Flora –
Covered how to update powershell components offline for secure/offline environments. This is really helpful!
Vladimir –
Professor is very detailed in his explanation. i was able to follow things step by step. great course.
Amol Vaidya –
many commands like cls, or echo should have replaced with actual powershell command write host or clear etc.
Edward G Robinson –
Very good. Instruction is clear and precise.
ASmith –
Clear and well produced instructions with practical examples
Shoubhik Pal –
explain the errors arising after execution of update help command.
Scott Gausling –
it seems great so far! I feel like asking this question so early doesn’t do it justice though.
Moshe Varagani –
ANKUR Srivastava3 –
Good Sesseions
Miteshkumar Haribhai Ladani –
SCOTT Araki –
You didn’t address the errors at all.
M Sreekanta Reddy –
Ray Falzon –
Still getting introduced to the class
Michael Day –
All very good until the last few as they were specific to Windows Server
Sunil Baban Jagtap –
Bhavani –
Kamlesh Ashok Chhajed –
Good, what I expected
Rajesh Kannaiahgari –
Andrew Macmillan –
The course has whole sections missing when it comes to setting up the Domain Controller using Windows Server 2019. I also expected to be fairly proficient in powershell scripting by the end and the codeing lectures really go no further than any (seriously) basic programming tutorial
Andres Cruz –
This was great, I knew nothing about PowerShell before starting this course and now I am very confident at work as we are starting to use this more and more.
Olivier L. –
Pretty clear and very useful
Angel Cruz Del Valle –
I have a missing skill and this course allow me to close the gap.
Stanley Chang –
Great training!!
Max –
Why use powershell over any other scripting language?
Deepak Rana –
I liked the detailed information presented and the student is expected to explore further using the learning from the course. Very professionally delivered. I was sort of struggling to get the right course to learn Powershell and this one fits right in. Thanks to the instructors for all the great knowledge.
Ad Matthijssen –
Het ziet er goed uit, duidelijke uitleg. Nog te vroeg in de cursus om een compleet overzicht te hebben.
Prem Pratap Singh –
As a beginner, a lot of new things i got to learn about powershell
Sunil Kumar Noothi –
if you are beginner it’s a very good course. I learned and got clarity on so many things. If there’s an advanced version of course from Instructor Paul would be happy to purchase course.
Hyun Cho –
pretty easy to understand. he’s covering things i haven’t seen before