Are you ready to master Machine Learning techniques and Kick–off your career as a Data Scientist?!
You came to the right place!
Machine Learning skill is one of the top skills to acquire in 2019 with an average salary of over $114,000 in the United States according to PayScale! The total number of ML jobs over the past two years has grown around 600 percent and expected to grow even more by 2020.
This course provides students with knowledge, hands–on experience of state–of–the–art machine learning classification techniques such as
Logistic Regression
Decision Trees
Random Forest
Naive Bayes
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
In this course, we are going to provide students with knowledge of key aspects of state–of–the–art classification techniques. We are going to build 10 projects from scratch using real world dataset, here’s a sample of the projects we will be working on:
Build an e–mail spam classifier.
Perform sentiment analysis and analyze customer reviews for Amazon Alexa products.
Predict the survival rates of the titanic based on the passenger features.
Predict customer behavior towards targeted marketing ads on Facebook.
Predicting bank client’s eligibility to retire given their features such as age and 401K savings.
Predict cancer and Kyphosis diseases.
Detect fraud in credit card transactions.
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Courses : 10
Specification: Machine Learning Classification Bootcamp in Python
18 reviews for Machine Learning Classification Bootcamp in Python
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Steven Gonzalez –
This course is a good beginners course, but not idea for me as I’m an intermediate user.
Aman Singh –
Nice course with detailed explanation looking forward for other courses
Ilya Gotfryd –
Key concepts are well explained and only the essential amount of detail is given to move forward.
Xutao –
80% of each section is not needed.
Aayan Malhotra –
Great Course to Begin with but you have to learn much more before thinking to land for a job in this field of machine learning
Larisa Ovsyanitskaya –
Thank you very much! All materials are understandable. I recommend this course to everybody.
Pattara Tepnu –
Very good to explain about Classification Model in Python
Ananya –
I found the course quite informative Ryan has explained the concepts in a very lucid , easy to grasp manner. Will appreciate if a section on Gain Chart Lift Chart is added along with ROC Curve (Concordant Discordant pairs)
James Heine –
So far, yes, it is a good match and delivers what I’m looking for guided examples and workflows for each type of classification learning.
Karan Kaul –
For some students complaining about instructor not teaching all the concepts and reasoning behind certain actions : This course isn’t the complete intro to ML or fundamentals of Data Science. (From my POV) This course was probably made for students who already had basic understanding of data science concepts such as visualization and already had practiced on some other algorithms like regression and clustering . I already went through other D.S courses (365 Data Science) which gave me a pretty good understanding of concepts such as visualization, distributions and data pre processing . And i came to this course after those because i wanted to strengthen my knowledge on classification algorithms. I think it was pretty clear from the name of the course Machine Learning Classification bootcamp that this course wont focus on every single detail about DS. Overall the course is good and is exactly what i wanted and expected.
Mohammad Asif Nawaz –
Excellent instruction. I tried many instructors to refresh my concepts and learn new things, not that other instructors were bad, some of them were very good too, but this course structured with the Questions and Solutions codes, to the point material with targeted and simple approach appealed to my learning style, instruction pace was excellent. This course motivated me to enroll in other courses by the same instructor. Thanks.
Partha Mishra –
Excellent course , covers all the relevant Classification models
Devanshu Rai –
Gary Morford –
Getting ‘my feet wet’ stage.I know there is lots I don’t understand yet, but I am encouraged my the instructor. Definitely he is college level instructor (I have a degree in a different field). So, am I scared? Somewhat! Am I encouraged? YES!Maybe I will say more later.
Jorge Manuel P rez Aguilar –
I’m very glad of having completed this course. It focuses on the main idea about the different concepts related to each of the classification’s strategies and, above all, on practising and evaluating them.
Donat Berkes –
Gabriel Kelly –
The course is clear, concise, informative and easy to follow. I recently completed Dr. Ahmed’s course on regression analysis, and it was also excellent. Highly recommend.
Daniel Socoloff –
Very well presented!