Create a real–time REST API in Elixir, Phoenix & PostgreSQL. The language which powers, in one way or another (ErLang) Whatsapp, Discord, Pinterest etc. Then create it’s front–end app in none other than Google’s Flutter.
We will be using Phoenix Framework, the fantastic MVC framework for developing backends and full stack projects in Elixir. Consider Phoenix more like Express of Node.js but way more cooler of course. Well, Elixir altogether is cooler than any other language I code but nevertheless, one thing at a time. For websockets, we will be leveraging Phoenix Channels and we will integrate it’s client for Flutter when we move on to the front–end.
Feature wise you will be shown a list of available rooms (which you can create via the API). Then by tapping on a particular Room, you will join that room and the messages of that particular Room will be listed. Along with that you will see a message form down at the bottom where you can type and post the message. When you post that message, it will be broadcasted via Phoenix Channels (websockets under the hood) and whoever had subscribed to that room will get that new message, in real–time. Is that cool or what? Making a full–stack real–time chat app on this powerful stack.
Specification: Real-time Chat Application with Elixir, Phoenix & Flutter.
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Price | $14.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 3 hours |
Year | 2022 |
Level | Beginner |
Language | English ... |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$84.99 $14.99
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